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Thread: How To Secure a Travel Clearance For Your Child/Children

  1. #1
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Thumbs up How To Secure a Travel Clearance For Your Child/Children

    If you are already here in the UK and you want your child/children under 18 years old to visit you with one of your family then securing a travel clearance needs to be in your list of things to do before leaving the Philippines. Children under 18 years old cannot leave the Philippines travelling alone or travelling with other person with the parent/s without any Travel Clearance from DSWD.

    Here's what you need to do:

    -Print the "Affidavit of Support and Consent to Travel and Special Power of Attorney" and fill up all the blanks in the form with your details and information. There are forms already printed out in the embassy but to avoid delays you might as well print it all out and fill the form with details.

    -Your valid passport and a clear photocopy of your passports data page

    -£18 for the legalization fee

    -You can do it in person or by post, follow link for information. But I advise to give the embassy a visit as it is much easier/quicker.

    Tips and advices:

    -secure a number from the dispensing point and wait for your number to be called.

    -if the child is not the child of your current husband or lets say your child before you met your husband then REFRAIN from putting your husbands details on the form. jhen1230 told me that one of the staff told them to fill the husband bit on the form and her husband signed it in-front of them, what happened to me was I followed what jhen said but the staff that was dealing my paperwork returned it to me and asked me not to put any details of my husband if he is not the biological dad of my daughter. different information from different staffs.

    -print or fill up maximum of 3 forms because as usual information vary from staffs in the embassy, first they didnt mention in the website that I need to have 2 forms so I only took one form with me and second the shelves where forms were placed in the embassy has a little labeling that says fill 3 forms up. So just to make sure you have enough with you and avoid any delays fill up 3 forms with your details.

    -if you need to photocopy something, there is a photocopier in the embassy near the form shelves, 20p per copy so make sure you have plenty 20p's.

    -when called proceed to the window and hand over your docus, the staff will have a good look at it and if satisfied they will give you a small paper to take to the cashier for payment.

    -pay the fee and follow the cashier instructions after all.

    -I took a big envelope with me with a stamp I purchased from the post office for them to use to return my docus, the lady that dealt with my application said that it will be ready by monday. If your local, no need to bring a big envelope as you can collect the document in the embassy.

    AFTER RECEIVING YOUR LEGALIZED Affidavit of Support and Consent to Travel and Special Power of Attorney

    A. For a minor traveling alone to a foreign country for the first time

    -Duly accomplished application form can be downloaded from the DWSD website or you can get it in your local DWSD office
    -A photocopy of the birth certificate of minor
    -A written consent of both parents or the solo parent or the legal guardian permitting the minor to travel alone to a foreign country Scan and email this document to your family for them to take the print out to the office upon application Affidavit of Support and Consent to Travel and Special Power of Attorney
    -As appropriate, a photocopy of the marriage certificate of the minor’s parents or a photocopy of the certificate of legal guardianship of the minor or in the case of solo parents, a photocopy of the solo parent identification card from the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office or a photocopy of a certification from the Local Social Welfare and Development Office of being a solo parent or Tallaq or Faskh certification from the Shariah court or any Muslim Barangay or religious leader or in the case of an illegitimate minor, a certificate of no marriage (CENOMAR)* from the National Statistics Office (NSO) or in the case of a deceased parent, a photocopy of the death certificate
    -Two colored passport size photos of the minor taken within the last six (6) months

    B. For a minor traveling for the first time with a person other than the parents or legal guardian

    -Duly accomplished application form can be downloaded from the DWSD website or you can get it in your local DWSD office
    -A photocopy of the birth certificate of minor
    -A written consent of both parents or the solo parent or the legal guardian permitting the minor to travel to a foreign country with a specific person other than them Scan and email this document to your family for them to take the print out to the office upon application Affidavit of Support and Consent to Travel and Special Power of Attorney
    -As appropriate, a photocopy of the marriage certificate of the minor’s parents or a certificate of legal guardianship of the minor or in the case of solo parents, a solo parent identification card from the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office or a certification from the Local Social Welfare and Development Office of being a solo parent or a court decree of separation, annulment or divorce, or Tallaq or Fasakh certification from the Shariah court or any muslim barangay or religious leader or in the case of an illegitimate minor, a certificate of no marriage (CENOMAR) *from the National Statistics Office or in the case of a deceased parent, a photocopy of the death certificate
    -Two colored passport size photos of the minor taken within the last 6 months.
    -Photocopy of the passport of the traveling companion

    FEE of P300 (travel clearance valid for 1 year) and P600 (travel clearance valid for 2 years)

    The application for travel clearance, together with the supporting documents required shall be submitted/filed at any DSWD Field Office.

    On the appointed date, go to the nearest DSWD Field (regional) office which processed your application to submit the original copy of your supporting documents and pay PhP300.00 per travel clearance certificate. The travel clearance certificate will be obtained thereafter.


    I would thank jhen1230 for giving me the information about securing a travel clearance for my daughter before flying to the UK in future without me, accompanied by me sister of course. If she didnt mention this, it would have been a big disaster for my daughter to turn up in the airport and get refused to travel.

    Hope this one helps!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Good stuff Novie....well done

  3. #3
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Thanks Sir Peter, this would help others out in future.

  4. #4
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    what about if the child is 18 yrs old, traveling to UK on a child/dependent visa? would this child need to secure any travel clearance?

  5. #5
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post

    what about if the child is 18 yrs old, traveling to UK on a child/dependent visa? would this child need to secure any travel clearance?
    Hi Dann, I must be to late now but i dont think over 18's children need travel permit as they are considered as adults.

  6. #6
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    Hi Dann, I must be to late now but i dont think over 18's children need travel permit as they are considered as adults.
    Hi melovesengland. Daughter is now here with us. She didn't need travel permit but she attended peer counselling in CFO.

  7. #7
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Thats good news! Well done.

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