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Thread: Telstra boss slams PLDT

  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Telstra boss slams PLDT

    Telstra boss slams PLDT and Globe’s “lousy services,” confirms ongoing talks with San Miguel

  2. #2
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    Thank you for this news Fred

    Not my field of expertise, but I hear regular complaints from Filipino friends with " high blood pressure " from dealing with PLDT

    Let's hope the deal does " push through with San Miguel " !

    As the CEO of Telstra says, there are only two incumbent operations, and hopefully his company WOULD be able to provide better services for the " long-suffering locals who’ve had to put up with PLDT and Globe’s snail-paced Internet speeds ".

  3. #3
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    Ever since the national commission did their interent testing my PLDT internet speed improved overnight from 0.98 Mbps to 2.98 Mbps.

    Still getting almost what I pay for.
    Here's my latest speedtest just a couple of minutes ago:-


  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Thank you for this news Fred

    Not my field of expertise, but I hear regular complaints from Filipino friends with " high blood pressure " from dealing with PLDT

    Let's hope the deal does " push through with San Miguel " !

    As the CEO of Telstra says, there are only two incumbent operations, and hopefully his company WOULD be able to provide better services for the " long-suffering locals who’ve had to put up with PLDT and Globe’s snail-paced Internet speeds ".

    Thanks for the Rep Alan.. I have had quite a few run ins with globe customer services as of late with one of our connections which resulted in me catching them lying to me again and again.. That particular connection has a 5MB speed and a 10 Gig data cap (Daily).. 2 weeks ago the speed was around 0.38 MB over a 24 hour period..When I called them to rectify this they told us that we had exceeded the data cap for that day!!!! This went on and on every day till the engineer was sent round..Within 5 minutes we were getting close to 5MB speeds...He told us there was a dodgy switch locally,blah blah.. As he drove away we did another test...Back to 0.38!!!! We called him directly and he fixed it remotely which lasted a few days..

    And then this morning,because of this thread,I just checked my home connection (3mb) and get this result.

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