I don't need to spend ages telling you why,Terpe summed it up perfectly.
I was pissed off with an the miners and unions holding the country to ransom.
The country was just a pile of washed out crap according to the rest of the world.
I was working hard earning good money,Maggie appereared and for me and many,many others was the figurehead the country needed to feel we were once again an Important country.
Sometimes you need to be pushed and to some extent told what to do,for me she took know ....,unions were strangling the country and as sad as it was for the miners she was right,it was uneconomical to continue as it was.
now call me a mean git but thats life,If I got to work and no-one wants a taxi anymore are you gonna bail me out ?
Doubt it,it's up to me to do something else.
People think the are owed a living makes me puke

It's like the measures being taken now-we have overspent but the majority of the voting public dont grasp it,they will vote for another party as they dont like being told to tighten their belts,as much as we can blame the bankers we all have to take responsability for spending too much.
We did not need the Platinum visa card £15,000 credit limit but we took it anyway and spent it,then moaned when we had to pay it back!
Moving on to the Falkands dispute,I remember being shocked when that guy came on tv and said Hms Sheffield had been sunk!
I was wanting to bomb Buenos Aries!
Our guys did us proud and as for the sinking of the Belgrano great job carried out,not our fault the junta government filled it full of conscripts,they wanted to defeat the British and failed so maybe don't invade the Falkands Islands then!
Never felt more British and proud when we defeated them and in total admiration of Maggie in her unwavering and decisive leadership.
Yes she had brutal decisions to make-but she did them and never hid away.
totally admire the woman,always will.