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Thread: Labours Child Sex Apologists

  1. #1
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    Thumbs down Labours Child Sex Apologists

    Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt linked to vile group

    The full extent of the shocking links between three senior Labour figures and a vile group that tried to legalise sex with children can be exposed today.

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    Now say sorry! Ex-Yard chief calls on Labour trio to admit backing paedophilia was a 'huge mistake'

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  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dailymail old news dedworth you've already posted about this, i'm, still waiting to find out who is the ex-thatcher minister mixed up in some of this

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dailymail old news dedworth you've already posted about this, i'm, still waiting to find out who is the ex-thatcher minister mixed up in some of this

    That's surprising Joe because today your rag (House Journal of the Publicly Funded Left) sided with the Mail on the issue

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    why are the mail not investigating the 'parties' that went on and the people who went to them you would have thought such an award winning newspaper would want to find out, wouldn't they

  5. #5
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    Let's keep on topic Joe. This thread is about Labours Deputy Leader and two senior politburo members who campaigned for repulsive deviants - not some thorn in your side.

  6. #6
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    Not a squeak from the BBC - blanket coverage if it was Tories, 1970's Celebrities or the Catholic Church

  7. #7
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Not a squeak from the BBC - blanket coverage if it was Tories, 1970's Celebrities or the Catholic Church
    I'm with ya Dedworth same old story (or lack of one) from BBC

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Let's keep on topic Joe. This thread is about Labours Deputy Leader and two senior politburo members who campaigned for repulsive deviants - not some thorn in your side.
    dedworth i think its still on the topic, did they attend any of these 'parties' ?, i think we will find out soon which well known Ex-thatcher Tory minister did

  9. #9
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    How much longer can paedophilia apologists stay silent? Even Left demands answers from senior Labour trio over links to child sex group

    • Pressure mounts on Harriet Harman, her MP husband and Patricia Hewitt
    • Trio held key roles in group that backed Paedophile Information Exchange
    • Columnists in Observer, Guardian and Mirror urge all three to speak out
    • They were leading officials in group that granted 'affiliate' status to PIE
    • Predatory paedophiles in PIE wanted the age of consent to be cut to four

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  10. #10
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    This story seems to be continually floating around.

    I would've thought that Milliband would want to put this to bed long before the next Election.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth has the Mail published a list of the members of P.I.E, surely they have tired to find out who these people are

  12. #12
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    I nearly fell over there was about 30 seconds on the BBC 6 O'clock news.

    It's OK though nothing but a vicious smear campaign according to Ms Harman

  13. #13

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    What has this got to do with 3 senior Labour party figures failing to admit regret about their past promotion of depraved paedophile groups - Keep it on topic please Joe

  15. #15
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    Well Harriet Harman’s clear-the-air, kill the story interview with Newsnight went well then. Time and time again Laura Kuenssberg asked Harman if she would say that the National Council of Civil Liberites’ decision to affiliate with the Paedophile Information Exchange was a mistake. Time and time again Harman, almost inexplicably, refused.

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Time and time again Laura Kuenssberg asked Harman if she would say that the National Council of Civil Liberites’ decision to affiliate with the Paedophile Information Exchange was a mistake. Time and time again Harman, almost inexplicably, refused.

    So ... are we now being led to believe Harman didn't have her fingers in the "PIE" after all?

    Alas, my video receptors here are kaput!

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    What has this got to do with 3 senior Labour party figures failing to admit regret about their past promotion of depraved paedophile groups - Keep it on topic please Joe
    no, dedworth this is on topic, your posting about vile groups, were they members of these groups? no, but why doesn't the mail find out who were members of these
    depraved paedophile groups
    and then name and shame them, the police can start asking currie seems she might know something

    read the link dedworth, or as you've already said in other posts when you don't like what you read, its always
    Keep it on topic please Joe

    if these 3 have done anything wrong then the police can investigate and the CPS can and should prosecute them.

  18. #18
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    Your post is well off topic Joe - I'll repeat myself this one concerns the deputy leader of the Labour Party and 2 senior current Labour Party figures.

    The thorn in your side appears to be about allegations involving a former minister who died nearly 20 years ago. Have you got anything on former Monster Raving Looney Party Parish Councillors who were alleged to have looked up little boys trouser legs in 1958 ?

    You always seem to feel that the Mail should "investigate" your particular bugbears - how about the Daily Mirror & Socialist Worker running front page splashes ?

