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Thread: Rich. Poor. Tell nowt or all?

  1. #31
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baruk View Post
    Lol! I do agree to that..that is very true Cherrie. My English man is very faithful.
    so is mine.. we are very lucky..

  2. #32
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
    I just wanna share a bit of our story.

    I met my husband 4 years ago. Back then he was jobless, been thru hardships because of his past relationship. He's a kind of man with very low self esteem. He's just receiving his DLA and JSA. I don't mind because on top of that I felt his sincerity and kindness. He saved money and gave up his flat so he will be able to meet me face to face. 2011, he stayed here for more than 2 months. When he went back to UK, he tried to find a job but there was no luck. He then saved money again so we can be together. 2012, he managed to stay here for more than 10 months. We helped each other as I'm still working that time as well. We've been able to survive thay 10 months. We struggled but we're happy that we're together. We got married that year though its a very very simple ceremony. December 2012, he went back to UK. He found a job finally, very low income but its ok along with his DLA and got his own flat. I adore him more, seeing how he strived to fulfill all the requirements that we need for the visa application for us to be able to be together for good. Now, we are waiting for the decision. Fingerscrossed.

    With regards to your question Mr. Rick. I dont know the percentage. To be honest, I heard a lot about other Filipinas who's just after the money of foreign men. I feel sorry for them and for the sincere men out there. Sad reality. But I'll tell you there are Filipinas who doesnt look for the amount of money a man can give but for the amount of love and respect that you can give her.
    Nice words from a lovely lady!

  3. #33
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Nice words from a lovely lady!
    Thank you so much Mr. Michael..

  4. #34
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
    Thank you so much Mr. Michael..
    You're more than welcome Cherrie!

  5. #35
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    First of all RIk, I would like to congratulate you for being smart to dump and block that filipina. I really love replying to this kind of thread, I don't know why. HAHAHA So here are the possible things that had happened, and these are all from my point of view, heard stories, experience from the others and my experience as well and I am not taking any side of this.

    First, do you guys had a fair communication? Can you tell if the woman you were chatting with knows how to use proper words,sentences and can communicate well? Sometimes it happens, as you all know, english is not our first language, there are lots of chances of being miscommunicated because we cannot translate our thoughts to english word by word, so there's a possible that the woman used basic words to interpret what she was saying, or does she know how to use proper punctuation marks? Those could be questions, we dont know, maybe she was sharing to you what she thought or what she's been hearing from the others about english people's wage? and she's not really after money? She was just curious?

    Second, How's her background? Family? Financially? Are those all stable? Does she have a happy life? or you think she was a deprived kid?

    Third, do you happen to know what she'd been through? She could had bad experiences with foreigners before? Or maybe she was always been offered to do such nasty things?? Or maybe she was really concern about her future with you?

    Fourth, she's been doing this to anyone because she really wants money and she is not seeing herself to be with you in the future.

    People can have dual/multiple personalities, well most. In dating sites,you can be anyone, you can portray anyone, you can choose who and what you are, depending on your intentions. I have heard a story, a filipina who is very attracted to someone, and of course, she wants a serious relationship with that man, and she can see him as the one who she will be settled with, so what she does, she's been doing everyhting she can just to prove that she has clean intentions and serious about them, well of course, she never talked about the money because it will be a red flag to the man and she doesnt want to do anything to make the man turned off to her. At the same time, another foreign man really likes this filipina, but the filipina has no feelings for him at all, what happened? She just took advantage of him, but all of us are wondering why she's doing those, it could be; she wants to buy things that she cannot afford, without asking from the man she really likes, or maybe she can see that the man who likes her has no plans to take a serious step about them whilst the man she likes has good plans for them? It is difficult to know who are the serious takers, and who are not, and the only bad thing about this is the filipina didn't miss what she can get from the two men in her life.

