His monthly salary is £1870.58
His annual salary is 12x£1870.58 =
His salary has been at the same level for 6 months which is all the evidence required by UKBA
His salary slips between 6-12 previous also show he was earning above the required Income Threshold.
His bank statements for the past 6 months will show his salary getting paid into his bank.
Don't get hung up on the P60 that's really not needed, besides which it's already 12 months out of date.
Don't send anything that causes confusions. Keep it simple.
No worries Jen calm down take a rest for couple of day then review your application.
Print out the application forms and make a list of all the documents you need.
Make a list of all the questions you need help with and post them......from all the information you've shared so far there's really nothing complicated or non-standard about your circumstances.....just step-by-step collect all the needed documents.
Chin up girl....