While waiting at the wrong placeto pick Ems up today, I started to watch folk come and go into Aldi and what shapes there are. Its funny when you see an older couple they seem to be the same, dress the same look the same and act the same too.
While waiting at the wrong placeto pick Ems up today, I started to watch folk come and go into Aldi and what shapes there are. Its funny when you see an older couple they seem to be the same, dress the same look the same and act the same too.
True....though it's getting past some of the buggers that seems to be the problem these days.
Just seen the sphelling misstake, meant to be sizesThats what happens when you dont check what you are trying to say
... 's ok, Steve ... I knew what you meant - and so (obviously) did Graham!
However, I've taken the liberty of adjusting the heading of the thread accordingly to put your mind at rest.![]()
When I was young everyone was the same shape, it was very rare to see someone different!![]()
Isn't it just the old saying - that old married couples end up like each other and comfortable with each other?
Or should opposites attract? Who knows.
People will argue this, but food is cheap, or we obviously have more money to spend on food.
When I was a kid, we were all skinny, partly because we played out a lot of course, but food seemed expensive. My mum would announce we were having a chicken next Sunday and I would tell my mates!
We went to the Aldi of its day, and ready meals did not exist. If they had done they would have been considered a luxury.
Now, the amount of people who eat out 2-3 times a week in Harrogate is staggering.
I bet if I check out the restaurants tonight they will be quite busy even though it's only a Monday.
I never eat out in the UK either...or buy ready meals.
A great way of wasting money on overpriced muck.
Don't want to sound like a cliched comedian, incapable of coming up with original material, so he makes up crap about how poor they were, but I remember as a kid existing on stew for weeks at one point. We were just having a bad patch.
Now I might have moaned about my mums cooking, but she knew how to make decent ingredients into meals that wouldn't poison us. Might have tasted like nothing (herbs were for posh people), but.....you get my idea.
Fast forward to me somehow getting volunteered to make the main course for a Rotaract safari supper. I had absolutely no idea, and had to phone an aunt to ask how to cook a vegetable.
It wasn't that I was lazy - I just never thought to ask, and my parents weren't over keen on my learning off them.
A friend in Rotaract for a joke gave me a student cook book, and I basically studied that. I'm ok now.
The thing is, people (Well, chavvy people) complain about how fresh food is expensive, and this is why they stuff their faces with chocolate, pies and ready meals.
Absolute balls!
Bag of apples - £1.50, 6-8 snacks in that. Bar of tooth rotting gut expanding choc - £1 ish, one snack.
Vegetables in season - huge amount for a few quid. Want meat? Well go to the local market or Aldi, decent sized chicken for less than £3, pork shoulder steaks (A personal favourite, just the right mix of fat and lean in one of those) for £2,69 for a pack. Pack of chicken thighs for £1,99, you can feed a family with one of those with plenty of vegetables thrown in (People do not need to eat tons of meat)
The problem is people:
A. Don't know how to cook. This is scandalous, and if they don't learn off their parents (I know from experience this just doesn't happen sometimes) then it is well overdue that this basic skill is taught in schools. Not the fancy rubbish with too much writing we had to suffer, but basic cooking with emphasis on practical.
B. People are too lazy to cook - my biggest suspicion.
C. People don't want decent food and want an excuse to stuff their fat faces with crud, expanding their lovely bingo wings so they can get extra tattoos on them, and expanding their bottoms so they can fit on the sofa to watch Jeremy Kyle.
I like to eat out now and then but there's only a few places that I go to because it's good food, but ready meals are the worst thing ever - lazy food for lazy people!
Iani, you sounded like my husband, but he is a bit more brutal, he utterly loathes fat people. He calls them a pack of lard. Imagine my worry if I gain weight even for a bit?!!! What you have said are spot on. People are lazy, lazy to cook, lazy to do sports, lazy to push themselves to keep fit but not too lazy to think of reasons to nurture all those wobbly bits. I'm not a good cook, everything I cook involves sauteing or boiling - typical Filipina hahaha
This wife.. has an amazing husband.
I spend less than £20 a week on HEALTHY food ingredients, which I cook up myself.
For work, I make sandwiches the night before.
I reckon I'm in pretty good nick for an old bloke, and virtually never even a sniffle of illness....touch wood.![]()
However, on the other hand, Philippines is still fighting a major problem - HUNGER.
This wife.. has an amazing husband.
Ahhh and what about "big" people who you might have to end up sitting next to on a bus or worse - aeroplane?
Is it fair to be squashed out of your own personal space by the rippling invasive flab of a salad dodger?
I would think of an equally unsociable 'defense mechanism' to keep them away from my space.![]()
Lots offruit, veg and some protein and I'm done
A place for everything, everything in its place.
I was once sandwiched by 2 big tub of lard in an airplane, the FAs gave me a pity look and offered a different seat![]()
This wife.. has an amazing husband.
And where is the concrete rule when you have to weigh yourself upon boarding a small plane?! I was asked once for additional fee as I have excess off of my 15 kilos check-in sports equipment.
Whereas they don't slice off transfat oils/lard from these humongous people! I'm weighing 52 kilos and I am 5'4", these airplane companies should ask overweight fees for these uber weighed!
This wife.. has an amazing husband.
I agree. It should be total weight of passenger plus bags.
This might be good for the obesity epidemic too.![]()
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