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Thread: Overseas British Passport Application (Child) & Spouse Visa

  1. #1
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Overseas British Passport Application (Child) & Spouse Visa

    Hi everyone

    Firstly, sorry if I have repeat posted, or have posted in the wrong forum. Really need some advice and reassurance on a few things...

    A quick bio...I am a British National currently living in the UK. I have a wife, a stepson (8years old) and two biological children (2&1) living in the Philippines.

    We are going thru the process of applying for my wife and stepson's spouse and dependents visa. I am one month into the 6 months work I need to do to support my wife's visa application, and am currently on target to meet the financial requirement, so first foot is on the mountain!

    My biological children, were born after we were married, and have Filipino birth certificates, and NSO copies also. My plan is to have my wife apply for their UK passports using the

    service, so they can come into the UK on their British passports. As far as I believe the application must be made from the country the children reside, so I cannot do it from this end.

    Can someone confirm that is right?


    1. Do I need to register their births with the British Embassy, or can I leave that and do it once they are in the UK?

    2. My wife will apply for her spouse visa in her married name, but using her old passport with her maiden name. Is this OK to do? Any foreseeable problems?

    3. What order should her visa application progress e.g., TB test, Language test, CFO stamp etc. Does anybody have a good timeline on when each process should be taken?

    4. My stepson has his fathers surname, and the father is on the birth certificate, but was not married to his mother. The father does not support him and we do not know of his whereabouts. Any potential problems there? What is the right course of action to take on this?

    Thanks so much in advance.. my mind is so restless, this is such an unfair, daunting process for my wife and I that I'm really stressing out about it all.. trying to take one step at a time, but seeing so many things that could go wrong. Hope I hear from you good people.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Hello mate, I am in the same process as you, married with 2 children and applying for passports when I return in 2 weeks...your children will be British by descent passed down from you, as long as you have not got British Citizenship by descent yourself.

    Yes, you are right and wrong about applying for the passports, the Passport Office told me you can send the documents from the UK or the Philippines, but the passports with the supporting documents will be sent back to the Philippines

    1...Do I need to register their births with the British Embassy.....?

    ... No, you don't have to.....but I did, as for me it's less documents you have to send to the Passport Office as they have gone thru the checks already.

    2. My wife will apply for her spouse visa in her married name...I am not sure myself, but I read that it's not a problem as the NSO marriage certificate will correspond to this...we have an NSO CRS Form No.5 form as well.....

    3. What order should her visa application progress...?

    ... You need to get all your documentation in order before you apply for the visa, I have a problem with the TB test and it's going to be 2 months before I can apply....CFO after you get the visa.

    4. Cannot help you with this one.

    You're right, it can be stressful, but there are lots of members on here who will point you in the right direction. I suggest you start with the English Test. Hopkins in Manila are really helpful..


  3. #3
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    Here's some forum threads with good information to help with the passport questions for your children:-

    Regarding the spouse visa application, your wife can only make application based on the details in her valid passport. If her passport does not show her married name then she cannot apply using that.

    There are some key documents that must be submitted together with the visa application.
    Without these documents the application will not be accepted.
    She will need to secure an pass certificate in English Language from an approved source listed on the UKBA approved listing. The details can be found here English language requirement
    Additionally she will need a certificate of TB screening, again from the UKBA approved clinic in Manila. The details can be found here Tuberculosis testing in the Philippines
    Be aware the the TB certificate is only valid for 6 months.

    May I suggest you review the forum thread here called All New Guide - How to apply for a Spouse/Partner Visa
    Hopefully it will give good background information on the evidential documentation needed and also provide links to the UKBA webpages.

    Another useful link is here called Applying for a UK visa in the Philippines Be sure to follow the links contained within also.

    Regarding the needed CFO 'sticker' your wife is able to undertake the seminar at any convenient time. Many folks schedule it at the same time as other activities in Manila etc.
    Be aware that she will be unable to secure the actual passport sticker until her UK visa becomes valid. For that reason many folks also wait until they have the visa before taking the seminar then they receive the sticker on the same day. It's a personal choice.

    We do have a number of members here have followed the same path as that needed by your stepson
    I'm sure some will drop by soon.
    In the meantime try to do a search here.

