Hi all, more problems
When I was born, my foot was on the wrong way. An operation sorted this but my leg is about 1 inch shorter than the other, there's not much movement in my ankle and it gives me very sharp pains if i walk about a mile. Sometimes
any distance. So what are my chances of being able to claim disability benefits?
Over the last 15 years I've had a number of jobs. All have given me bad shoulder pains. 1 year ago - in the job I have now - I had to lift a heavy box on top of another box on the top shelf. Since then, I've had a lot of back and neck pain, even when I'm trying to sleep.
Sometimes the 2cubic ft cardboard boxes can be over 25kg. I have to stand while I scan documents, can't sit, cant tell them that I'm having pain in my back because they will put me on a sitting job preparing documents and that gives me nasty shoulder pains, so i can't win.
Also about this scanning job, the hourly count is too high and I've had 2 warnings. It's easy to get the hourly count if the documents are in good condition. This makes the other 4 scanning operators fight for the best boxes and i usually end up with the bad boxes. It only takes one bad box to ruin my average count for the whole day. I've told the boss about the other guys, but she says I still need to get my count. If I don't get my count more than 4 times a month, I'll get further warnings and possibly dismissal.
I'm thinking of quitting this job. I'm only just about hanging on to it after all the time I've had off because of back and neck pain and I've already had warnings for that also.
I have been to an osteopath 4 times - but no difference. The doctor has said to make an appointment at the physiotherapist. I'm still to do this but I think I'll have to pay.
So what do you think I should do? Any advice will be appreciated