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Thread: goldthorpe the town that stood still

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    goldthorpe the town that stood still

    well what scum there are in goldthorpe, many was not even born when she was PM but wow, thats a place that never forgets and never forgives, looks like they all live well though, did not see many starving people, most was chuffing and drinking too,they should make it into a museum of what could happen if you dont move on and get over it,

  2. #2
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    Does anyone know anything at all about the UK coal mining industry and the overall decline?

    How many coal mines were actually closed under the Labour Government (mainly Harold Wilson) ?

    How many coal mines were actually closed under the Conservative Government (Margaret Thatcher) ?

    I'm not defending or attacking anyone just want to establish facts that are plainly ignored.

    Why do we only hear that Margaret Thatcher destroyed coal mines and the associated mining communities when the facts show a hugely different story?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Does anyone know anything at all about the UK coal mining industry and the overall decline?

    How many coal mines were actually closed under the Labour Government (mainly Harold Wilson) ?

    How many coal mines were actually closed under the Conservative Government (Margaret Thatcher) ?

    I'm not defending or attacking anyone just want to establish facts that are plainly ignored.

    Why do we only hear that Margaret Thatcher destroyed coal mines and the associated mining communities when the facts show a hugely different story?
    I posted this a few days ago under the Ex Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dies thread

    Coal had been a decaying industry for years, history was re-written by Labour and they keep repeating it until they believe it is true :-

    Declining number of pits under Wilson & Callaghan

    1964 .. 545
    1965 .. 504
    1966 .. 442
    1967 .. 406
    1968 .. 330
    1969 .. 304

    1974 .. 250
    1975 .. 241
    1976 .. 239
    1977 .. 231
    1978 .. 223
    1979 .. 219

    Declining Number of pits under Mrs Thatcher

    1979 .. 219
    1980 .. 213
    1981 .. 200
    1982 .. 191
    1983 .. 170
    1984 .. 169
    1985 .. 133
    1986 .. 110
    1987 .. 94
    1988 .. 86
    1989 .. 73
    1990 .. 65

    Perhaps someone can tell us how many pits re-opened during 1997 - 2010 under Blair and Bottler Brown

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i have no idea but i am sure someone will come along and tell us the truth, in my work i use to deliver to all the pits around that area from orgreave then upwards to barnsley, this was before the pit closers and was still delivering to them during the strikes too, yes it must have been very very hard to have your job taken, but you have to look at the job, is it safe will i be in this work for another 10 years and so on, but i beleive these people was brainwashed by there unions JOB FOR LIFE MATE, what company can survive like this, none and its proved it too,
    The area around goldthorpe is booming lots of very large companies have moved into the area and surely that is better then working down the pit for your life, but like i said before to get anywhere in life and what ever party are in goverment it is down to yourself to make a better life,

  5. #5
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    Sorry Dedworth. I just couldn't follow that other thread.
    So many opposing views with no quarter given either way.
    Those folks who lived through the Labour years and then the Tory years would need to be about my age by now.
    Sorry, I'll duck out of this one now.

    We all need to move on.
    I think about the future, that where I'll be spending the rest of my life..........hopefully

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    All the above posts are so true,but you have people who jump on the Maggie hate bandwagon and if you really believe that to celebrate someones death who at the end of the day did what they thought was best (and many,many agree) at the time then you are as sick as them.
    I detest Brown,Blair and believe the crisis we have now is far worse than under Maggies rule but when they die I will not celebrate their death-I've got more compassion and moral fibre than that

  7. #7
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    Have to be honest, as someone that comes from Doncaster (very close to goldthorpe) and a mining area, the area has never recovered from the mines closing. I don't blame that on Thatcher, times change. Pretty much all other industry in the area has collapsed as well.
    There is work in sandwich factories, call centres and distribution centres, but aside from that there isn't much more.
    Last time I was in Doncaster, I found the area to be incredibly depressing, scruffy depressed looking people, shuffling around. Travel not so far way to Leeds, Harrogate, York etc and things do seem much better.

    I chose to move away for work, and recently the possibility of moving back arose, Humber Pilots were recruiting and I'd probably had a good chance at the job, but I know that living in Humberside/South Yorkshire isn't easy now, but house prices are superb....

  8. #8
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Like terpe said you have to have lived through that era and worked in the industries that were affected to have a good idea of the devastation she caused.

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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Like terpe said you have to have lived through that era and worked in the industries that were affected to have a good idea of the devastation she caused.
    Above figures show Andy that much of the decline was caused by industries becoming uneconomic in earlier years. I went to college with two fellas who thought they had jobs for life with Kodak.................

  10. #10
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Like terpe said you have to have lived through that era and worked in the industries that were affected to have a good idea of the devastation she caused.
    Andy, if you read the post again by Terpe he never actually said anything about the industries and thatcher!

    Just looked up Goldthorpe as i didn't know where it was.
    Medieval farming village was how it was described. Yesterday proved the residents haven't moved on!

  11. #11
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Just blame Maggie for everything
    I got hangover today-bloody thatcherism

  12. #12
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    I went to school in a village called Brodsworth ( the same school as Jeremy Clarkson), and it's only about 10 minutes from Goldthorpe. Goldthorpe is somewhere if you visited you'd remember for being truly awful. A place full of people forgotten without industry.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    just because some of you thatcher doesn't mean everyone else has to, you might find it hard to believe some her.

    you just ignore the facts about poverty increased, unemployment increase under thatcher, and just because it didn't affect you, but it affected many others

    and people have a right to protest, i'm sure you lot will be when blair snuff it

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Have to be honest, as someone that comes from Doncaster (very close to goldthorpe) and a mining area, the area has never recovered from the mines closing. I don't blame that on Thatcher, times change. Pretty much all other industry in the area has collapsed as well.
    There is work in sandwich factories, call centres and distribution centres, but aside from that there isn't much more.
    Last time I was in Doncaster, I found the area to be incredibly depressing, scruffy depressed looking people, shuffling around. Travel not so far way to Leeds, Harrogate, York etc and things do seem much better.

