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Thread: Retiring from work

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Retiring from work

    Yesterday a fellow worker from work retired after 43 years service,
    I have known Dave and got on well with him from the day i started he works in another depot, but we talk and see each other when passing,
    He said he was looking forward to 12 pm thats the time he is going home but also he is sad too,
    The last 15 years has been hard for him, he was involved in a nasty accident at work, his own fault he jumped of the dock while a lorry was reversing and it crushed him, lots of problems happened but he came back got a massive payout and that upset the boss, and they have not be the best of friends since then,
    But yesterday the boss was at our place then shot of to say his goodbye and present dave with a going away cheque,
    I wished him all the luck and his parting words was dont leave it too long Steve, once you have made your mind up then dont change it,
    There is only 1 more in front of me then its my turn, but i am hoping to go early too, hay ho, time waits for no man or woman they say

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    .....time waits for no man or woman they say
    I try to remember that every single day.

    If it was possible for me to fully retire to wherever earlier than I did then I'd have done it.

    I sometimes think back and wonder If a better decision for me would have been to put my dad into a home instead of being his carer. Yes, I do have those thoughts.

    Anyway, I followed my heart instead of my head and am just happy it worked out OK and I'm still here to enjoy my life.

    We all have different circumstances and different thinking and we need to live comfortably with our life decisions.

    Good luck with your dreams Steve. Don't leave it any longer than you need.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Its nice to look back and wonder if only i did this and i did that what would have happened, but we are all where we are today because we have made that choice, things could have been so different but would they, i am happy with all my choices well 99.9% of them if i am to tell the truth, but the 1% i shall just have to live with,
    Thanks Peter my dreams and my time is still on course but i know it could change too, but for now i am happy

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