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Thread: URGENT! What to do? Got refused !

  1. #61
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    I have read the refusal page 1 post#2..I have no doubts your parents-in-law can support you during stay in the UK but the ECO basically is not satisfied that YOU have any reason to come back the PH after your short visit...

    Assets like the ''vehicles'' is not really that much to support you and husband even living in the PH,..its very low value once you sell it given that both of you is also unemployed, savings can easily be spend and its not good to rely on...have you got any land titles(named to you), is your mum living with you and Andrew at the moment (if not do you visit her often) I might be an old school but the'' facebook status updates/ screenshots'' is not enough to prove strong family ties, and reason u should come back to PH after a short stay in the UK.
    I always hear from dad in law that their government is being paranoid about immigration. Never really believed him until now and yes he was right! My mum lives 10 mins from me, we see each other once in a while and talk constantly on facebook (It's more than 135 pages of fb conversation with her since I have been married so didnt really included it). No land titles yet (named after me), so yes thats one of our weakest point, but even if we have land titles that wouldnt really stop us from staying in the UK right? We can sell lands as easy as selling cars/vehicles. Seriously how can we really prove that we will come back, even if one of has a job and eventually was given an employment letter or letter from our boss.. we can always quit the job if we would like to settle in the UK.. and its sickening they had to write in the letter about the "UK Settlement Application" that they were absolutely sure that I will OVERSTAY.

    But thank you for your input, you have a point. I would be more than happy to be interviewed aside from the documents I submitted so I can defend them if they had any questions before they made the decision. Oh well, c'est la vie!

  2. #62
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    also, to read your disappointing news, Juvee ... but, with the ongoing help and advice being given to you by the knowledgeable members here, hopefully the decision of the Embassy can be reversed.
    thank you so much arthur! My husband and I really do appreciate your advices here, been hugely helpful to us! Thank you all

  3. #63
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    good luck and hope you get a good explanations with them soon.
    I can only suggest that when you re-apply for a short visit make it really a short one like 3months, if your only purpose is to visit your parents in law and for Andrew to get his ''things'' for a planned business in the PH.
    Yes thats a good idea, we will see! thats a consideration, maybe they will reconsider if we stay shorter like 3 months. We will have plan B, C etc if we must!!! Nothing will make us give up of me wanting to experience my husband's culture and the awesome fish N chips!!!!!!!

  4. #64
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    yes, we can only guess why they put settlement in the refusal.
    maybe because Andrew is ''British Citizen'' and is entitled of all the benefits of Britain whilst Juvee coming with him (as a wife but just to visit) and has no strong ties in the PH to go back to, thinking that the next option is settlement.
    Yes, it is ridiculous that they condemn you are guilty and you have to prove them wrong! its sickening!!!!

  5. #65
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i meant future transactions, his parents putting money in his account
    Thank you joe! We will take note of that if things come to them sending us money.

  6. #66
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    Hi Juvee,
    That's a very disappointing response indeed from UKBA

    Time for a complaint to:-

    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission

    with copies to:-
    Appeals and Correspondence Manager
    Entry Clearance Manager
    and to Mr Asif Ahmad - British Ambassador to the Philippines

    State that you are not making an formal appeal, simply that you are requesting clarification and reconsideration.

    State that you believe you the have the right to understand the reasons for the refusal.

    That the refusal letter mentions that " currently would not meet the financial requirements of a UK settlement application" but that your understanding is that it is not necessary for an application for visit visa to meet the financial requirements of a UK settlement application and you need clarification on that.
    Re-state that all documentary support was submitted but seems was not accurately assessed etc etc

    Now Juvee,
    Let me just share with you that refusal notification letters are often difficult to fully understand. The main reason is that ECO's are instructed to utilise pre-prepared templates using specific phrases and words on which to base their notification response.

    As I understand your refusal notification letter, the major issue is that the ECO has concluded imigrant intentions on your part and that you will not return home before your visa expires.

    Here's a few suggestions for your further application.

    1. Give clear reasons for the visit
    2. Give clear reasons supporting the requested duration
    3. Provide an outline of visit plans
    4. State that your future intentions are to return to the Philippines and build up a business.
    5. Prepare carefully crafted and supportable statements showing all compelling ties to the Philippines that outweigh reasons to stay in UK

    You major goal is to significantly overcome any presumption of immigrant intentions.

    I understand that you believe you already submitted such evidence, but you must improve the clarity and quality of the evidence to convince the ECO.

    It's a 'standard' target to include more than a single reason to refuse. The key is to support your claim that you'll return home

  7. #67
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi Juvee,
    That's a very disappointing response indeed from UKBA

    Time for a complaint to:-

    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission

    with copies to:-
    Appeals and Correspondence Manager
    Entry Clearance Manager
    and to Mr Asif Ahmad - British Ambassador to the Philippines

    State that you are not making an formal appeal, simply that you are requesting clarification and reconsideration.

    State that you believe you the have the right to understand the reasons for the refusal.

