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Thread: Yeheyyyy. Got our visas today!!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    Yeheyyyy. Got our visas today!!!!

    First and foremost I want to thank everyone on this forum for all the encouragement that has been given to me. To Andypaul,charlwill. kimmi, barnsley-mark,tiger@tigress, louella,purplealien, flyingsparks,mach,aug06_2006,gracia143, to Sir Keith who made this very informative and helpful site possible and special mention to ginapeterb who told me "15 days is a blip cinmikey 28, again do not loose heart little flower of the Philippines....all good things come to those who wait..and you have done very well. you can call me Gagu...if the two of you are not in UK and living together within 3 months....Thanks Sir Pete. Thank you very much to all.

    I know that our visa has been granted when my fiance called up the Embassy last week. But I have to wait till I can held it in my hand. It's really a long wait for our visa. It made me crazy but at long lasts and I am so thankful that the Embassy has granted it with out interview and had been patiently waiting and bearing with us while we have to wait for a single document. Thank You!
    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Congratulations !!!!!

    Soon you will be here, where your heart belongs, and all hardships, frustrations, fears will be forgotten...

    Good luck in your new life.

  3. #3
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    Rejoice!!! Congrats!

    Book now for a flight! Book now for a flight! Book now for a flight!

  4. #4
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    Congratulations ......Im happy for you cinmickey...

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I wont say I told you so...but I told you so, best wishes little sampaguita...
    as Aromulus says,

    Enjoy your new life in the UK, we are all very happy for you

    Tssssssups !!!

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Leave the door open on the way in, that way we can get out as quick as possible
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Congratulations and hurry up so you don't miss the sun
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  8. #8
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    i am so pleased for you. congratulations!

  9. #9
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    To Eula Mackay, thank you very very much for your guidance and never ending replies to my PM’s to you. You are very nice and brialliant woman.

    THANKS again to everybody GOD BLESS YOU ALL and MORE POWER TO THIS FORUM!!!!
    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinmickey28 View Post
    To Eula Mackay, thank you very very much for your guidance and never ending replies to my PM’s to you. You are very nice and brialliant woman.

    THANKS again to everybody GOD BLESS YOU ALL and MORE POWER TO THIS FORUM!!!!
    Hi Cinmickey,
    what part of UK are you going to? If you do not mind me to ask.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    My congratulations and best wishes for you, cinmickey28!!!! All the best!!!

  12. #12
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    oh well...its Christmas now for Cinmickey28, it must be a great time of the year for her, just think coming to a new country, flying across the world, ohhhhh what a grea thrill....

    You know the song dont you all of you girls here on this forum..

    doesnt it go like this.

    Apart from being the national anthem of the OFW, its also the national anthem of the Filipino spouse/spouse to be.

    Things to think about now Cinmickey28

    Before you leave the Philippines, think about things that you need every day, just for a word of caution, most Filipinos who arrive in the United Kingdom find the country a shock when it comes to the cost of everyday living, most Filipina wives find it hard to accept what things cost in the UK, everything from food, household goods, services, car gas known as petrol here, cost lots of money, the average gas tank costs around P5000.00 to fill up, we have such local taxes called Council tax, this is to provide for the Police Service, the Fire Deparment, free school education, parks and amenities, roads, and lots of other services you probably had not thought of, there is also, Value added Tax on everything you buy, much higher than the Philippines at 17.5 per cent, there are so many taxes it will be hard for the new Filipino wife to get used to the culture.

    With the above in mind, you might want to bring some things with you, so that your husband/Fiance or same sex partner does not have to run around looking all over the country for them: such as

    Bring instant mixes like adobo, menudo mixes, instant gata, sinigang. One way of saving your husband money is to to cook your own food.

    Bring a Filipino Recipe Book (Nora Daza will be your best friend) - This will be helpful in preparing some of your favourite recipes for yourself. If you do not know how to cook, don't'll learn!

    Bring ID pictures with you. You will need quite a few in the beginning for some forms, credit/bank card applications, rail cards, etc. - 1 x 1, 2 x 2 and the most useful is passport-sized.

    If you have an international credit card issued in the Philippines, bring it here as it might come in handy for emergencies.

    Bring your Philippine driver's license. If you have a full Philippine driver's license, or International Driving Permit you can drive in the UK for up to a year. If you intend to stay beyond this time you must pass the British driving tests.

    Bring some medicine which you think will be useful. Biogesic, Decolgen and Sinutab are not available here.

    When booking your flight keep in mind that it's best to arrive in the morning, to give you time to go through immigration (it can take up to two hours because of the health screening, and having your own x-rays with you is very helpful)

    Get some pancit canton, epiderm, whitening solution, a jacket if you arrive in winter.