    But they still won't say sorry: Labour's Harman and Dromey finally break their silence over links to paedophile group

    • Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman finally broke silence
    • Mounting pressure to explain link to Paedophile Information Exchange
    • Came while holding key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties
    • Miss Harman said revelations were ‘politically-motivated smear campaign’

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  19. #19
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    It's been on 5 live all morning

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how long ago did this take place dedworth? , was it 20yrs ago or more
    are you saying they were members of PIE ? no they were not
    is the mail saying any of them had any contact with anyone from PIE ?

    the mail seems to know so much about PIE, why are they not naming anyone

  21. #21
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Harmen has pood her pants

  22. #22
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    In 2012 Harriet Harman was very clear about not letting old sex abuse issues rest:

    “no one should be complacent and believe that sexual abuse by people in positions of power at the BBC happened then, but could not happen now? The BBC should proceed now to review all its policies and processes on the protection of children, sexual harassment and whistleblowing, in order to be sure that the right policies and processes are in place and are properly enforced.”

    She told the Commons that “there are still countless young women and men who have been abused but have never complained because they bear a great burden of shame, guilt and disgust, and fear that they will not be believed.”

    And what to do?

    “Should not our strong and clear message to them today be “Come forward now, seek the support that you need to address the wrong that has been done to you, and, in doing so, not only secure the justice that you deserve but protect others in the future”?”

    Suddenly, when the wolves are at her door, it’s all a smear to dredge up history.

    An excellent summing up of the foul stench coming from Harmans (and ) Labours hypocriscy

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well, dedworth if they've done something wrong then the CPS can take action, just as i hope they will be taking action on those who supported PIE and the Paedophile rings and those who covered it all up

  24. #24
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    Another smear campaign by grotty Daily Mail. It's obvious what their agenda is - first Ed Milliband's father, now Harriet Harman.

    I fully support anyone who wants to "go to war" with the Daily Mail. Hopefully it'll soon go the same way as the News of the World.

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth how many groups were affiliated to NCCL

    I'll tell you seeing the mail probably doesn't know or want you to know , over 1,000

    what has any of these 3 got to say sorry for ? were they responsible for PIE being affiliated to NCCL ?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what has any of these 3 got to say sorry for ? were they responsible for PIE being affiliated to NCCL ?
    It's looking that way - have Dromey and Hewitt got gobs or does Harman speak for all 3 of them ?

    Harman has a slippery streak running through her - she dodged a charge of using a mobile while driving charge

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    mobile phone while driving have you ever done that dedworth

    why should she or any of them say sorry they were not responsible for PIE being affiliated to NCCL , they probably regret, like everyone , even you that PIE were affiliated to NCCL

    but as you're talking about paedophiles why doesn't the mail ask Currie about them and cover ups

    Tory Minister Edwina Currie that Morrison had sex with 16-year-old boys when the age of consent was 21 and that he had been protected by a ‘culture of sniggering’. In her diaries, she called him ‘a noted pederast’, with a liking for young boys.

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  28. #28
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    Joe - It's Paedogeddon time for Labour, just in case you've not had time to pick up your copy of today's Daily Mirror :-

    In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of Paedogeddon.

    What used to be called dirty old men and were barely ever talked about, the people who used to feature in our lives only for occasional shocking court cases, are now a daily horrorshow.

    They’re on every news bulletin and in every paper. Care homes in Rochdale and Oxford, the BBC’s internal inquiries, Jimmy Savile, what Margaret Thatcher knew, why Cyril Smith was never investigated – it’s become something as easily and frequently digested as a TV dinner.

    The net result is twofold. Child abuse has become something we discuss. Victims are more likely to come forward, to be taken seriously, and get help.

    It’s something parents discuss more with their children, that children are on the watch for, and hopefully less likely to be victims of.

    The other side of it is that we see paedophiles everywhere.

    A disabled man living alone can be murdered by vigilantes just because he’s different, any 1970s children’s TV star is a suspect, and we’re left with the impression that demonic perverts are skulking behind every hedge.

    Well, they’re not – according to NSPCC research children today are slightly less likely to be coerced into sexual activity then they were in 1998.

    Perhaps that’s because we’re more open about it, or because some people are getting their kicks online rather than in person. Perhaps that means the victims are in a different country, and the NSPCC isn’t counting them.

