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Thread: URGENT! What to do? Got refused !

  1. #31
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Unbelievable the hassle and intrusion that all the scumbag liars and overstayers in recent years have caused for ordinary decent Filipinos wanting a holiday here.

    Personally I'd be inclined to send the in-laws some airtickets to the Phils, invest your time and money in your business and lives there, and stick two fingers up at the UKBA until you decide to put your affairs in order to be able to apply for a settlement visa sometime in the future.

    Thank goodness the Phils BI haven't adopted 'reciprocal arrangements' !
    We would like for my in-laws to be here as well, maybe in the future! But the reason why we have to go there: not only to visit in laws but to sort out Andrew's stuff so he can send them over in the Philippines (his equipments and work tools). He just left there without sorting everything out as he just wanted to visit me and not overstay here for months (dont worry he renews his visa every 2 months ) So even if my in laws are here, Andrew will still have to come back and he doesnt wanna come back without me! My poor asawa! He keeps saying "we're already married and we're supposed to do things together!" thats why I love him so much haha. He thinks it'll be easier if I could help him pack things here and there and help him sell some of his things he wants to get rid of because he cant do it alone!

    I dont think we're gonna apply for settlement, my husband doesnt wanna live in the UK anymore So, we're just gonna enjoy sunshine and live happily as much as we can!

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Juvee, your understanding is correct. It is your are the only one who can make the else can do it.
    Gwapito made a not get confused......continue on the path you're on.
    Apoligies Peter.....too many cooks here...especially the odd bad cook like me...I'll shut my mouth now

    Good Luck ya all

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    ...I dont think we're gonna apply for settlement, my husband doesnt wanna live in the UK anymore So, we're just gonna enjoy sunshine and live happily as much as we can!
    That's my plan too......coming sooooooooooon

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    Haha thats funny, its okay! youre forgiven but you made me worried!!!!!

    Anyways, Im glad that you are now agreeing with me, ECO should consider parents-in-laws documents as much as they considered Andrew's! because they are both my sponsors in the application form! I emailed them already and will wait for 48 hours to see if they reply, and then will email them over and over again until I became pain in their a**!!! hahaha

    Unfortunately, applications under family visit visa are not entitled to appeal now! But I dont wanna give up because for me the decision was UNREASONABLE. So I will keep emailing them because I dont wanna spend my husband's hard earned £85 just because their ECO didnt read my 3 page cover letter answering everything that he stated "his concerns" in the refusal letter!

    Okay, I have to help my husband chase kittens so we can feed them! BRB

  5. #35
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Haha we should all get together like have a filipinouk forum members reunion! would be nice to get together like once a year or something, so we can talk about experiences!

  6. #36
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    'Wow' Juvee, what bad luck, the main thing is try to remain composed and very carefully compile your reapplication. You have quite a challenge ahead and I will observe your procedure with great interest and as Terpe said "Go get em" Juvee, follow what he has explained and hopefully success will follow, good luck!

  7. #37
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    'Wow' Juvee, what bad luck, the main thing is try to remain composed and very carefully compile your reapplication. You have quite a challenge ahead and I will observe your procedure with great interest and as Terpe said "Go get em" Juvee, follow what he has explained and hopefully success will follow, good luck!
    Thank you Michael! Im just glad I have you guys on my back! And here I am wanting to be a diplomat during my college days! Hahaha I guess I know now why I didnt! I would just hate myself!

  8. #38
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    I think someone at UK immigration has got there wires crossed, the letter states you are visiting your husbands family in the UK for 6 months, but the the letter reads on "I am not satisfied that you currently would not meet the financial requirement of a UK settlement application" you are not acquiring a visa for settlement only a 6 month visiting visa right! I think you can dispute this... it's their error not yours.

    Also if you have sales of assets like bike/car etc then it would be a good idea to put that money in the bank and show it on the bank statement, which should correspond to the date of the sale. If you haven't done this already.