    I chose to move away for work, and recently the possibility of moving back arose, Humber Pilots were recruiting and I'd probably had a good chance at the job, but I know that living in Humberside/South Yorkshire isn't easy now, but house prices are superb....
    I grew up in the area too. I was born in London, but my parents moved me to Scunthorpe when I was a baby (Father got a job at the steelworks - another example of a declined industry), we then moved a rural village called Westwoodside near Epworth when I was a teenager. Yep, Doncaster is a pretty depressing area, but to be honest no different to other areas with similar backgrounds. You get the same thing across the world - where towns once prospered and then fell into a state of 'disrepair'. Even in the UK you can see examples where the woollen mills were during the industrial revolution.

    RickyR - have you tried Robin Hood International Airport? sounds posh until you realise it is Finningley :-)

  15. #15
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    just because some of you thatcher doesn't mean everyone else has to, you might find it hard to believe some her.

    you just ignore the facts about poverty increased, unemployment increase under thatcher, and just because it didn't effect you, but it effected many others

    and people have a right to protest, i'm sure you lot will be when blair snuff it
    Joe, i have no affiliation with any political party in the UK.

    I was always taught to respect the dead and even if i didn't like her she wasn't some bampot dictator.

    People should show some respect for her family even if they didn't agree with her politics.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    People should show some respect for her family even if they didn't agree with her politics.
    its not just politics thou, it effected peoples lives, you'll not see me celebrating her death, but i can understand why some people will be

  17. #17
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    just because some of you thatcher doesn't mean everyone else has to, you might find it hard to believe some her.

    you just ignore the facts about poverty increased, unemployment increase under thatcher, and just because it didn't affect you, but it affected many others

    and people have a right to protest, i'm sure you lot will be when blair snuff it
    No joe difference is as much as I hate Blair/Brown and all the hardship THEY have caused I would not celebrate their death

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what hardship did blair cause ? getting 1.5million kids out of poverty and taking many pensioners out of poverty ?

  19. #19
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what hardship did blair cause ? getting 1.5million kids out of poverty and taking many pensioners out of poverty ?
    Omg you are joking Joe!
    I must have been beamed to a different planet

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Omg you are joking Joe!
    I must have been beamed to a different planet
    I've posted the link 3 times already

  21. #21
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Kids in poverty my ....! Most kids have mobile phones and eat at Mcdonalds

  22. #22
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Didn't like her wouldn't celebrate her death but certainly didn't mourn her passing.
    However there are many people North of Watford who believe she ruined their lives closed down their industry, forced husbands and fathers from reasonable standards of living on to the dole queues. Thankfully it never happened to me but I think if I had gone from being able to provide a decent living for my children to having to sign on for probably the rest of my working life I might just have carried a grudge for as long as the people of Goldthorpe.
    Having been fortunate enough to have never had to stand in their shoes I do however respect their right to demonstrate in their own village in a peaceful way. To me they were not scum but people make their own point.
    Some cynics might well suggest that the whole thing seemed conveniently stage managed for the assembled media if you know what I mean.

  23. #23
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Hmm interesting so what is the difference between 'celebrating the death of someone' some people hated to a Islamic pratt celebrating deaths of British servicemen

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
    I grew up in the area too. I was born in London, but my parents moved me to Scunthorpe when I was a baby (Father got a job at the steelworks - another example of a declined industry), we then moved a rural village called Westwoodside near Epworth when I was a teenager. Yep, Doncaster is a pretty depressing area, but to be honest no different to other areas with similar backgrounds. You get the same thing across the world - where towns once prospered and then fell into a state of 'disrepair'. Even in the UK you can see examples where the woollen mills were during the industrial revolution.

    RickyR - have you tried Robin Hood International Airport? sounds posh until you realise it is Finningley :-)
    I know Westwoodside very well. I've used Robin Hood a few times on commercial aircraft and found it fine. Also flown in and out a lot in light aircraft as recently as last summer (also from Sandtoft).

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Omg you are joking Joe!
    I must have been beamed to a different planet
    Same planet that I'm on Les

  26. #26
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Hmm interesting so what is the difference between 'celebrating the death of somone' some people hated to a Islamic pratt celebrating deaths of British servicemen
    I've got to underground for 8 hours Les but I'll think about that one

  27. #27
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    I know well all the places mentioned (grew up in Pontefact and travel to the rest regularly on business).

    Let's not forget Grimethorpe...the name of which used to describe it perfectly.


  28. #28
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Joe, i have no affiliation with any political party in the UK.

    I was always taught to respect the dead and even if i didn't like her she wasn't some bampot dictator.

    People should show some respect for her family even if they didn't agree with her politics.
    Respect for her family? Her son was a con artist who turned his back on this country to live in America. Get a grip.

  29. #29
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Andy, if you read the post again by Terpe he never actually said anything about the industries and thatcher!

    Just looked up Goldthorpe as i didn't know where it was.
    Medieval farming village was how it was described. Yesterday proved the residents haven't moved on!
    that is so funny

  30. #30
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Respect for her family? Her son was a con artist who turned his back on this country to live in America. Get a grip.
    i am going to turn my back on this country too as soon as i can ,

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