do you keep things from your partner, nothing to worry about but things you think if they knew they would blow there top,i dont, i may forget to say something but nothing major, now does your partner keep things from you and when you do find out something you then blow your top, and that is why they dont say something because if they did you would blow your top, its a tricky one for them they know how we are so keep it quiet and it goes away or say something then they seem to be telling, here is what happened this week, my son goes out and hes had a great time comes in when we are fast asleep and decides to put a pizza in the oven because hes hungry aswell as drunk,well you know what happens then goes to bed with the pizza cooking, Ems gets up for her hourly pee and thinks yum yum i smell food, goes down stairs to an oven on and a charred blackened pizza and no sign of the son, well this all happened the other day and i did not know nothing about it till i overhead Ems saying to dexter about cleaning his mess, well you know what happened next, yep i blew my top, and what made it worst, my son says its ok nothing happened, DOUBLE BLOW TOP TIME, you see the less you know the better you are, my poor Em did not know where to put her face other then down into her KFC, we all have done silly stupid things in our life but things like this could cost us our lives or the house, STUPID BOY![]()