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Thread: Quick one regarding spouse visa

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    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quick one regarding spouse visa

    Trying to find out if I have to pay for the spouse visa for her when she applies for it or do you only pay if successful? My head is spinning trying to understand things, as the old saying goes, I cant see the wood for the trees!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Hi Slip, don't panic, you pay online at the time you do the application!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Hi Slip, don't panic, you pay online at the time you do the application!
    So when she fills in the application I have to pay there and then. But if it's unsuccessful I lose the money or do they give it back if unsuccessful, or is that wishful thinking lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    So when she fills in the application I have to pay there and then. But if it's unsuccessful I lose the money or do they give it back if unsuccessful, or is that wishful thinking lol
    Yep............wishful thinking.

    The online form can be worked on, saved, amended and saved any number of times before the final submission.
    Payment is made online and that is then the date of application.
    Appointment needs to be made at VFS for submission of any appendices and for all supporting documents.

    Some docs like payslips bank statements etc must be less than 28 days old at date of application.

    Before submission the applicant needs valid English Test Cert and TB test certification

    There's no such thing as refunds. Period

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    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply.... It helps you can work and save it and then submit when happy with it...

    I'm hoping if we submit it obviously after our wedding July time next year that if successful she will be here for Christmas time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    So when she fills in the application I have to pay there and then. But if it's unsuccessful I lose the money or do they give it back if unsuccessful, or is that wishful thinking lol
    No refunds - it's like the driving test, you fail and you have to pay again. Can you imagine the deluge they'd get from the sub continent if it was unlimited re-applications

    Good luck with it

  7. #7
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    No refunds - it's like the driving test, you fail and you have to pay again. Can you imagine the deluge they'd get from the sub continent if it was unlimited re-applications

    Good luck with it

    Totally understand, just one of those questions I sort of knew the answer, but needed to hear it!!

    Anyway another one for someone to answer please. Got this message this morning, can you tell me if it is correct... Does she need to change her documents before submitting them?

    My sister say we need to wait 1 month before we could take our marriage contract from the NSO.... And after that i need to process my own documents from single to married for 2-3 weeks....only then that i can apply for the visa
    Basically what I am asking is how long after we get married could we have all the documentation to submit the spouse visa application?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    ....Basically what I am asking is how long after we get married could we have all the documentation to submit the spouse visa application?
    Take a look here I suggest it's a must

  9. #9
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Save starting another topic, I am going to ask another question here.

    Right, so after we get married in Philippines I am going to fly home shortly after by myself. My new wife will then go about getting a spouse visa to join me at a later date.
    What documents do I need to leave with her to accompany her application. I don't want to get home then have to delay things by having to post stuff through to her... She's still waiting for my Christmas card from 2012!


    Another thing regarding the visa application.

    I will be paying for it, so can she fill it in online in Philippines, then I pay for it in UK?
    Last edited by Slip; 21st December 2013 at 21:16. Reason: More questions!

  10. #10
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Slip one part of your latest post I can help with is don't worry about the documents you need to leave behind for the application because there is always something else needed in my opinion.

    Yes the Xmas card same as me but even if you need to send something else which is needed then use DHL secured mail, it gets there within 5 days, thats what I did with my wifes application.

    A highly recommended courier service so no problem, I know how stressing this is but believe me you will laugh a year down the line wondering what all the worry was about.

    A Merry Christmas to you and your future Mahal...

  11. #11
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    Slip, you'll most likely need to send some docs like bank statements payslips etc as they MUST be dated less than 28 days from date of application (means payment date)

  12. #12
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Slip one part of your latest post I can help with is don't worry about the documents you need to leave behind for the application because there is always something else needed in my opinion.

    Yes the Xmas card same as me but even if you need to send something else which is needed then use DHL secured mail, it gets there within 5 days, thats what I did with my wifes application.

    A highly recommended courier service so no problem, I know how stressing this is but believe me you will laugh a year down the line wondering what all the worry was about.

    A Merry Christmas to you and your future Mahal...
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Slip, you'll most likely need to send some docs like bank statements payslips etc as they MUST be dated less than 28 days from date of application (means payment date)
    Thanks to both of you.

    Would they accept photocopies of bank statements and payslips. As I could quite easily scan them and she could print them off.
    I would imagine DHL is quite expensive. (anything to save a bit of money me!)

    Oh and Merry Christmas

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Thanks to both of you.

    Would they accept photocopies of bank statements and payslips. As I could quite easily scan them and she could print them off.
    I would imagine DHL is quite expensive. (anything to save a bit of money me!)

    Oh and Merry Christmas
    Take a look at this thread called Can we submit scanned documents?

    Personally I feel some things are too important to take even the slightest risk. But as always it's a personal decision based on the facts as you see them

    Someone like DHL would likely charge round £35 for around a kg of documents.
    Expensive is a relative term

  14. #14
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Interesting reading Terpe.

