Its really painful hoping too much then all of a sudden it turns into a bad thing.
I received a text message from my ex-boyfriend today telling me that he's into a massive thinking AGAIN of coming here. He said he doesnt want to spend alot of money without any assurance that i will be granted a visa.
He only sending me short messages up to 3 sentences. Telling me "hello dear,im online. Keep checking if ur online." thats why i told him make ur messages a bit longer so he just add 2 sentences only.
He's been doubting that i will not be able to get a visa, how can i do that if a simple things making his messages a bit longer, he cant even do. Aromulus is true telling me why he's been putting all the efforts in my shoulders.
He always keeps telling me about the money that he's going to spend visiting me here. I never asked him a single amount of money. And i keep on telling him beware of this girls directly offering u marriage they just want your money. But then,he's still chatting with them.
He's finally made his decisions of not coming, its because he gives much importance on his MONEY. This experience had teached me a lesson for not "HOPING TOO MUCH".
Ate shelly, thanks for all your advices me. For all your support.
Thanks to all of you guys for extending ur knowledge and for all the inputs that you had shared.