    In that sample story, it just shows that theres no specific numbers of percentage of filipinas who are just after money or serious takers. If there is, that's not pretty accurate then, because one day, we can be serious takers and the other day we can be after money. It all depends on the filipina, or on the foreign. Actually this issue is not just from the Philippines in which this could happen to anyone.

    "And would you tell them whether you were rich or poor before you found out if they actually had any feelings for you, or tell them after."

    -I guess there's no harm to tell it before so the woman would know what to expect and also I believe that if both of you are comfortable to each other as the day goes by, no need to tell her directly your financial status because that topic will come out naturally, as the same as what I was telling, if the filipina sees you as a serious taker, and she knows that you are the one she wants to settle with, you can talk everything under the sun without malice, it comes out naturally.

    Reality Check:

    And would you ever find a lady who would come to England to live with a very low wage earner?

    - visa expenses, visa financial requirement, it is impossible. But if you will rephrase your question into:
    " would you ever find a lady who would love a very low wage earner?" That is so possible.

    If you want to meet a woman who wants a serious relationship:


  6. #36
    Respected Member FilipinaDiver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post

    Reality Check:

    And would you ever find a lady who would come to England to live with a very low wage earner?

    - visa expenses, visa financial requirement, it is impossible. But if you will rephrase your question into:
    " would you ever find a lady who would love a very low wage earner?" That is so possible.

    If you want to meet a woman who wants a serious relationship:

    Very well said my dear, spot on!
    This wife.. has an amazing husband.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    First of all RIk, I would like to congratulate you for being smart to dump and block that filipina. I really love replying to this kind of thread, I don't know why. HAHAHA So here are the possible things that had happened, and these are all from my point of view, heard stories, experience from the others and my experience as well and I am not taking any side of this.

    First, do you guys had a fair communication? Can you tell if the woman you were chatting with knows how to use proper words,sentences and can communicate well? Sometimes it happens, as you all know, english is not our first language, there are lots of chances of being miscommunicated because we cannot translate our thoughts to english word by word, so there's a possible that the woman used basic words to interpret what she was saying, or does she know how to use proper punctuation marks? Those could be questions, we dont know, maybe she was sharing to you what she thought or what she's been hearing from the others about english people's wage? and she's not really after money? She was just curious?

    Second, How's her background? Family? Financially? Are those all stable? Does she have a happy life? or you think she was a deprived kid?

    Third, do you happen to know what she'd been through? She could had bad experiences with foreigners before? Or maybe she was always been offered to do such nasty things?? Or maybe she was really concern about her future with you?

    Fourth, she's been doing this to anyone because she really wants money and she is not seeing herself to be with you in the future.

    People can have dual/multiple personalities, well most. In dating sites,you can be anyone, you can portray anyone, you can choose who and what you are, depending on your intentions. I have heard a story, a filipina who is very attracted to someone, and of course, she wants a serious relationship with that man, and she can see him as the one who she will be settled with, so what she does, she's been doing everyhting she can just to prove that she has clean intentions and serious about them, well of course, she never talked about the money because it will be a red flag to the man and she doesnt want to do anything to make the man turned off to her. At the same time, another foreign man really likes this filipina, but the filipina has no feelings for him at all, what happened? She just took advantage of him, but all of us are wondering why she's doing those, it could be; she wants to buy things that she cannot afford, without asking from the man she really likes, or maybe she can see that the man who likes her has no plans to take a serious step about them whilst the man she likes has good plans for them? It is difficult to know who are the serious takers, and who are not, and the only bad thing about this is the filipina didn't miss what she can get from the two men in her life.

    In that sample story, it just shows that theres no specific numbers of percentage of filipinas who are just after money or serious takers. If there is, that's not pretty accurate then, because one day, we can be serious takers and the other day we can be after money. It all depends on the filipina, or on the foreign. Actually this issue is not just from the Philippines in which this could happen to anyone.

    "And would you tell them whether you were rich or poor before you found out if they actually had any feelings for you, or tell them after."