    It's often not quite as straightforward as when the father is not mentioned on the Birth Certificate, but can be done.....just a little more attention needed.

    If I have time I'll look out the threads for you.

    Don't be shy to continue asking clarifications

  4. #4
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Thanks Will

    Yes, I'm finding it very stressful, and unfair.. so is my poor wife! She has 3 little ones, with little help. She's in Palawan and I find it crazy that everything has to be done thru Manila, the CFO, the TB Test and Language Tests, just crazy! I want to organize it as simple as possible for her, so she only has to do one or two trips. How did you book the TB test? Someone told me you have to drop in, in person to the clinic just to make the appointment. Surely this can't be true. Can't it be done online or by telephone? Or can you just drop in and have the test the same day? Also if it's valid for six months, then maybe the best thing would be to have it say 4 months before the visa application, in case of any problems.

    What do you think?

    Also, will your wife apply in her married name or maiden name? And what is her passport name?

    Thanks for getting back to me..I'll just take some deep breaths and get on with it, its gotta be done I guess, and soon it'll all be worth it!

    Cheers bud

  5. #5
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe

    So much helpful stuff there...

    Please correct me if I'm wrong. If my wife will apply for the spouse visa in her maiden name, the name in her passport, then the Language and TB tests must also be made in her maiden name. Is this correct?

    The reason she didn't change passports is because she was told she needed a CFO certificate just to change it, and as it is only valid for 6 months, it meant it would have expired by the time she applies for the visa, and she'd have to go to another seminar for another certificate for her visa. Crazy isn't it?

    Thanks so much for getting back to me..a big help.

    All the best

  6. #6
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Hi, Ben....the best bit of advice I can give is make a timeline of the most important thing she need to English Test, can book at Hopkins, Manila, TB test at International Organisation for Migration Manila. Do a search on Google, their phone number is on there somewhere. You can make an appointment over the phone....remember you need to do these before you file you spouse visa..after you file the application, VFS, CFO and exit clearance....hope I have not missed anything out, if I have, someone will put me right...


  7. #7
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    What's VFS and exit clearance? Could you explain that bit please.


  8. #8
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Hi Ben, VFS Global are people that deal with your visa application. Basically, when you submit your application online, you need to make a booking with them after you put in the application. They will take all your documentation from your wife and do the biometric tests. I guess they check it and send it to the British Embassy....

    EXIT / EMIGRATION CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE... 11. EMIGRATION CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (ECC) - Foreign nationals who have been granted a total authorized stay of six (6) months or more shall be required to secure a Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the Bureau of Immigration.


  9. #9
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Hi Will,

    Just wondered how you got on with your child's passport application? I applied for my two kids on April 30th, and its been 6 weeks now and its still being processed. I'm not overly worried yet, just wondered if you had received yours yet, if you had any problems, and how long did it take.

    All the best,

  10. #10
    Member milesaway1113's Avatar
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    It took us 8-9 weeks to wait. We sent application from Brunei to UK. I gave birth here in Brunei and my daughter got Brunei birth certificate.
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  11. #11
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    Hi Ben

    The application process is through the Home Office now not the Border Agency - and done online. Can you let me know how you get on. We applied for a family visit 2 years ago and got turned down. I think I messed the application up (they look for any excuse). We are now legally married and have just had a baby. We are in the process of applying for a family visit again. We are not planning on settling here so a family visit is better for us.

  12. #12
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Hello Ben, sorry for the delay - just got back from the Philippines...

    No, I am still waiting for my 2 childrens' passports. It's a total nightmare and it looks like we have to start again on our visa English Test, which we knew we have to do as the last date to use the ETS TOEIC English Test was 22nd July and our TB test runs out on Aug the 6th. So from this date we will start again...

    We applied online Feb 24th

    Documents sent March 19th and received on the 20th.
    Called by the Passport Office, EQA team on May 7th. They started the application on this date. almost 2 months later.

    The EQA team called me and told me they still need more documents. I told them I sent everything which was required on the list. They want Cenomars and a letter from me stating if I had or have not any other children and a complete scan of me and my passport, including the empty pages. I only sent the stamped pages and bio page. This was sent the next day and received by the them 2 days later.

