Well it had to happen sometime, life cannot always be a bed of roses,
Today i started work on the garden, first job was to move the washing line post, well picture this if you can,
The post is stuck in the middle of the decking so i had to take up two lengths so i can get to it, that was easy, then i had to try and dig the pole out,, would it move, not a bit, more digging and then more shaking the bar, yes its loose, but it would not come out,
Now i am panting heavy and feeling knackered after pulling for 10 mins and i look up and Ems is standing there laughing at me, Well that was it, do i say what i think or take it out on the post, after some more tugs and a little more shaking out she came,
I had to sit and get back my breath for a while, told Ems i was sunbathing,
Anyway its out the decking is back down, the hole is filled in and i am ready for the next stage, putting the washing line post in another place,