    That the refusal letter mentions that " currently would not meet the financial requirements of a UK settlement application" but that your understanding is that it is not necessary for an application for visit visa to meet the financial requirements of a UK settlement application and you need clarification on that.
    Re-state that all documentary support was submitted but seems was not accurately assessed etc etc

    Now Juvee,
    Let me just share with you that refusal notification letters are often difficult to fully understand. The main reason is that ECO's are instructed to utilise pre-prepared templates using specific phrases and words on which to base their notification response.

    As I understand your refusal notification letter, the major issue is that the ECO has concluded imigrant intentions on your part and that you will not return home before your visa expires.

    Here's a few suggestions for your further application.

    1. Give clear reasons for the visit
    2. Give clear reasons supporting the requested duration
    3. Provide an outline of visit plans
    4. State that your future intentions are to return to the Philippines and build up a business.
    5. Prepare carefully crafted and supportable statements showing all compelling ties to the Philippines that outweigh reasons to stay in UK

    You major goal is to significantly overcome any presumption of immigrant intentions.

    I understand that you believe you already submitted such evidence, but you must improve the clarity and quality of the evidence to convince the ECO.

    It's a 'standard' target to include more than a single reason to refuse. The key is to support your claim that you'll return home

    You are the best Terpe! Thank you so much, we will do what you suggested as well. I guess we have to prove them wrong 1000x for the next application.

    I already did 1,2,3.. 4.5. I shall do it more clearly for the next time as I think we didnt convince them enough because of those.

    we will update you of anything. Thank you so much again!

  8. #68
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Please give us more details regarding the address that we need to send the formal complaints to? Thank you very much.

  9. #69
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Excellent and knowledgeable advice as usual Terpe

    There again, I'm right as well................... I said wait for you in my post #43

    You'll have to wait for rep as I have to spread the love

  10. #70
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    Please give us more details regarding the address that we need to send the formal complaints to? Thank you very much.

    Hi Juvee, I think you'll find these in post #12

  11. #71
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Hi Juvee, I think you'll find these in post #12
    Oh yes you were right! Okay thank you

  12. #72
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Okay so we will wait for the response tomorrow from the visaenquiries, after that if we're not satisfied still.. we will do the formal complaint now and hopefully should be reviewed by them by Monday or Tuesday!

    How come Terpe is so experienced about this? Was he in the same position before or something? Regardless, you guys are awesome!

  13. #73
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Terpe used to work in the UKBA..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Terpe used to work in the UKBA..
    Doesn't make me any kind of 'expert' though.

    I also used to work with Inland Revenue.........never could understand what went on
    We used letter templates there as well.

    I know a little bit about trains though........Dr Terpe Train

    Nobody here asks any questions about railway vehicle suspension and drive systems though

  15. #75
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Terpe used to work in the UKBA..
    Oh haha now that's funny. But hey his informations and experiences are useful and Im all in to take them!!

  16. #76
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Doesn't make me any kind of 'expert' though.

    I also used to work with Inland Revenue.........never could understand what went on

    I know a little bit about trains though........Dr Terpe Train

    Nobody here asks any questions about railway vehicle suspension and drive systems though
    My husband likes a specific train called Thomas the Tank Engine!

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I know a little bit about trains though........Dr Terpe Train

    Nobody here asks any questions about railway vehicle suspension and drive systems though

    Name that train !

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    My husband likes a specific train called Thomas the Tank Engine!
    Ah, I'm the fat controller

    Might be nice avatar

  19. #79
    Respected Member anvee's Avatar
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    Thank you again everyone! We will have to sleep now as it is past 11pm Philippines time. We will be posting updates again tomorrow hopefully once we received any reply. Good night everyone!

  20. #80
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anvee View Post
    Oh haha now that's funny. But hey his informations and experiences are useful and Im all in to take them!!
    That's why the forum is very lucky to have him for all his knowledge.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Name that train !

    Looks a bit like a class 01 diesel shunter ............. but not sure

    Lots of these diesel shunters were equipped with epicyclic gear boxes...always great fun to design (not)

  22. #82
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    Looks a bit like a class 01 diesel shunter ............. but not sure
    Are you talking about my ex

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    pity appeals are not free anymore, i would ask them why they mention a settlement visa and about your husband doesn't met the financial requirement

    i would be careful about transferring money to his account , any large transactions showing on bank statements would need explaining.
    Juvee hasn't said that her in laws are her sponsor. ....Therefore the application will have to show they have the financial means to support herself in the UK. .too many cooks getting involved here with ideas they haven't tried themselves. ..This could cause great cost and distress to Juvee and Andrew.

    Yes, authorities made a mistake by saying settlement instead of visit visa blah blah blah but, applicant still has to show she can stand up while in UK. ....We don't actually know what and how the application was filled out. ...

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi Juvee,
    That's a very disappointing response indeed from UKBA

    Time for a complaint to:-

    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission

    with copies to:-
    Appeals and Correspondence Manager
    Entry Clearance Manager
    and to Mr Asif Ahmad - British Ambassador to the Philippines

    State that you are not making an formal appeal, simply that you are requesting clarification and reconsideration.

