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Thread: Mountain Bike Philippines

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Mountain Bike Philippines

    According to Wikipedia, “Mountain biking is the sport of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain, using specially designed mountain bikes. Mountain biking can generally be broken down into multiple categories: cross country, trail riding, all mountain, downhill, freeride, dirt jumping, and trials.”

    The Philippine islands and provinces are rich in natural beauty that covers the highest peaks, to the wonderfully shaped volcanoes, majestic waterfalls, glorious beaches, bunches of hills, explorer-friendly caves and so many more undiscovered secrets. It also has a terrain that is the perfect mix between rugged and smooth that is friendly to both the adventurers and the explorers. For this reason, the Philippines is a lovely spot for mountain biking.

    Mountain biking is slowly unravelling as a top sport in the Philippines. Many communities have now been formed for the mountain biking enthusiasts to also help promote the sport and spread awareness of its many benefits.

    Mountain biking could be considered as an extreme sport, so many are still hesitant to give it a try because of the “danger” and “extreme” linked to its name and activities. However, many still forego and stay active in this sport because of these advantages:

    1..It encourages you to meet and get to know new people. When the going gets tough, whom shall you call and depend on but your biking buddy? Biking through those rough and rugged trails, it sure would be boring without sharing some conversations and some laughs together, right? In turn, you gain new friends and get to spend time in getting to know someone in a different light.

    2..It strengthens your legs. Strengthening your legs is also one of the often neglected things that we are supposed to do, most especially during these times when we all practically live such sedentary lives. Office cubicles ground us, yes, but they don’t get our feet moving and going. To some who find running or jogging a bore, why not try biking instead? And when you’re feeling more confident and adventurous, try mountain biking!

    3..It burns your fat. Oh, don’t we just love to hear that line! Burning fats is never an easy feat; it is hard work. A study shows that fat burning takes place when our heart rates are at around 65 to 75 per cent of our maximum heart rates. Now, mountain biking sure does elevate your heart rate with the adrenaline rush, not to mention the thrill and sometimes, nervousness of the adventure. And the best thing, you’re not even conscious about burning your fats. It becomes the effect of the activity, not the goal.

    4..It brings you happiness. Say hello to your new friends, endorphins, which are the friendly little brain chemicals that trigger our feelings of euphoria or extreme happiness. A happy spirit is both mind and body.

    In the Philippines, you may get plenty more information from the blog, Mountain Bike Philippines, which “is the pioneer mountain biking online source that brings you updates and information on upcoming mountain biking races, rides and events as well as information on mountain biking gears, gadgets, bike shops and product reviews.” Basically, it is only of the most credible online resources for anything that involves mountain biking in the Philippines. | Mountain Bike Philippines

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    I have seen more cyclists riding around this time then at any other time. Lots of guys with all the right gear riding the streets in groups. Just like watching the Tour de France, it sometimes feels like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    I have seen more cyclists riding around this time then at any other time. Lots of guys with all the right gear riding the streets in groups. Just like watching the Tour de France, it sometimes feels like.
    I've noticed that too here in Davao.
    Seems to be quite a good number of clubs.
    Glad I shipped all my kit over as the costs here are not cheap. Although a good mountain bike can be had for around P10k - P15k

    We've both talked about this a number of times but haven't done anything about it. Cycling around in this heat needs some careful consideration.

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