    Also state that you guys will be staying with your husbands family in their house. If this is the case £4k goes along way. If you were to rent then £4k probably isn't enough for 6 months for 2 people. You don't need to supply deeds of your parents inlaws house. I think showing their council taxes, gas and electric, phone, internet bills would be better as they can cross reference this with the local council and service companies to show that everything is legit.

    One last suggestion, depending how close your inlaws are with their son, maybe they can transfer X amount say £8k to your husbands account (assuming he still has a UK bank account) wait a couple of months, apply again. Then when you get to UK transfer the money back. If immigration asks where the money has come from, say the truth from my inlaws. Then they'd have no objections to it, as it's impossible to magic £8k out of thin air. Which shows your intentions are for real. But your parents inlaw must show a bank statement that money went out and your husbands statement must show it was received, the transaction numbers must match up.

    Good luck.

  9. #39
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plonker View Post
    I think someone at UK immigration has got there wires crossed, the letter states you are visiting your husbands family in the UK for 6 months, but the the letter reads on "I am not satisfied that you currently would not meet the financial requirement of a UK settlement application" you are not acquiring a visa for settlement only a 6 month visiting visa right! I think you can dispute this... it's their error not yours.

    Also if you have sales of assets like bike/car etc then it would be a good idea to put that money in the bank and show it on the bank statement, which should correspond to the date of the sale. If you haven't done this already.

    Also state that you guys will be staying with your husbands family in their house. If this is the case £4k goes along way. If you were to rent then £4k probably isn't enough for 6 months for 2 people. You don't need to supply deeds of your parents inlaws house. I think showing their council taxes, gas and electric, phone, internet bills would be better as they can cross reference this with the local council and service companies to show that everything is legit.

    One last suggestion, depending how close your inlaws are with their son, maybe they can transfer X amount say £8k to your husbands account (assuming he still has a UK bank account) wait a couple of months, apply again. Then when you get to UK transfer the money back. If immigration asks where the money has come from, say the truth from my inlaws. Then they'd have no objections to it, as it's impossible to magic £8k out of thin air. Which shows your intentions are for real. But your parents inlaw must show a bank statement that money went out and your husbands statement must show it was received, the transaction numbers must match up.

    Good luck.
    Thank you for the suggestion, we have in laws utility bill on top of title deed. Our deed of sale was proof of our assets now (we are the buyer in the paper and not the seller) so we can prove that we purchased a second hand car and motorbike as our ties in the Philippines.

    They know we will be staying in their house if they EVEN read my in laws invitation letter stating that they will provide food and accommodation for me/us.

    Yes them transferring will be okay but our target date is December 2013 as it will be Dad's Birthday and it'll be nice for us to see him because they already missed our wedding in the Philippines.

    Thank you so much, we will update for anything that might come up.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    Thank you for the suggestion, we have in laws utility bill on top of title deed. Our deed of sale was proof of our assets now (we are the buyer in the paper and not the seller) so we can prove that we purchased a second hand car and motorbike as our ties in the Philippines.

    They know we will be staying in their house if they EVEN read my in laws invitation letter stating that they will provide food and accommodation for me/us.

    Yes them transferring will be okay but our target date is December 2013 as it will be Dad's Birthday and it'll be nice for us to see him because they already missed our wedding in the Philippines.

    Thank you so much, we will update for anything that might come up.
    Hi Juvee....I'm not throwing doubt on your application...Just constructive advice okay

    I don't think for one moment a second hand car and a motorbike will be enough to represent ties in The Philippines .
    You will need close family members to go with you to a solicitor and a arrange signed avidavids. This is what I was instructed to do...They will have to convince ECO why you will be coming back home on or before the end of the 6 month Visit Visa......The people doing the avidavids must have a reliabe ID

    Your in-laws will be acting as sponsors so they, like me, will have to provide proof that they have to means to look after you both...........I had to provide proof of my income and outgoings in the form of 6 months bank statements and wage slips, just like as if I was applying for the visa myself.