    I just want it all to go smoothly. Getting to that point now where there is only around 6 months until I go to Philippines for 6 weeks and have to cram everything into those 6 weeks. So these next 6 months are going to be stressful, so excuse me if I am here a lot more asking stupid questions over the next 6 months!

    I did request paper bank statements for both my accounts a couple of months ago and have been getting them each month, so at least that will be ok and I will just need to send her the latest ones when I get back.

    Do I also need a letter from my company to say what I earn and how long I have worked there?

  15. #15
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Thanks to both of you.

    Would they accept photocopies of bank statements and payslips. As I could quite easily scan them and she could print them off.
    I would imagine DHL is quite expensive. (anything to save a bit of money me!)

    Oh and Merry Christmas
    Expensive yes but secured and guaranteed, it certainly overcomes that I believe if important documents need to be in place asap.

    Its a relatively small amount regarding what you are already paying for the spouse visa application.

    100% leave no doubt in mind it will be worth it...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    ......Do I also need a letter from my company to say what I earn and how long I have worked there?
    Yes, that's a mandatory requirement of UKBA.

    As a very first step please read this thread and follow all the included links to the UKBA site.

    All New Guide - How to apply for a Spouse/Partner Visa

    Read this and again follow the links - Applying for a UK visa in the Philippines

    The UKBA advises all applicants to read their application Guidance Notes together with their Supporting Documents Guidance

    Take this journey step-by-step, don't be shy to ask as many questions as you want.
    There's plenty of folks here who have been down the same road and made that journey. Everyone here is friendly and willing to share experiences, and to make sure to get that special visa.

    Some early steps for you both to consider is for you meet the English language requirement

    Also there is a requirement for TB Screening before an application can be submitted.
    Here's the needed detail - Tuberculosis testing in the Philippines

  17. #17
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Slip my last bank statements which did were not ones received by post but just printed in my branch were accepted by UKBA, I just asked the bank to stamp them with the branch and date stamp...

  18. #18
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Another question for you lovely people

    I am being asked what does she need to do for the English language test? Basically what is the format? She is worried as she is reading about people that have failed. I have no idea what it entails, so said I'd ask here

  19. #19
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    Follow the link I provided in post#16

    Some early steps for you both to consider is for you meet the English language requirement
    On the Right-Hand side you'll see the downloadable UKBA approved listing.

    That list will have full details of links for various test and test centres etc.

    There are quite a number of different test and each test has it's own formats and differences.
    The required passing grade is designated at A1 level.

    The UKBA site states that:-
    "In the test, you will need to demonstrate a basic command of English (speaking and listening) at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
    Someone assessed at level A1 can understand and use simple, everyday expressions and very basic phrases."

  20. #20
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe...

    We read that when you kindly posted it in post 16.... But she is asking me what the actual test itself involves... Is there anywhere you can see samples from the test... She has got herself worried as she joined a facebook page and there are people on there saying it is very hard etc etc etc... She is worried as a doctor says he keeps failing the writing test! I did say well, doctors aren't renowned for their legible writing

  21. #21
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I would suggest getting the English test out of the way first then worry about applying and gathering the documents.. One step at a time and dont rush things.

  22. #22
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    I think there is different tests. I have heard of Hopkins and IELTS. My wife took the IELTS test. Reading Writing and listening. Best for your future wife to give the nearest test center a ring for information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Thanks Terpe...

    We read that when you kindly posted it in post 16.... But she is asking me what the actual test itself involves... Is there anywhere you can see samples from the test... She has got herself worried as she joined a facebook page and there are people on there saying it is very hard etc etc etc... She is worried as a doctor says he keeps failing the writing test! I did say well, doctors aren't renowned for their legible writing
    UKBA are only interested in Speaking and Listening passing grades.
    Doesn't matter about reading and writing at all.....although some packages include all 4 modules the reading and writing scores have no impact on the visa application.

    If you look at the UKBA listing you'll see many different test. All have different formats and different testing techniques etc. There's not a single test at all only a single competence level to achieve.
    Each test has it's own scoring.

    You'll find that IELTS only grades at level B1 and upwards. Means that in principle it's a higher level of competence needed to pass.

    It's not possible to provide any useful examples etc.

    Some test centres will also provide a review of skills and if a confidence boost is needed by way of some 'training sessions' that can be included.

  24. #24
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    Hi again... Todays question is

    Can you ask that in forum..... What if my only ID is my passport? Will that be enough? Tell them i work abroad so i dont have philippine ID's

    As you can see my fiance has been working in Singapore for 6 years so has no id from Philippines, is this a headache or something easily solved? Looks like I may be going in May now and she will return home March so possibly will have time to sort things out

    I am confused to, is a CNI different to a Cenomar?

    I know I need to exchange the CNI I get here in UK at the Philippines Embassy, but do I also need to get a cenomar as well?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    ...I am confused to, is a CNI different to a Cenomar?

