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Thread: whos the foreigner in this country

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    whos the foreigner in this country

    well just been to fetch some bread and milk from the local farmfoods and i had this thought of being alone in this country, you look in the carpark and most have the foreign plates on, then you go inside and they hit you,
    you can tell them apart from me, most are wearing black shoes and gray jogging bottoms on, a big over coat and a hoodie covering there head, they all smell and they bring all the family when shopping from sons /daughters/mothers /fathers/ grans and grandads too, and in the car is the dog, please, please please let me leave these shores before its too late

  2. #2
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    As I said earlier today in the minds of the handwringers and socialists - Another example of immigration benefiting the country

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    We can't keep blaming the Socialists Ded. We haven't had a socialist Government in this country since I was a lad. Some might well argue that this is a Europe wide capitalist conspiracy. The free movement of people throughout Europe forces down labour costs and we all know who this benefits.
    It may be worth noting that the only Government who ever gave the British people a referendum on our membership of the EU was indeed a Socialist Government..
    I would love somebody to tell me why since the Thatcher Government in 1979 to the present day we have never been allowed another referendum to decide our future within the EU despite the changes that have occurred over the years. Every other Country within the EU seems to have had a referendum at some point but not us. Why ?.

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Every other Country within the EU seems to have had a referendum at some point but not us. Why ?.
    because we are not considered important, what we think or want doesn't matter, only our votes matter to promises that will never be, the powers that be are the im alright jack stuff you porpers

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    We can't keep blaming the Socialists Ded. We haven't had a socialist Government in this country since I was a lad. Some might well argue that this is a Europe wide capitalist conspiracy. The free movement of people throughout Europe forces down labour costs and we all know who this benefits.
    It may be worth noting that the only Government who ever gave the British people a referendum on our membership of the EU was indeed a Socialist Government..
    I would love somebody to tell me why since the Thatcher Government in 1979 to the present day we have never been allowed another referendum to decide our future within the EU despite the changes that have occurred over the years. Every other Country within the EU seems to have had a referendum at some point but not us. Why ?.
    Multiculturalism and diversity has been part of the left's manifesto for years Marco, have a look at this -

    I know I keep banging on about it but it was the last Labour shower who deliberately opened the floodgates to mass uncontrolled immigration with the sole aim of rigging the future electorate firmly in their favour.

  6. #6
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Multiculturalism and diversity has been part of the left's manifesto for years Marco, have a look at this -

    I know I keep banging on about it but it was the last Labour shower who deliberately opened the floodgates to mass uncontrolled immigration with the sole aim of rigging the future electorate firmly in their favour.
    But did the conservatives argue against it when they were in opposition. Answer NO. Ask yourself why? I have a idea. Because a lot of tory fat cats who owned buisinesess would benefit from the cheap labour.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Jogging bottoms

    Yup, that's me at times!

  8. #8
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    they all try rigging the future electorate, that's all they all do,

    the state of our country is no concern to them, what is ? votes votes votes

    im sure I remember the conservatives rigging the constituent areas borders, in order to gain seats

    theres no doubts, they are all hand in hand

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    they all try rigging the future electorate, that's all they all do,

    the state of our country is no concern to them, what is ? votes votes votes

    im sure I remember the conservatives rigging the constituent areas borders, in order to gain seats

    theres no doubts, they are all hand in hand
    I agree Stewart.

    If they spent more time serving the interests of the majority of the British people instead of their personal careers, pockets and egos, the country would be in much better shape.

    Too many people in parliament are now 'professional politicians' in it for the political game.

    Millipede is a good example, but there are plenty in the other parties too.

