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Thread: Useless!!!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Angry Useless!!!!!

    Woke up early this morning to go to Nationwide Bank Branch in Lincoln to open a savings account. Queued with my husband as usual, we reached the till, handed over the documents (passport, BRP, UKBA letters, NI number/letter) and the lady asked have you got address from the Philippines so I gave my birth certificate then she just said you cant open an account because I havent got any utility bills with my name and address on it on it so we told her our personal circumstances (Ive got docus with my address and name on it). She also said I havent got any UK i.d's (what does she call a BRP then?) So I looked at her and said your looking on the wrong part of the form, I am not from the EEA (which she was reading). I pointed her to the back of the letter where the NON EEA requirements were. She had a little read and she said you still cant open any account because you have got to have the docus that the EEA/UK Residents should have.

    It did really confused me so I said whats the purpose of that bit there in the letter saying that I only need my passport and any other docus. So she said bare with me a second Ill talk to my colleagues. She came back and said we still needs those docus that EEA/UK residents use to open an account, she said that bit that says if your not from the EU still bases the docus to the EEA requirements. So my husband said she doesnt know what shes talking, he said we are trying to do things right but people doesnt have any clue what were talking.

    Went home and wasted the whole morning on that bank.

    My point is whats the purpose of the part of the letter stating that non EU nationals only needs a copy of the passport which can be notarised by an employee and can be done in one of their branches. I have my passport, I have letters from different organisation that clearly states my name and address on it, I have got my birth certificate and my residence permit. What else do they want from me?

    Any advises please guys on where can I easily open an account and where can I talk to people with sense?

    Copy of the Identification Form:

  2. #2
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    They do make it so hard for you to give them YOUR money.

    Stupid banks.

    This is probably to do with 'money laundering'.

    I'm afraid common sense became reduntant in the banking system many years ago....hence these fussy banks lending totally uncreditworthy people and businesses money that could not be paid back, and so contributing to the financial meltdown of the world economy.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    when Ems went to open a account we took the council tax with both our names on plus the address too where we live, like Graham says a pain in the butt, put your money in my account if you want

  4. #4
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    They do make it so hard for you to give them YOUR money.

    Stupid banks.

    This is probably to do with 'money laundering'.

    I'm afraid common sense became reduntant in the banking system many years ago....hence these fussy banks lending totally uncreditworthy people and businesses money that could not be paid back, and so contributing to the financial meltdown of the world economy.
    Indeed, I mean I have provided all the possible papers that they need but obviously she doesnt know what she was doing. Money laundering malarkey surely but why they let people open an account for crime and get away with it? Its just load of b******s.

  5. #5
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    when Ems went to open a account we took the council tax with both our names on plus the address too where we live, like Graham says a pain in the butt, put your money in my account if you want
    I wish I could Steve but I havent got any yet! hahahahahaha

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    Indeed, I mean I have provided all the possible papers that they need but obviously she doesnt know what she was doing. Money laundering malarkey surely but why they let people open an account for crime and get away with it? Its just load of b******s.
    Because they accepted the fake documents provided by the crooks.

  7. #7
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Sounds like your in the same boat as everyone else on here. Paying the price for criminals.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Hi Novie, when Maritess arrived here the first thing we did was add her to my bank a/c as a joint a/c and all they required was something with both our names and address so we showed them our property rental contract that was in both our names and her Visa, within a week she received her debit card, and that is Nationwide, we were only in the bank 5 or ten minutes, "good luck" hope you get it sorted !

  9. #9
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Thanks for this Michael. We tried it to Cahoot but they dont do it anymore but we will try in Nationwide and see whats the outcome of it.

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i remember when all you had to do was wave a wad of notes at them to get an account open

  11. #11
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    This was my problem before I have to use my husbands account at work. After a few months I got a cheque as tax refund under my name from the tax office. I rang them and said they will send a letter to help me open an account under my name and it works!

  12. #12
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    Maybe sign up for an account online, avoiding dealing with branch people.

    Marvie got a UK HSBC account without even having uk residency.

  13. #13
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    Its just load of b******s.
    I am happy to see the correct use of that phrase by a Filipina. You are indeed nearly British
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  14. #14
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Not new to me at all, I was a Student once and It was so easy to open an account called Student passport account need it cos I was also working. After my then then fiance got married he wanted a joint account for as long as I can managed to keep my account open my husband was bugging me of paying two service charges whilst my account still open.

    To cut the story short, we have a joint account, I closed my own account. Then tried applying for a new account on my name to several banks I was not allowed even to same bank where we have a joint account! And I am already British!

    Now when ever buying online girly stuff I have to use my daughters HSBC account and shee just got here last year!Bullocks!

  15. #15
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    Not sure if this will help Novie, but could be useful if all else fails

    HSBC have an account called HSBC Passport.
    It costs £8 per month on an initial six month contract which is renewable monthly afterwards.

    If you get statements and other correspondence it's also a good proof of name and address

    Maybe after 6 months you can upgrade account status, or just quit and move to another bank.

    Look here

    Food for thought anyway

  16. #16
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    hi we had the same hassell aswell i have been with my building society for as far back as i can remember ,we put on an appointment and went down with all the paperwork they asked us to bring all we wanted to do was add my wifes name to my account as in a joint account we filled in forms etc and we were made to sit around for ages ,eventually the lady came back and said sorry we cant add your wife ,i said why its my account and the money in it is ours so whats the problem ,she replied,we cant do a credit check on your wife as she isnt from this country ,there for without a credit score we cant do nothing for her ,i said what do you think shes going to steal all the money out of my account,the money belongs to both of us after all she is my wife ,i then just got up and walked out in disgust , we eventually managed to open an account at the clysdale bank without a problem ,and im sure loyds bank will accept you aswell ,i dont know if clysdale have banks in england, were in scotland

  17. #17
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    Without a credit score you are of no value to the bank, as they can't sell you any of their dodgy products.

    The days when you were a PERSON with a bank account and individual circumstances are long gone.

    Now, you ARE just a CREDIT SCORE.

  18. #18
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    On my experienced I open bank account with Barclays and there's no hassle in it I bring my passport, NI, NHS card and council tax bill... When I want to open ISA on Nationwide they turn my application down because I need to be on my ILR before I can apply.

  19. #19
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post

    Any advises please guys on where can I easily open an account
    We are with Barclays but then my husband has been using this bank for how many odd years so no problems to join my name on his account just provided my passport for identity....the next couple of months I have accepted a job and I need my own single account for my salary to come in, so I went on my own booked an appointment with a personal banker , asked if i can open my own account and he then asked my national insurance number , my barclays card and the following day my confirmation and welcome letter from them arrived and then my new card and card reader for my single account arrived delivered my post.

    My only advice is dont go directly to the bank and just ask anyone , book an appointment with your personal banker , they will tell you all the rates and what accounts will be good for you, dont forget to read the small prints before signing anything , some banks have some service charge if you want to open a savings account with them.
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  20. #20
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    Seems like different banks different policies. .like others have said..get your name on some utility bills especially the council tax..(make sure the council tax start date matches your arrival date in your passport). ..Make sure spelling is correct and matches the name in your passport.
    My wife's first bank card was a proper debit card with an overdraft on offer.

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