    I also had to provide details of my house...the main concern was there was enough room for you all to live under that one roof.....As I said before, I had to get a surveyor to do all that...none of this was cheap
    ECO do not cross reference they will act on the information you provide

    Bearing in mind I had no complications getting my mother in law here in March 2013..all very straight forward..the costs was still in excess of £700 for a £70 plus Visit Visa not to mention flights.

  11. #41
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Hi Juvee....I'm not throwing doubt on your application...Just constructive advice okay

    I don't think for one moment a second hand car and a motorbike will be enough to represent ties in The Philippines .
    You will need close family members to go with you to a solicitor and a arrange signed avidavids. This is what I was instructed to do...They will have to convince ECO why you will be coming back home on or before the end of the 6 month Visit Visa......The people doing the avidavids must have a reliabe ID

    Your in-laws will be acting as sponsors so they, like me, will have to provide proof that they have to means to look after you both...........I had to provide proof of my income and outgoings in the form of 6 months bank statements and wage slips, just like as if I was applying for the visa myself.

    I also had to provide details of my house...the main concern was there was enough room for you all to live under that one roof.....As I said before, I had to get a surveyor to do all that...none of this was cheap
    ECO do not cross reference they will act on the information you provide

    Bearing in mind I had no complications getting my mother in law here in March 2013..all very straight forward..the costs was still in excess of £700 for a £70 plus Visit Visa not to mention flights.
    Wow could be really expensive then! We will wait for the reply of the ECM, the van is in restoration project that my husband is doing, it's still not finished yet (far from it), he needs his tools back in the UK to help him finish our Dodge Ram Van. Even though they're second hand, they have significant amount of value. All in all will be at least £4000.

    We shall see what will their reply be, if they explained well why I was denied and not some stupid confusing letter, then I will just have to reapply again and this time do the affidavit from all family members that I can gather! Haha. See if they will reconsider or hopefully overturned the decision, if not... move on and hope for the best for the next application!

    Thank you Gwapito

  12. #42
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    I received a reply now from the GREAT embassy... any opinions, suggestions are welcome!

    Dear Ms Perez

    Manila Ref: 970198

    Thank you for your 2 emails concerning your visa refusal.

    Please note that the visa category, Family Visitor does not attract a full right of appeal. Kindly refer to the refusal notice for your limited right of appeal.

    You may re-apply anytime in the future ensuring that you have fully addressed all the reasons set out in the refusal notice. Whilst we cannot guarantee that any application would be successful, we can confirm that it would be treated on its individual merits. We would strongly recommend, however, that you refer to the Home Office website to ensure that your application is supported by the required documentary evidence, prior to submitting an application.

    Yours sincerely

    Ms V Lee
    Entry Clearance Assistant
    Correspondence Team, Manila Visa Hub
    UK Visas and Immigration

    Home Office
    British Embassy Manila
    T: +63 (0) 2 858 2200
    F: +63 (0) 2 858 2305

  13. #43
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Morning Juvee,

    I'm sure Terpe is the best person to answer this question, but if it were me I'd be starting the response:-

    Dear Ms Vee,

    Without prejudice I would like this to be treated as a re-submission of the original forms with supporting documentation (as supplied initially).
    It would appear from your 'Refusal of Entry Clearance' letter reference MANILA\******* that the supporting documents were not taken into consideration.

    Then go onto list the reasons you were refused and the documentation you supplied to contradict these reasons.

    However.............. please don't do anything on my say so, wait for Terpe to give you some knowledgeable advice from his experiences.

    Chin up

  14. #44
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    I received a reply now from the GREAT embassy... any opinions, suggestions are welcome!

    Dear Ms Perez

    Manila Ref: 970198

    Thank you for your 2 emails concerning your visa refusal.

    Please note that the visa category, Family Visitor does not attract a full right of appeal. Kindly refer to the refusal notice for your limited right of appeal.