    Before you do leave, you will be anxious to pack your things, but please give some thought as to things that you cannot get in the UK that you rely on, although there are many Filipino stores open in major cities, its not always easy to find one inititally, London has a pretty big Filipino community, so Filipino shops are easy to find, in London, there are stores in the Earls Court area of the city, in major cities such as Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and so on, there are stores to be found, but you might think about bringing some things you will need just in case you cannot immdeatly find a Filipino food store, if you look around major cities, there are many oriental food stores also, these tend to stock filipino food items, such as Datu Puti, vinegars, sauces, and things that you are used to seeing back home, make use of them until you find the best store for your needs.

    At this stage you should be all set to leave the Philippines, ensure you have your passport with you, and that it has an emigrant sticker in it duly authorized and signed by the Department for Foreign affairs, take note You will not be allowed to fly without it many immigrants to the UK have been denied boarding by the Bureau of Immigration at Ninoy Aquino international airport, and Mactan International airport Cebu, because they do not have an emigrant stamp.

    Next you must pay the departure tax for all Fiipinos who leave the country, the tax is around Php 1620.00 at the time of writing, this is normally paid when you book your ticket, just remember, you cannot have your husband/same sex partner book your ticket for you in the UK, it must be booked and paid for in the Philippines, because at that time, the travel tax is added into the cost of the ticket, the Filipino authorities seem to be pretty good at spotting that you have not paid it, if they think you have not, they will ask you to pay the tax before you pass through Immigration to the airside lounges.

    Once you have checked in for your flight, and you have passed through immigration, you will also pay the airport tax that all departing passengers pay, it is US 10.00 or P550.00 or it may have gone up slightly.

    Ensure you are not carrying any plants or prohibited foodstuffs, as you may be stopped by HM Customs and Excise officers in UK, should they pick on you for any reason, do not under any circumstances carry anything in your luggage into the United Kingdom, which has been given to you by another Filipino, whilst it may seem over the top, carry things for others is a bad idea, especially if you do not know what is in the package.

    And I MEAN NOTHING !, it is dangerous to do so, terrorism and drugs are major considerations here in the UK, never allow anyone to pack your suitcase for you, although you have been issued with a 24 month entry clearance visa, entry clearance can be denied by UK Immmigration officers if something is not quite right.

    On the aircraft about 1 hour out of entry into the UK the airline cabin staff will issue you with a landing card, anyone who is not a British Citizen must fill in a landing card, that includes temporary residents, permanent residents, this is a small white card, you should at this stage fill in the landing card, this will be required to be handed to UK immigration service officers on landing, most flights come into London airports, although some do fly direct to Glasgow International in Scotland, Emirates and Cathay Pacific now operate from Dubai and Hong Kong and fly direct to Scotland, if you are flying on Emirates,Gulf Air,Etihad,Cathay Pacific,Singapore Airlines,Malaysian Airlines,Kuwait Airways, Qatar Airways, most of these carriers fly into Terminal 3 at Londons Heathrow airport, if you are connecting in Hong Kong on British Airways, they have their own terminal at Terminal 4, the procedures are the same.

    No doubt your partner/husband will have arranged to meet you at the terminal, if he/she is not already accompanying you, if you are accompanied, very often your husband/partner will make your arrival seem more of a formality, but if you are alone, your first step onto UK soil might feel a little intimidating, but only at first, sometimes some Filipina spouses have been out of the Philippines before, so they are used to international airports and think nothing of it, for other first timers, it can be daunting, not to worry, on landing and exiting the aircraft, especially for the airlines mentioned above, the walk to immigration is about 15-20 minutes at Londons Heathrow terminal 3, at terminal 4 its quicker, this is because all the overseas airlines tend to fly into the satellite terminal 3, the gates are 30-45 and are about 20 minutes walk through the gangway hall, you will be directed to Immigration control, just follow the other passengers, everyones going the same way, so you cannot get lost.

    You will notice on entering the Immigration hall that there are different queues, to the right, the queue is for British passport holders and EEA Nationals, ignore the queue to the right, it does not concern you, you need to get in the queue for holders of UK residency permits and other foreign nationals, this queue can take from 15 minutes to 1 hour to get through, this is because the screening of foreigners takes longer, (I know what you are thinking - you are so used to calling us foreigners !! now its your turn to be one) don't worry be light hearted and get in the queue, the process should be a formality, don't appear afraid or nervous, you will be allowed entry, but at the same time, don't be rude to UK immigration officers,(generally Filipinos are known to be courteous and complying, so this is never an issue).