    -I guess there's no harm to tell it before so the woman would know what to expect and also I believe that if both of you are comfortable to each other as the day goes by, no need to tell her directly your financial status because that topic will come out naturally, as the same as what I was telling, if the filipina sees you as a serious taker, and she knows that you are the one she wants to settle with, you can talk everything under the sun without malice, it comes out naturally.

    Reality Check:

    And would you ever find a lady who would come to England to live with a very low wage earner?

    - visa expenses, visa financial requirement, it is impossible. But if you will rephrase your question into:
    " would you ever find a lady who would love a very low wage earner?" That is so possible.

    If you want to meet a woman who wants a serious relationship:


    Thanks for the in depth reply Jen, I do like a nice reply with thought in it.
    I shall try and answer the questions you have asked and add my own thoughts.
    Communication is vital to any relationship and clarity is utmost for me. I like to know the thoughts of the lady and reasons she would like to live away from her homeland. Her financial status I would never be rude enough to ask over an e-mail or the phone, I feel that is something you can only ask someone face to face and then only if you feel you could have something special developing. Short of either of you being bi-lingual or multi-lingual there will always be misinterpretations of what has been said. But in the case that I originally talked about there was no misunderstanding. She wanted money, end of, the subject came up after about 4 letters.
    As for your story about the filipina who had one man she could see herself being settled with and wants to show her good intentions towards him by not asking him about money, and show her clean intentions.!!! Now let's think about that last bit 'Clean Intentions' if I was the man whom she likes and can see herself settled down with, and I found out that she had been basically ripping off another man that found her attractive when she had no intention of being with him, whether or not he wanted to settle down does not come in to the equation, she would be put out with the rubbish. The fact that she wanted to prove how good she is to the man she wants in her life and show her 'Clean Intentions' and then rip off a man who has feelings for her, is just cold hearted.
    The reality check.
    Rephrasing my question from 'Would you come to England to live with a very low wage earner' to one of 'Would you find one that would love a very low wage earner' is a completely different question. One involves total commitment the other just the use of the word love. If a man wanted a woman to come to England to live with him and obviously be married that shows love and commitment, and should be the basis of the relationship. But anyone can say to the other they love them when there is no commitment, especially when they are on different continents.
    And finally, if I see a picture on a site of a woman with short skirt and cleavage sticking in your face, well best of luck to her but she's not for me.

  8. #38
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    A lot of the girls on the dating sites are only there to scam money from gullible men - and are successful at it- only takes 1 or 2 % success rate to make it lucrative for them - and it is! There are men there that are naive and believe their sob stories and tales of woe.

    Even a girl in my own ex GFs family tried to scam me by pretending to be my GF one day.

    It can be big money if they hit the right person.

  9. #39
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    Sounds like you had a lucky escape there Sparky

  10. #40
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    I should imagine a lot of foreign nationals were keen to find a UK future partner--in order to get here. In previous times the income wasn't the main thing---but all that has now changed.---because of sponsorship income rules.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
    my answer to that:
    my conclusion is that foreign men are more faithful than pinoys

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by FilipinaDiver View Post
    cherriecliffod is right, Pinoy men are famous for being a womanizer. Also I find most of them are so egoistic and controlling yet lacking sense of accountability.
    Most men are driven by what's inside their trousers, but very few will actually admit it

  13. #43
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Most men are driven by what's inside their trousers, but very few will actually admit it
    What's the very first thought when one sets their eye's on an attractive woman?

  14. #44
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Thank you for answering the questions Rik, however those were not really specifically for her only, those were meant generally and could be to anyone.

    Well,good thing that you made a great job by dumping her, and I know you are the only one who knows and feel about her intensions.

    About the woman, even I, who heard the story personally, wouldnt know whats the truth about her feelings, about her plans, about everything, and I guess that's not my business anymore.

    Just be carefu and wise, we are all grown ups.