    State that you believe you the have the right to understand the reasons for the refusal.

    That the refusal letter mentions that " currently would not meet the financial requirements of a UK settlement application" but that your understanding is that it is not necessary for an application for visit visa to meet the financial requirements of a UK settlement application and you need clarification on that.
    Re-state that all documentary support was submitted but seems was not accurately assessed etc etc

    Now Juvee,
    Let me just share with you that refusal notification letters are often difficult to fully understand. The main reason is that ECO's are instructed to utilise pre-prepared templates using specific phrases and words on which to base their notification response.

    As I understand your refusal notification letter, the major issue is that the ECO has concluded imigrant intentions on your part and that you will not return home before your visa expires.

    Here's a few suggestions for your further application.

    1. Give clear reasons for the visit
    2. Give clear reasons supporting the requested duration
    3. Provide an outline of visit plans
    4. State that your future intentions are to return to the Philippines and build up a business.
    5. Prepare carefully crafted and supportable statements showing all compelling ties to the Philippines that outweigh reasons to stay in UK

    You major goal is to significantly overcome any presumption of immigrant intentions.

    I understand that you believe you already submitted such evidence, but you must improve the clarity and quality of the evidence to convince the ECO.

    It's a 'standard' target to include more than a single reason to refuse. The key is to support your claim that you'll return home
    You haven't mentioned money. ...she needs to explain and show evidence of adequate funds are available from the in laws as I've already stated. ..flowery empty words won't get them the Visa. ..hard financial facts will.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    it's Diesel - Thomas is on the left

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You haven't mentioned money. ...she needs to explain and show evidence of adequate funds are available from the in laws as I've already stated. ..flowery empty words won't get them the Visa. ..hard financial facts will.
    My post number #4

    Mark there are 2 'absolutes'
    1. Compelling reasons to return home that outweigh reasons to stay
    2. Evidence of financial maintenance and accommodation in the UK with or without assistance from family/friends living in the UK but without resource to public funding or employment.

    I believe Juvee understands that but may need help in identifying the best documentary evidence.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    it's Diesel - Thomas is on the left

    Well well, Class 08 Phantom built by British Railways.
    Should've known that....especially having attended the Derby Railway Technical Centre so often. Whoops

  28. #88
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You haven't mentioned money. ...she needs to explain and show evidence of adequate funds are available from the in laws as I've already stated. ..flowery empty words won't get them the Visa. ..hard financial facts will.
    On Juvee's post #18, she already mentioned that she submitted her parents-in-law's bank statements along with the other documents. But Juvee needs to show evidences that she'll go back to the Philippines and won't overstay. The ECO wasn't convinced that she will return to the Philippines.

    When my uncle applied for a family visit visa early last year to attend our wedding in the UK, Keith and I didn't provide any bank statements. In the application, we provided a letter of sponsorship to accommodate him and shoulder the cost of food/lodging/transpo. We just provided photos of the house & room that he'll be using, my visa details and copies of our passports. My uncle showed his bank statements, his business papers and properties. He also stated that he'll shoulder the flight costs. After 2 weeks, his visa was granted. (Although he wasn't able to go to UK for our wedding because of family emergency that time).
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    On Juvee's post #18, she already mentioned that she submitted her parents-in-law's bank statements along with the other documents. But Juvee needs to show evidences that she'll go back to the Philippines and won't overstay. The ECO wasn't convinced that she will return to the Philippines.

    Only my personal opinion, but I think the ECO was making mention of the inability to comply with the settlement Financial Requirement to support his presumption of immigration intent. Just a thought, but these people like to build up all sorts of threads to their conclusion.
    Visa decisions based on discretion always throw up heartbreaking results for genuine applicants.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    On Juvee's post #18, she already mentioned that she submitted her parents-in-law's bank statements along with the other documents. But Juvee needs to show evidences that she'll go back to the Philippines and won't overstay. The ECO wasn't convinced that she will return to the Philippines.

    When my uncle applied for a family visit visa early last year to attend our wedding in the UK, Keith and I didn't provide any bank statements. In the application, we provided a letter of sponsorship to accommodate him and shoulder the cost of food/lodging/transpo. We just provided photos of the house & room that he'll be using, my visa details and copies of our passports. My uncle showed his bank statements, his business papers and properties. He also stated that he'll shoulder the flight costs. After 2 weeks, his visa was granted. (Although he wasn't able to go to UK for our wedding because of family emergency that time).
    Yes Rayna but Juvee didn't say who was sponsoring her. ..If it's her unemployed husband then quite possibly those financial docs of the in laws could well have well fell on deaf ears.

    In my case, my mother in law was the opposite to your uncle. money no job. .which is why I had to provide what I did.

    The housing report was recommended by my solicitor.

    Point taken Peter. ...I'm reading this at work. .Apologies

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