    You may re-apply anytime in the future ensuring that you have fully addressed all the reasons set out in the refusal notice. Whilst we cannot guarantee that any application would be successful, we can confirm that it would be treated on its individual merits. We would strongly recommend, however, that you refer to the Home Office website to ensure that your application is supported by the required documentary evidence, prior to submitting an application.

    Yours sincerely

    Ms V Lee
    Entry Clearance Assistant
    Correspondence Team, Manila Visa Hub
    UK Visas and Immigration

    Home Office
    British Embassy Manila
    T: +63 (0) 2 858 2200
    F: +63 (0) 2 858 2305
    So, are you re-applying or sending off an appeal ?
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  15. #45
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    I emailed them with the subject "Visa Refusal Concern" my email was me asking for explanations about confusing statements in the refusal letter, about "settlement application", "did not submit evidences". It was practically a request for clarifications rather than appeal. We knew that we're not allowed to appeal but it was more like a complaint letter saying they ignored some of my documents that should be taken into consideration. At the end of my email, I even said that once they've explained why they said some of the things that I think seemed wrong, then I will move on and accept the decision whole heartedly.

    I cant appeal because I applied for Family Visit Visa already. I would probably re-apply after they've explained fully the "most confusing letter" I have ever read.

  16. #46
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Morning Juvee,

    I'm sure Terpe is the best person to answer this question, but if it were me I'd be starting the response:-

    Dear Ms Vee,

    Without prejudice I would like this to be treated as a re-submission of the original forms with supporting documentation (as supplied initially).
    It would appear from your 'Refusal of Entry Clearance' letter reference MANILA\******* that the supporting documents were not taken into consideration.

    Then go onto list the reasons you were refused and the documentation you supplied to contradict these reasons.

    However.............. please don't do anything on my say so, wait for Terpe to give you some knowledgeable advise from his experiences.

    Chin up
    I already did that on my first 2 emails but they didn't seem to READ those AGAIN! (Im not even surprised)

    Thats what their reply was. Pretty generic if you ask me. My husband was even furious after he read that and he also emailed them today say how unprofessionally they are dealing with complaints. He even emphasized that it was a complaint email and not appeal email. Asking only to clarify the raised concerns I stated.

    We will wait for their reply again. We will let you know. Husband is disgusted by their customer service!

  17. #47
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Wow! At least things are beginning to move Juvee!

  18. #48
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Wow! At least things are beginning to move Juvee!

    Thank you! Like I said I will be their pain their bum!!!! My parents in law don't know the decision yet because they're out camping and wont be back til weekend! And then they will feel my Mum-in-law's wrath, oohhh she is pretty scaryyyyy

  19. #49
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    What a shambles this outfit are it sounds like you are emailing a robot.

    It might be an idea to get your husband and / or inlaws to forward this correspondence to their Members of Parliament. They should ask the MP to demand some speedy action to resolve the situation and also question why UK taxpayers money is being wasted employing muppets in Manila who quite clearly are unable to correctly handle applications and subsequent follow up correspondence .

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    What a shambles this outfit are it sounds like you are emailing a robot.

    It might be an idea to get your husband and / or inlaws to forward this correspondence to their Members of Parliament. They should ask the MP to demand some speedy action to resolve the situation and also question why UK taxpayers money is being wasted employing muppets in Manila who quite clearly are unable to correctly handle applications and subsequent follow up correspondence .
    Couldn't agree more. I have a feeling my mother in law would really do that... she's quite vicious when things dont go her way! hahaha. Why would they hire someone who cant handle such important matters like visas. My husband said that if our concerns / complaints weren't handled properly, he will continue to move up the hierarchy until this is taken seriously.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    Couldn't agree more. I have a feeling my mother in law would really do that... she's quite vicious when things dont go her way! hahaha. Why would they hire someone who cant handle such important matters like visas. My husband said that if our concerns / complaints weren't handled properly, he will continue to move up the hierarchy until this is taken seriously.
    I'd ramp up the pressure now to avoid any further delay and push these inept people into action