    Anyway, we are now effectively just a state in a Federal Europe. That is where the real power lies, and our bunch of clowns are merely posturing on a make-believe stage, UNTIL some of them have the balls to leave that disasterous EU cluster-.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    But did the conservatives argue against it when they were in opposition. Answer NO. Ask yourself why? I have a idea. Because a lot of tory fat cats who owned buisinesess would benefit from the cheap labour.
    There is actually a big difference here Andy between the uneducated semi skilled EU EE warsaw pact brigade who are not interested in citizenship and voting rights and the Scum of the Earth so called asylum seekers, Congolese, Somalis, Afghans, Kosovans, Iraqis, Albanians etc brought in by the ship load by Blair and Brown. They're the rabble Millipede will be relying upon come next election who will twist the knife further into the British working class.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Every other Country within the EU seems to have had a referendum at some point but not us. Why ?.
    Three reasons, two simple, one very complex.

    The complex one - I've studied this at length and even now can't get my head around it. The EU is a huge thing, many countries use us for their manufacturing - and why - to get their goods manufactured "within the EU" and therefore past tariffs. Come out and they would go taking jobs with them, in fact to be honest it's only amazing they haven't already relocated to Romania.....seriously, think about it.
    The politicians know of the strength in numbers - the UK has been punching above it's weight now for decades and this is going eventually to end. WW2 ended the UK as a world power, it was recognised at the time this would mean the loss of it's Empire, and no doubt the politicians knew America would take our place. Footnote, without America's bullying, Suez would have been a success.
    Many other reasons - but the above are things the politicians realise, and they also realise if there was a referendum, then most voters wouldn't bother to read up on the pros and cons - especially when this would run to volumes of pages, they would vote according to whatever media swung them.

    Second reason - there's nothing in the UK constitution (Well ok we actually don't have a constitution, but roll with me here) to say we must have referendums. There's actually no reason for a referendum. The British way is we sign treaties, and that's it - word as good as our bond, forever. It just isn't the UK's way to say one thing, then a few years later say "well we actually didn't mean it".
    There's simply no reason to ask the people again. Where would it end? In theory there should then be referendums in Wales and Scotland as to if they still want their parliaments. Asked once - they voted yes - but should they be asked again? You can bet if they voted no then there would have been another referendum by now. Bit two faced really.

    Third reason - the politicians know damned well what the answer to a referendum woudl be. This is against THEIR wishes so there won't be a referendum. Simple as. Just as there are many other things the politicians would never ask the people for their opinion on

  12. #12
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I can see what your saying Ian but the fact remains that it's now changed beyond all recognition. What was started as a common market of trading partners has now become an enormous federal state admitting new smaller members for no trading reasons other than to force down labour costs within the bigger member states. I have yet to hear anybody give a reasoned argument as to any tangible benefits to the UK, France, Germany Italy etc in letting Romania Bulgaria Poland and other Eastern Europeans ..... holes into the club. They bring nothing to the Party apart from cheap labour which is of no benefit to the working man.
    I think what we voted on over 30 years ago has now changed beyond recognition and it's time to let the people decide if they like it or not. It's no coincidence that UKIP are growing in popularity.

  13. #13
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    I agree.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    You can't please everyone all the time, only some of us some of the time, so it doesn't matter what political party is in power because it will never be any different. Something to think about!

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I can see what your saying Ian but the fact remains that it's now changed beyond all recognition. What was started as a common market of trading partners has now become an enormous federal state admitting new smaller members for no trading reasons other than to force down labour costs within the bigger member states. I have yet to hear anybody give a reasoned argument as to any tangible benefits to the UK, France, Germany Italy etc in letting Romania Bulgaria Poland and other Eastern Europeans ..... holes into the club. They bring nothing to the Party apart from cheap labour which is of no benefit to the working man.
    I think what we voted on over 30 years ago has now changed beyond recognition and it's time to let the people decide if they like it or not. It's no coincidence that UKIP are growing in popularity.
    WOW, thats the best reason i have heard from anyone why i should vote , well said

  16. #16
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    WOW, thats the best reason i have heard from anyone why i should vote , well said
    Apathy is why we're in the state we are in now. If everybody who is not happy showed the mainstream parties this at an election by voting for someone different then this would send a message to them that we're not prepared to put up with what we are being served right now.
    People have the power to change things if they only realised it. Nick Clegg made a speech on Friday about immigration and Cameron is making one on Monday. Neither speech would have been made were it not for the fact that they are running scared of UKIP.

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