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Thread: Documents: Family and Child Visit Visa APRROVED

  1. #1
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Documents: Family and Child Visit Visa APRROVED

    We have been granted 2 visit visas recently for my daughter (child visit visa) and for my sister (family visit visa). They came here in the UK and spent 3 weeks with us. We've been to few places but the most important thing for me was I had a chance to hold, see and spent quality time with my daughter Nina.

    I just want to share the documents that we submitted and hoping it will help others as well.

    Child Visit Visa

    Printed application form
    Photographs for the visa
    NSO Birth Certificate
    Baptismal Certificate
    School Advance Enrolment Certificate with receipts (to say that she is enrolled for the next school year that starts June 2014)
    Old school i.d's of my daughter
    Application Letter (stating the reason for the travel and how many weeks they intend to stay in the UK)
    Cover Letter/Supporting Letter (i stated the reason why they need to return to the PI after the 3 weeks holiday and that is for my daughter to continue her studies in Davao)
    Financial Summary Letter of my husband stating his financial capability on paying for the cost of the whole trip
    Print out photographs of me, my husband and my daughter on facetime, skype, our previous holiday in the PI, her in school etc
    Photocopy of my passport and my husband passport duly notarized by a solicitor
    Marriage contract
    Bank statements of my husband
    Bank statements of mine showing that I am fully supporting my daughter financially every month since I left the Philippines
    My husband's payslips(6 months worth)
    My husband's letter from his company stating that he is employed by them
    My UKBA letter's
    Copy of biometric card to prove that I am settled in the UK
    Some of my identification cards both UK and Philippines (all valid)
    House bills like council tax, water, electric, internet etc
    Photographs of our house including bedrooms, frontroom, diner, front and back garden
    Print screen of Peppa Pig World ticket fees, Alton Towers, London Eye, Westminster Abbey and other places to visit in the UK
    Print screen of a possible flight from the PI to London

    Family Visit Visa

    Printed application form
    Visa photographs
    NSO Certificate
    NBI Certificate
    Application Letter (stating the reason for the travel and how many weeks they intend to stay in the UK)
    Cover Letter/Supporting Letter (i also added that my sister is my daughter's accompanying adult as I am not able to because I am pregnant)
    Financial Summary Letter of my husband stating his financial capability on paying for the cost of the whole trip
    Pictures with my sister, daughter, husband etc
    Photocopy of my passport and my husband passport duly notarized by a solicitor
    Marriage contract
    Bank statements of my husband
    Bank statements of mine showing that I am fully supporting my daughter financially every month since I left the Philippines
    My husband's payslips(6 months worth)
    My husband's letter from his company stating that he is employed by them
    My UKBA letter's
    Copy of biometric card to prove that I am settled in the UK
    Some of my identification cards both UK and Philippines (all valid)
    House bills like council tax, water, electric, internet etc
    Photographs of our house including bedrooms, frontroom, diner, front and back garden
    Print screen of Peppa Pig World ticket fees, Alton Towers, London Eye, Westminster Abbey and other places to visit in the UK
    Print screen of a possible flight from the PI to London

    The documents are nearly identical to eachother and we tried as much as we can to link both applications. We also stated on the last part of the application form that we want them to have a look on both application as they are linked and together.

    Just ask me if you have any queries, I will only answer based on what we experienced. Hope I helped!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Thanks for a very informative thread
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    You're welcome Sars!

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    with Sars and appreciate the fact you've taken the time to share this extremely useful information, Novie ...

    Glad you'd a GREAT family reunion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I hope you enjoyed a truly memorable family reunion visit time.

    Thanks for posting this very helpful thread. This is important information that many folks are regularly seeking. Well done

    I'm making this a 'sticky' so it's always easy to find.

  6. #6
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Well, thank you really because many of you helped us out many many times now so I think it is fair for me to help our other members out and share a bit of my rusty knowledge. I am very glad that they gave me a chance to be with my daughter after 2 years of not holding her. It was emotional at the end but I knew meself that its not the end, there will always be next time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thank you Melovesengland for this very informative thread . . .

  8. #8
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    You're welcome Deimei. xx

  9. #9
    Respected Member LastViking's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting, this is really useful. We are trying to arrange for my wife's brother and his family to visit so this is really helpful.


  10. #10
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastViking View Post
    Thanks for posting, this is really useful. We are trying to arrange for my wife's brother and his family to visit so this is really helpful.

    No worries LastViking. Hope it all goes well.

  11. #11
    Member Favoredjhoe's Avatar
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    Hi can I get your viber? I want to know many things about going to UK. Or if u want u can add me. Thank you and God bless.

  12. #12
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Hi, Im sorry but I dont use viber. Message me if you like. ��

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