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Thread: Last Flight Leaves Bacolod City bound for Manila

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Last Flight Leaves Bacolod City bound for Manila

    Final Flight is Waived off by Mayor of Bacolod City

    The Mayor of Bacolod City and other residents waived off the last flight to leave the existing City airport bound for Manila, PR 136 Philippine Airlines taxi's out to the runway for the last time, from today, all flights inbound for Bacolod City now will divert to the new Bacolod/Silay International Airport which is situated out towards Silay City.

    This is good news for those of us who are connected with Negros Occidental, and good for those of us who have made the city our home.

    I am quite proud that my wife and I now have an international airport to fly into when we go home to the house, its about 30 minutes from where we live.

    The Philippine government has released the Bacolod City International airport and Ilo Ilo City international airports to the worlds carriers as a direct route hub, so that airlines coming from the ASEAN cities may now start to schedule direct flights to these 2 new airports.

    This may in the future be a great thing for us, because we always have to fly to Manila to catch a local fight down to the provinces, what we are hoping is that in the future, we will be able to completely bypass the capital and fly direct from the middle east for direct from Hong Kong, to Bacolod City.

    I am paticularly excited to land in the new airport in July, and be greeted by my driver, and be collected in my own SUV, this will I believe be the start of many such trips over the next 10 years, leading to my retirement, I think having an international standard airport is a great step forward for the province, and Bacolod City, where property prices are set to soar.

    It is good news.

  2. #2
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    The new airport is far: 20Km north-north east of Bacolod.

    By the way Peter, do you know who built the new Bacolod Silay airport?

    ... The New Bacolod (Silay) Airport Development Project was funded by Japan Bank for International Cooperation or JBIC. The contractor is Takenaka-Itochu Joint Venture, while the consultant is the Pacific Consultants International...

    And who built the NAIA terminal 3 ? ... see my thread on Naia terminal 3:
    Takenaka... no comments! Good luck there Peter... don't forget your helmet!

    Rob and Keith, be careful Peter will faint! call the ambulance please. Thanks

    Read from here:

    Apparently, they should start
    domestic flight operations this Friday. Hopefully! I cross my fingers...
    Best regards.

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    It's great to hear there is a new airport! When I was in Davao I read something in the newspaper about there being no direct flights from Australia to Davao..aparantley our Aussie friends have been complaining about it for a long time now, I thought Davao would have lot's of Aussie tourist's..there was a handful..I thought those Aussies would go anywhere for a cheap beer?

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  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer View Post
    The new airport is far: 20Km north-north east of Bacolod.

    By the way Peter, do you know who built the new Bacolod Silay airport?

    ... The New Bacolod (Silay) Airport Development Project was funded by Japan Bank for International Cooperation or JBIC. The contractor is Takenaka-Itochu Joint Venture, while the consultant is the Pacific Consultants International...

    And who built the NAIA terminal 3 ? ... see my thread on Naia terminal 3:
    Takenaka... no comments! Good luck there Peter... don't forget your helmet!

    Rob and Keith, be careful Peter will faint! call the ambulance please. Thanks

    Read from here:

    Apparently, they should start
    domestic flight operations this Friday. Hopefully! I cross my fingers...

    i think i need a crash hat living near to heathrow

  5. #5
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    For Pete, some photos of the new airport:
    Looks like a nice terminal.

    Airport web site:

    By the way, the terminal fee is set at P30.
    Best regards.

  6. #6
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    LOL! Just closed and they want to reopen it...

    Lucio Tan for reopening [old] Bacolod airport

    BACOLOD City: Mayor Evelio R. Leonardia said tycoon Lucio Tan is willing to
    shoulder the expenses for the reopening of the old Bacolod Airport if this will
    push through...

    Read more here:
    Best regards.

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