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Thread: How to go back to the uk from the philippines as a legal resident

  1. #1
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    How to go back to the uk from the philippines as a legal resident

    Well heres the thing guys. Im on a 13a residency visa (marriage visa - permanent visa in the Philippines)

    Im a British Born Citizen.

    Now Ive been living here in the Phils as a legal resident on a 13a marriage visa. Now my question is when I return to the UK (to sort out my wifes spousal visa n stuff)

    Is it pretty straight forward?

    Can I just return and become a legal resident again or do i need to fill out some paper work or something?

    5 years ago before moving to the Phils I used to work and pay taxes , ni contributions etc.

    WHat and how do i move back?

    I still hold bank accounts and stuff all registered at my mums address?

    Also any suggestion on how and what i should do with my philippines acr - i card etc??\

    comments and suggestions welcome guys
    So what do I need to do on the UK and Phils end?

  2. #2
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    Don't know about the Phils end, but can't think of anything you need to do in the UK. Just walk back in.

    Bear in mind though that your absence (more than 6 months) will affect your right to claim benefits. (They will ask you if you've been absent from the country). Obviously whether you fess up or not is up to you.

    Other than that, just carry on with your life here and start getting together what ever you need to satisfy the UKBA if you're planning on your partner joining you.

  3. #3
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    Hi aiden, I was on a 13a probationary when I left last May (1 day before expiry - BoI thought I was crazy as I'd have to start again but there was no path to downgrade back to Tourist) ACR-i just expired (i did have the Annual Report OR but wasnt looked at), had to pay about P2000 to leave paying at a seperate window in NAIA plus the terminal fee. My circumstances changed dramatically else I obviously wouldnt have gone through the pain and cost of applying in the first place. I had no issues once back, registered with the Docs, started work with my old NI number, tax and NI deducted as normal. Only thing i did get was a letter from the DHSS saying I hadnt contributed enough contributions in the tax year so this would effect pension payments in the future.
    I went back to the RP for Christmas and just entered and left as a tourist, no issues or questions. HTH

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoholoX View Post
    .... Only thing i did get was a letter from the DHSS saying I hadnt contributed enough contributions in the tax year so this would effect pension payments in the future....
    Sorry Aiden for off topic

    BoholoX, to secure a full UK state pension you need 30 years contributions.
    (well as it stands right now)
    You do have some time to decide I think, but it's an easy calculation to make to see if it's worth paying any shortages.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    You are a UK resident as soon as you get off the plane if that is your intention.

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