    I know I need to exchange the CNI I get here in UK at the Philippines Embassy, but do I also need to get a cenomar as well?
    The CNI is a Certificate of No Impediment (sometimes called Legal Capacity to Marry)
    This certificate provides evidence to officially authorised people that the marriage will be recognised as a valid marriage in both Philippines and the country of the foreign spouse.
    Be aware that a valid local CNI is required by Philippine law. The 'local' CNI must be issued by the British Embassy in exchange for your UK issued version.

    A CENOMAR ( Certificate of No Marriage Record ) is available from the National Statistics Office (NSO) and is simply what its name implies.
    It is certification issued by the NSO stating that a person has not contracted any marriage within the Philippines.

    Many people recently have reported that the foreign spouse (to be) has been requested to also supply their own CENOMAR.
    Probably better to order one and be prepared than to take a risk of delay.

    Regarding ID's, in principle to apply for the Marriage License you should consider having the following where possible:-

    Your birth certificate
    Your passport
    Your C.N.I.
    Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)

    Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
    Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
    Her postal I.D. Address
    Her cENOMAR
    Her Parents signed advice form (if under 25 years age)
    Her Parents I.D.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Can you ask that in forum..... What if my only ID is my passport? Will that be enough? Tell them i work abroad so i dont have philippine ID's

    As you can see my fiance has been working in Singapore for 6 years so has no id from Philippines, is this a headache or something easily solved? Looks like I may be going in May now and she will return home March so possibly will have time to sort things out
    I recall quite a number of folks here have been in that position.
    Some have managed to secure needed and acceptable ID's and others have opted for wedding outside of Philippines.

    Here's a quick listing of some valid forms of ID within Philippines:-

    •Current Driver's License ID
    •Permit to Carry Firearms
    •New Social Security System card (SSS ID)
    •Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) eCard
    •Professional Regulation (PRC) ID
    •New Tax Identification Number (TIN)
    •Postal ID
    •National Statistics Office (NSO) Authenticated Birth Certificate
    •NSO authenticated Marriage Certificate
    •Original and Unexpired National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
    •Police Clearance
    •Digitized Voter's ID
    •Philhealth Card
    •Office of Senior Citizen's Affairs (OSCA) / Senior Citizen's Card
    •ACR Identity Card ( I-Card)
    •Consular ID
    •Barangay Certificate
    •Company/Office ID
    •Overseas Worker's Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID
    •OFW ID
    •Seaman's ID book
    •Government Issued Office ID [e.g. Armed Forces of the Philippines, Home Development Mutual Fund (HMDF) ID, Philippine Overseas Employment Association (POEA) ID]
    •Certification from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP)
    •Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
    •PRA Special Resident Retiree Visa (SRRV) ID
    •Student's ID
    •Other Valid IDs issued by the Government and its instrumentalities.
    •Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth card)
    •UMID Card

    Might be helpful.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe once again, your advice and help is always gratefully received.

    Still don't understand why I need a cenomar as a British citizen. Surely the CNI is the same really?

    Trying to do as much as possible to keep costs down and don't really want added expense. But if I must have it then I guess I have no choice!

    Things are moving at a faster pace now as my trip looks like it is being bought forward a month now and I'm hoping to be there from early May for 6 weeks instead of mid June

  28. #28
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    The rules are you need both. Dont try and cut corners or you will be in big trouble.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    Thank you Terpe once again, your advice and help is always gratefully received.

    Still don't understand why I need a cenomar as a British citizen. Surely the CNI is the same really?

    Trying to do as much as possible to keep costs down and don't really want added expense. But if I must have it then I guess I have no choice!

    Things are moving at a faster pace now as my trip looks like it is being bought forward a month now and I'm hoping to be there from early May for 6 weeks instead of mid June
    The Philippine law is very specific that you have the 'local' CNI issued by the British Embassy.
    There's nothing specific in Philippine law stating you need CENOMAR.....however the law is very clear that those authorities issuing the marriage licence must be satisfied you are free to marry. Means that they very often request CENOMAR for the foreign partner just to be sure you aren't recorded as legally married in the Philippines.

    CENOMAR can be ordered online. I don't think it's expensive or complicated.
    If you want to be sure you'll have no issues about CENOMAR then maybe your lady can ask at the place where you'll get married/have the licence.

    There are many variabilities in the Philippines. It's always a personal choice how you'll comply with the authorities
    My own 'mantra' is minimise risks.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The Philippine law is very specific that you have the 'local' CNI issued by the British Embassy.
    There's nothing specific in Philippine law stating you need CENOMAR.....however the law is very clear that those authorities issuing the marriage licence must be satisfied you are free to marry. Means that they very often request CENOMAR for the foreign partner just to be sure you aren't recorded as legally married in the Philippines.

    CENOMAR can be ordered online. I don't think it's expensive or complicated.
    If you want to be sure you'll have no issues about CENOMAR then maybe your lady can ask at the place where you'll get married/have the licence.

    There are many variabilities in the Philippines. It's always a personal choice how you'll comply with the authorities
    My own 'mantra' is minimise risks.

    I will apply for one, you can do it online and she said she'll pick it up for me before I arrive

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