    About the other replies stating that Pinoys are womanizers, well mostly yes hahaha. My father is a living proof lol, but I am thankful that my Filipino exes were faithful enough. Tho now, personally I really prefer foreign men two reasons, (PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE ME AS A RACIST OR DISCRIMINATING ANYONE), I had previous relationship with an american, german and now a british, I made some british friends as well and not being a racist but I found British the best among them not because my fiance is a brit but I have proven it by having some british friends, they are very upfront, they do not waste time, if they dont like you, they really dont and they dont play games (again, this is based on my experience) they are faithful, and judgements of other people do not make them bothered and I like how independent they are. And another thing that scares me most about filipino men, gays and bisexuals are increasing, (again I am not discriminating anyone, I have lots of LGBT friends and I love them) you wouldnt really know who are the straight ones, tho it is not a big deal but of course me as a woman, I would marry a man, a real man. (I hope I did not offend anyone, I am sorry if I did)

    I have watched a local news last night and prostitutes were so happy that american troops will be back in Subic, one prostitute was interviewed (of course wearing a sexy outfit) and told the reporter, "Siyempre excited, matagal na kami nag aantay sa mga kano." (Of course we are excited, we have been waiting for the americans) and then if they got pregnant and abandoned by the american, they would moan and complain and tell bad things against them (one woman was also interviewed, she had a kid with an american and she was abandoned, she was so angry), sometimes they will complain as they were got raped lol (I know you know this issue) well I know you guys can get what I am saying.

    Bottom line,

    all of us can find our true love, personally or from dating sites, it just depends on us, on how we communicate, on how we treat our prospects, and on how we respect ourselves especially for the women, how would we find a man who will love us truthfully if we post pictures that will give them a reason to disrespect us? acting like a s***, and saying words like a b****? and you are expecting for a man to treat you nicely? Well that's for anyone not just for women.

  15. #45
    Respected Member Espie's Avatar
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    If the woman love someone filipina or not, your status in life should not be an issue anyway, should it? If the guy earns well, it is a plus/bonus. But if not, find someone who could contribute and not just a pretty face!

  16. #46
    Respected Member Espie's Avatar
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    I mean find a girl who can contribute and not sitting at the couch watching silly pinoy dramas,

  17. #47
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    Very well said Espie

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Espie View Post
    If the woman love someone filipina or not, your status in life should not be an issue anyway, should it? If the guy earns well, it is a plus/bonus. But if not, find someone who could contribute and not just a pretty face!
    Never a truer few words spoken Elspie. A lady with a heart and good head on her shoulders.

  19. #49
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Espie View Post
    I mean find a girl who can contribute and not sitting at the couch watching silly pinoy dramas,
    Love it, good one Espie!

  20. #50
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
    I just wanna share a bit of our story.

    I met my husband 4 years ago. Back then he was jobless, been thru hardships because of his past relationship. He's a kind of man with very low self esteem. He's just receiving his DLA and JSA. I don't mind because on top of that I felt his sincerity and kindness. He saved money and gave up his flat so he will be able to meet me face to face. 2011, he stayed here for more than 2 months. When he went back to UK, he tried to find a job but there was no luck. He then saved money again so we can be together. 2012, he managed to stay here for more than 10 months. We helped each other as I'm still working that time as well. We've been able to survive thay 10 months. We struggled but we're happy that we're together. We got married that year though its a very very simple ceremony. December 2012, he went back to UK. He found a job finally, very low income but its ok along with his DLA and got his own flat. I adore him more, seeing how he strived to fulfill all the requirements that we need for the visa application for us to be able to be together for good. Now, we are waiting for the decision. Fingerscrossed.

    With regards to your question Mr. Rick. I dont know the percentage. To be honest, I heard a lot about other Filipinas who's just after the money of foreign men. I feel sorry for them and for the sincere men out there. Sad reality. But I'll tell you there are Filipinas who doesnt look for the amount of money a man can give but for the amount of love and respect that you can give her.
    You're a real woman Cherrie. Massive respect.

    Hope everything works out for you guys. Rep on its way!

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