    The long and short of it is that we’re talking about it more, and in this country at least it’s hurting fewer people. The two can’t be unrelated.

    However if you’re in the Labour press office it seems that this massive national scandal is something they can ignore.

    Faced with revelations that some of their politicians had dealings 30 years ago with a deeply unpleasant group called the Paedophile Information Exchange, they said absolutely nothing.

    Zip. Nada. Silence.

    Not “sorry”. Not “we didn’t realise, we made a mistake, of course it was wrong and everything in our careers since then has proven we’ve campaigned for victims of sex abuse and official inquiries”.

    Because that would have been fine – most reasonable human beings would have gone, “well, you were stupid, but fair enough, don’t do it again”. And the story would have run out of steam.

    Instead deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman and her MP husband Jack Dromey waited three days until the scandal reached boiling point and then accused the newspaper which started it of being more pervy than they are and running a political smear campaign.

    The Daily Mail is pretty pervy, but it’s not political for the simple reason that a Tory politician with the same provable, documented links to PIE would be front page too.

    And the links between those three and PIE have been online for years. They were mentioned in Ann Widdecombe’s autobiography, and she included it in newspaper columns in the Daily Express in 2009 and in The Guardian in 2010.

    It was in the Daily Telegraph in 2009 and 2012. It was reported in the Independent on Sunday in 2013, and the Daily Mail has reported it several times in the past few years.

    You can’t blame it on one newspaper because pretty much everyone’s done it, except the BBC which was conspicuous in its absence from reporting the allegations.

    It’s undeniably a story, there are reasonable questions to be answered, and the implications are so nasty and vicious that any sane human being accused of involvement would be quick to deny it.

    But while most of the country is now happy to talk about this sort of thing to just about anyone, and to reap all the benefits such openness brings, our politicians don’t.

    They want only to talk to people who like them, and that’s why no single party convinced enough people to vote for them in 2010.

    Ed Miliband gives interviews to Labour bloggers and to papers that back his party.

    The Prime Minister didn’t hold a press conference for 238 days because journalists kept asking him about his screw-ups, and poor Nick Clegg is reduced to a radio phone-in with London’s cabbies because no-one else will talk to him at all.

    The problem with talking only to your friends is not only do you get a skewed view of how well you’re doing, and not only do you reduce your chance of making new friends, but the potential for not noticing a festering carbuncle on your own backside is huge.

    Lord McAlpine likewise ignored rumours linking him to child abuse, until Twitter got hold of the wrong end of the stick and started beating him with it. He went on to sue everyone he could, as he had a right to, but had he stopped the rumours 30 years earlier he wouldn’t have needed to.

    Labour’s refusal to answer questions about PIE just shows how disconnected they have become. The whole nation is being told to worry about paedophiles on a daily basis, this story threatens to cover the party in charges of, at best, ineptitude and at worst collaboration, and it needed to be skewered on day one.

    Instead it’s been treated with contempt and antagonism, and Labour has wound up looking supercilious, out-of-touch and with its finger so far off the pulse it’s poking itself repeatedly in the eye.

    You can be as principled as you like. You can have really good ideas that all your friends approve of.

    But if you ignore the paedophile elephant in the corner of the living room because you think it’s beneath you, if you think he’ll just get bored and go away, then not only are you never going to win a popularity contest but YOU’VE ALSO GOT A BIG FAT PAEDOPHILE ELEPHANT IN YOUR LIVING ROOM.

    If Labour can’t spot that’s a bad idea, they’re going to have a hell of a time finding either an open goal or their .... with both hands, a flashlight and a map.

    Frankly, my money is on the elephant outliving them all.

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth for reading a far superior 'newspaper' than the mail, but sorry dedworth i don't read newspapers and I definitely don't buy them, I'll stick to my 20yr old copies of scallywag , i wonder why no one sued them for their paedophile article and heads should roll at the very top for the cover ups that followed

  30. #30
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    Patricia Hewitt's civil rights campaign offered legal advice to adults who have sex with 14-year-olds

    Former Blairite Cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt said civil rights campaign group which she used to run would be prepared to offer legal advice to adults who wanted to have sex with 14-year-olds, new documents show ...........................................................................

    The Telegraph submitted detailed questions to Miss Hewitt, a former trade and industry secretary in Tony Blair’s Government, but she had not responded at the time of going to press.

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