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Thread: pls check..

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Lightbulb pls check..

    hi everyone, honestly I cant sleep of too much stress with this visa, I am done with some papers, done with the online application last week , I will give you my list of papers I have prepared to pass to the visa center

    A. Sponsor’s Letter of Invitation
    B. Copy of passport Bio page
    C. Photocopy of the stamped pages
    D. Birth Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
    E. Council tax Bill
    F. Financial Requirement
    1. Bank Statement
    3. Shares statement
    H. Evidence of Accommodation
    1. Mortgage Statement
    2. Gas and Electric Bill
    I. Sponsorship Undertaking

    II. Applicant Information
    1. Photograph
    2. Current Passport
    3. Photocopy of the Bio page
    4. Old Passports (Original and Photocopy of the Bio pages)
    5. Photocopy of Stamped pages
    6. NSO Birth Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
    7. Language Certificate
    8. Tuberculosis Certificate
    9. Employment Certificate from current employer

    A. Marriage
    1. NSO Marriage Certificate
    2. Wedding Photos
    3. Wedding Invitation
    4. Receipts of the Wedding Reception
    5. Wedding Cards from the Family of the Sponsor

    B. Proof of Relationship
    1. Yahoo Messenger Video Call Log
    2. Skype Video Call Log
    3. Facebook /video messages Log
    5. Photos from first visit spent together
    6. Photos/ memories spent together before and after the wedding
    7. Bills of the Rented place in Manila

    note: another paper will be coming to add to the financial requirement.

    My husband is not working so we based on category D which really frightens me, he met the financial requirement of the category D combined with other sources.

    anyone can check and suggest as I am ready to make an appointment to submit to the visa center.
    Thank you!


  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Sorry if this appears a bit harsh, but to be honest no-one can really give you any meaningful information based solely on a list of documents.

    Many of the documents submitted with visa applications are individually customised to fit the individual circumstances.
    Yes, it's true that there are some documents that are mandatory. The contents and validity are specified in the UKBA rules.

    The major problem with lists is knowing and understanding what information is actually contained within those documents and know how that information meets with UKBA requirements.

    We all know how difficult it is to just sit and wait for the decision of UKBA.
    Everyone here wishes you all good luck for a speedy and positive outcome.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Good luck Bee, hope your application is successful and Welcome to the forum!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    Sorry if this appears a bit harsh, but to be honest no-one can really give you any meaningful information based solely on a list of documents.

    Many of the documents submitted with visa applications are individually customised to fit the individual circumstances.
    Yes, it's true that there are some documents that are mandatory. The contents are validity are specified in the UKBA rules.

    The major problem with lists is knowing and understanding what information is actually contained within those documents and know how that information meets with UKBA requirements.

    We all know how difficult it is to just sit and wait for the decision of UKBA.
    Everyone here wishes you all good luck for a speedy and positive outcome.
    no, its ok Terpe, I know well its not all about the list, that makes me so stress but I am hoping the UKBA will see the sincerity of every paper I'm going to submit. My husband tried his best to provide the necessary documents.. Its just the fear, the stress and the excitement as well with all these papers. Thank u for wishing me luck. More power to this site too!

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Good luck Bee, hope your application is successful and Welcome to the forum!
    Thank you so much..

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