    It finally moved from the EQA team 2 months later (July) and now is with the security team. This team check every document which has been sent. I have been calling them every week but things have not moved. They told me that it could take up to 6-9 months.

    Once it moves from the security team and all the documents are ok, an interview will be required, and after that the passport will be sent with that week.

    If you need any email address or direct phone number, let me know.


  13. #13
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenRicca View Post
    I have a wife, a stepson (8years old)

    4. My stepson has his fathers surname, and the father is on the birth certificate, but was not married to his mother. The father does not support him and we do not know of his whereabouts. Any potential problems there? What is the right course of action to take on this?
    Your stepson has been recognized and acknowledged by his father meaning the father knows he's got a son and UKVI will look for documents like a ''parental consent from the father '' if you plan to take him to UK to settle.

    Your wife should know of his whereabouts, not because of financial support, but for the sake of the child and his future.

    Option 2:

    Your wife can file a petition to the court to change the surname of his son; this is not often granted by the court but might as well give it a go.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Your stepson has been recognized and acknowledged by his father meaning the father knows he's got a son and UKVI will look for documents like a ''parental consent from the father'' if you plan to take him to UK to settle.

    Your wife should know of his whereabouts, not because of financial support but for the sake of the child and his future.

    Option 2:

    Your wife can file a petition to the court to change the surname of his son; this is not often granted by the court but might as well give it a go.
    My wife does not know his whereabouts, nothing whatsoever.
    She has tried, but for 5 years we do not know. He knows where we are as we have not moved since his last contact.

    Where do we stand on this? This is worrying me so much. If he is refused, we would have to leave him with his lola, as my biological son must come, as he needs medical treatment, which we must do here in the UK.

    There must be others with similar experiences. I have letters from his school, his doctor, our barangay, to say we solely support him..and that they have never seen his father.. photo evidence, school receipts, Western Union money transaction receipts..I don't know what else I can submit to support our application.

    We spoke to a solicitor who told us to change his surname is a very lengthy process, he said current estimations it would take years..time we don't have. I had planned to change his name once he arrived here in the UK.

    I might post a new thread on this, to reach as many as possible. I had planned to anyway..someone must have experienced this before.

    Hope someone can help!

  15. #15
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Hi, guys....just a quick update on applying for my children overseas British passports (the new online way)

    My children's British passports turned up while I was in the Philippines on Friday December the 20th. They took exactly 9 months and delivered by DHL to our apartment. Did not require to have an interview, I am guessing the British birth certificate issued by the Embassy in Manila had something to do with that. I have posted the key dates below:

    We applied online Feb 24th
    Documents sent March 19th
    Documents received on March 20th at Liverpool Passport Office
    Received 2 British child's passports December 20th (9 months)


  16. #16
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    Thanks for the update Will, and of course congratulations on finally being given these vitally important documents.

    The time taken is nothing short of disgraceful though.

  17. #17
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Congrats Will.. at last! You must be so pleased!

    Can I ask if they contacted you before they sent them by DHL, or did they just turn up one day? I myself am still waiting, 8 months now, but seeing you now have yours, gives me a little hope they will not be much longer.

    Congrats again..what's your next step? Are you ready to apply for your wife's spouse visa?

  18. #18
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    Yeah, really pleased they turned up while I was in the Philippines.

    They sent me an email but my phone was off and did not read it until after they had turned up on that day. They just turned up one morning by DHL.... like I said, I thought they were going to contact me for an interview. When I called the Passport Office in Liverpool, they said I might require an interview and the kids would have to be there with me. Maybe that's just a random thing, but we did that before with the birth certificates. Maybe having them helped with not having an interview.

    Next thing is to do the TB test again, as the last one my wife had has run out, so my wife is doing that next week, and then we will file the visa application in March when I get back....hopefully!

    I am guessing, going by how long my kids ones took (9 months) yours are only weeks away from turning up.