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'd ramp up the pressure now to avoid any further delay and push these inept people into action
    Thats the plan, hopefully we get something done this week. I don't want other people to experience what we did, if they don't get sorted out with their treatment to us then more people will be treated unfairly. Good luck to us! Thank you Dedworth

  23. #53
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    pity appeals are not free anymore, i would ask them why they mention a settlement visa and about your husband doesn't met the financial requirement

    i would be careful about transferring money to his account , any large transactions showing on bank statements would need explaining.

  24. #54
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    There werent any large transactions as he submitted his 6 months bank statement. We're just spending cheaply here in the Philippines. I already asked them from my last 2 emails to them and no answer was given. I even made them bold so they will read it first! Thats why my husband was irritated because we just needed answers from those confusing parts of the letter and they don't give a flying F*** !

  25. #55
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear about your visa refusal. Based from my own experience, you really can't get definite answers and proper response from UKBA. They usually only use the same responses to whatever the inquiry is. Mind you, they didn't even get my correct details whenever they reply to my letters. I hope you get a proper response from them next time.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    - Proof of Ownership of our Dodge Ram Vam B250 with photos
    - Proof of Ownership of our Honda XR200 with photos
    - Proof of Ownership of our expensive equipments/tools with photos

    - Photos of my relationship with Andrew
    - Wedding Photos
    - My mother and I’s relationship proofs (photos/screenshots)
    - Emails/video call logs from my parents-in-law
    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post

    That's why I included my mother and I's facebook status updates and even our photos to show them that we are very close family as I am her only child and she's a single parent so I included in the cover letter that "I am the only thing she has in the world."
    I have read the refusal page 1 post#2..I have no doubts your parents-in-law can support you during stay in the UK but the ECO basically is not satisfied that YOU have any reason to come back the PH after your short visit...

    Assets like the ''vehicles'' is not really that much to support you and husband even living in the PH,..its very low value once you sell it given that both of you is also unemployed, savings can easily be spend and its not good to rely on...have you got any land titles(named to you), is your mum living with you and Andrew at the moment (if not do you visit her often) I might be an old school but the'' facebook status updates/ screenshots'' is not enough to prove strong family ties, and reason u should come back to PH after a short stay in the UK.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  27. #57
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    also, to read your disappointing news, Juvee ... but, with the ongoing help and advice being given to you by the knowledgeable members here, hopefully the decision of the Embassy can be reversed.

  28. #58
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    I emailed them with the subject "Visa Refusal Concern" my email was me asking for explanations about confusing statements in the refusal letter, about "settlement application", "did not submit evidences". It was practically a request for clarifications rather than appeal. We knew that we're not allowed to appeal but it was more like a complaint letter saying they ignored some of my documents that should be taken into consideration. At the end of my email, I even said that once they've explained why they said some of the things that I think seemed wrong, then I will move on and accept the decision whole heartedly.

    I cant appeal because I applied for Family Visit Visa already. I would probably re-apply after they've explained fully the "most confusing letter" I have ever read.
    good luck and hope you get a good explanations with them soon.
    I can only suggest that when you re-apply for a short visit make it really a short one like 3months, if your only purpose is to visit your parents in law and for Andrew to get his ''things'' for a planned business in the PH.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  29. #59
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    pity appeals are not free anymore, i would ask them why they mention a settlement visa and about your husband doesn't met the financial requirement

    yes, we can only guess why they put settlement in the refusal.
    maybe because Andrew is ''British Citizen'' and is entitled of all the benefits of Britain whilst Juvee coming with him (as a wife but just to visit) and has no strong ties in the PH to go back to, thinking that the next option is settlement.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  30. #60
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    There werent any large transactions as he submitted his 6 months bank statement.
    i meant future transactions, his parents putting money in his account

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