    When it is your turn to move forward to a free booth, do so, and present your passport, you may be asked questions about where your husband or partner is ? if they are waiting for you in arrivals hall, that is fine, state that to the immigration officer, you may also be told that you may have to be health screened, if so, you will be directed to the left of the queue, and to wait to see a health screening medical official, some Filipinas do have to go through this, however if you are pregnant, state that you are as such, its almost likely that you will not have to be examined.

    Once having cleared Immigration, you will then be directed down to the baggage hall, its not like the Philippines where your bags are checked by various guards, and marked and checked on taking them out of the airport, here in the UK, its not expected that someone will walk off with anothers baggage, so be aware, there is no one checking baggage at the baggage carousel, you will have to check wich carousel your flight has been allocated to, and collect your bags, once having done so, you will then have to pass through United Kingdom Customs and Excise, you will note on passing through, there are 2 channels, the Green one, and the Red one, the Green channel is nothing to declare, the red one is for people who are declaring goods that are liable to excise charges, you should in reality not have to go through the red channel, but if you pass through the green channel and have goods to declare, such as more than 200 Cigarettes, more than 1 Litre of spirits, you may be stopped by customs officers, (The customs allowance for European member states i.e. unlimited cigarettes and wine and beer, is only for those member states from inside the EU, it is not also for those outside of the EU, the normal allowances apply, so if you have more than 200 cigarettes you are liable for customs charges. it is better to declare your goods, rather than have a stop made on you.

    Once you have cleared customs, you should take your bags and carry on through to the meeting area, the meeting area at Londons Heathrow unlike your experiences in the Philippines, allows well wishers and greeters to come into the airport arrivals area, no one is barred from doing so, your husband/same sex partner, should be able to find you easily on arrival, it is most likely he/she has waited sometime for your flight to clear landing,customs and Immigration, so they will be watching for you, if you arrive and enter the arrivals guantlet as it is called, and you are not approached by your partner, for example if they are late, or stuck in traffic, do not attempt under any circumstances to leave the arrivals hall, stay where you are, until your partner comes to collect you, I have never heard of anyone being left in arrivals in this circumstance, but then there is always a first time for everything.

    i have never heard of a Filipino partner coming into Londons airports and not being met by the British partner, they are always there well before your flight clears immigration, and waiting in delightful anticipation of your arrival, its also an exciting time for them too, because the two of you are meeting again in the UK, not in the Philippines as before, some travel together back from Philippines, its not the same as you travelling alone, there is much excitement and anticipation, the first few minutes can be nail biting as you catch sight of each other, now this is not only reserved for newly ones coming.

    Even now after 3 years, I still get a exciting feeling when I know my dearest and nearest is coming through immigration and baggage, that feeling in the stomach is always there, so its an exciting time for all, enjoy it Cinmickey28, we are happy for you.

  13. #13
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    wow I am so happy for u sis cinmickey!!! its time to party now..

    when are u going to leave?

  14. #14
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinmickey28 View Post
    To Eula Mackay, thank you very very much for your guidance and never ending replies to my PM’s to you. You are very nice and brialliant woman.

    THANKS again to everybody GOD BLESS YOU ALL and MORE POWER TO THIS FORUM!!!!
    congratulation to both of you!!

  15. #15
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    cinmickey and kimmi (mommi)

    congrats congrats congrats


    hopefully i'll meet u both soon here in UK

  16. #16
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    Very helpful and informative post indeed. Should be Sticky imho.

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    hopefully i'll meet u both soon here in UK
    Don't put them off coming.....
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
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    hmmmm i think if anything is guaranteed to make someone come it's the prospect of seeing me


  19. #19
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    Congratulations Cinmickey

  20. #20
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    Well done Cinmickey. Many congratulations.


  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    sooooooooo much good news

  23. #23
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  24. #24
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Congrats great news a very good day
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  25. #25
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    a really good few days,

    like bridge said earlier, a reconciliation (me and mar) , and today 2 granted visas! Then, it's shamrock dave's birthday!

    i have actually been really happy today coz cinmikey and Mommi got their visas today!

    i am having a drink for them and i am having a sympathetically resonant drink for my fellow irishman Shamrock for his birthday


    so happy today

  26. #26
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Congrats to another happy couple..
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  27. #27
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    wow congratulations =)

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  29. #29
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    Thanks again to Sir Keith and to Sir Pete with that very informative and helpful tips I need to print that as it I dont want anything to miss.

    Thanks also Aromulus, JAMZ, Bridget, Charlwill, vbkelly, bigtombowski, joyce, alan, tiggers0608, ervenescence, somebody (andypaul), mhynne and to everybody.
    A relationship founded in GOD will last forever and will always compromise trust and happiness, as all good thoughts are derived from wisdom and faith,and trust .

  30. #30
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sis when are u going to UK?

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