  19. #19
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by will1927 View Post
    I am guessing, going by how long my kids ones took (9 months) yours are only weeks away from turning up.
    I hope so.. I'm now at 38 weeks

    Good luck with it all, I hope you have no more delays


  20. #20
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    HI I am new at this forum and I wanted to connect with other family who has been applying for their british chids passport from the Philippines.

    We applied last November and still waiting, after reading this thread it looks like we could be waiting for a long time...

    I was just wondering if anyone could give me a lead time on how long it took for the British passport to arrive? would it really take 9-10 months?!

    I have recently got my settlment visa but we can't leave for the UK because of the delays on our youngest child's passport.

  21. #21
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cybergypsy View Post
    HI I am new at this forum and I wanted to connect with other family who has been applying for their british chids passport from the Philippines.

    We applied last November and still waiting, after reading this thread it looks like we could be waiting for a long time...

    I was just wondering if anyone could give me a lead time on how long it took for the British passport to arrive? would it really take 9-10 months?!

    I have recently got my settlment visa but we can't leave for the UK because of the delays on our youngest child's passport.
    I'm afraid so..i had to wait 11 months for my two children's British passports, we recieved them last week! We delayed the visa applications until we had the passports in hand. You might get lucky.. i hope you do. Good luck!

  22. #22
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    congratulations ben on receiving your children uk passport, 11 months, and our was 9 months!!!!! looks like its taking longer now to issue the passports , and were in the summer period...delay are sure to be longer.....did you check all the returned documents, as they lost our embassy birth certificates for our son, and I only realised a few day before we submitted our application at vfs.


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by will1927 View Post
    congratulations ben on receiving your children uk passport, 11 months, and our was 9 months!!!!! looks like its taking longer now to issue the passports , and were in the summer period...delay are sure to be longer.....did you check all the returned documents, as they lost our embassy birth certificates for our son, and I only realised a few day before we submitted our application at vfs.

    Yes i had all my documents returned. So what stage are you at now will? Have you recieved your visa yet?

  24. #24
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    hi, we have submitted the visa application and we are just waiting now for a positive decision.

    have you submitted yours yet.

    our timeline

    submitted online...............march 3rd
    vfs/documents submitted...march 11th
    passport submitted...........march 23rd (Passport Pass back service used)


  25. #25
    Member BenRicca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by will1927 View Post
    hi, we have submitted the visa application and we are just waiting now for a positive decision.

    have you submitted yours yet.

    our timeline

    submitted online...............march 3rd
    vfs/documents submitted...march 11th
    passport submitted...........march 23rd (Passport Pass back service used)

    No not yet..nearly! I'm just gathering the last of my documents, then will DHL them to my wife. Hopefully she can apply middle of May. I will pay priority service, i saw it was only 8100pesos extra, i think that is well worth the money. Can you tell me your experience of the visa center please? How it all went? How did you present your evidence etc.. any tips, or advice you can give so i can pass on to my wife..

  26. #26
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    hello...went really well, we went there twice over a two week period... the first time we used the VIP premium lounge service and Passport Pass back service, cost was 5,800paso, did not have to wait to long and they checked all the document we had, there was a few documents that we did not have and still not sure they were needed (my wife's 2 children NSO birth certificate's, even thou there not travelling with us at this time, and our 2 children uk British passport, the passport number were on the application) they told us we could send scan copies to the embassy email address they gave us,which we did...also I present my old passport, they said it was not required, but I told them, we want to present it as it had all the visa entry/exit stamps on it.

    we presented the document in 5 plastic folder, applicant details, sponsor details, accommodation details, financial details, and relationship with the original at the front and copies at the rear, we took them out of the plastic folder, they checked them and they put them in a plastic DHL envelope to be sent to the embassy. we informed them we want to use the Passport Pass back service as we were going to Thailand that week for a week, no problem but had to return my wife's passport within 10 working days.... then we went in to a small room for the biometric to be taken, once that was done we left, total time 30mins max.

    second time, we came straight from the airport with all our luggage, not a problem as there a cloak room there, where we left our backpacks....there was a slight queue, when got there, but we explained to the guard we were presenting my wife's passport and he let us straight in, was told to go to lane 1 or 2, where we present my wife's passport, the assistant put it in a paper envelope and wrote the GWF reference number on it and that was it....5mins.


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