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Thread: Do i have the right to be jealous?

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Do i have the right to be jealous?

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Before I share my problem I just want to say that this is such a wonderful site and I'm enjoying very much.

    Here goes...

    I met my bf on a dating website. He emailed me and we became chatmates as I used to work on a midshift, 1-10pm. It had been very convenient for us despite the time difference. We've been seeing each other for almost 10 months now.

    Now that I'm back to morning shift (9am-6pm) I only see him on Friday nights (Saturday mornings 1.30am onwards for me) and on weekends when he's available. He mostly is, but whenever his ex (now his friend) stays with him on weekends (about every third week or so), he doesn't come online. He said that it would be rude as he has guests.

    He knows that I'm jealous of his ex. We have fought about this a long time ago. He told me not to get jealous as his most recent ex-gf was jealous of this ex/friend, that's why she's an ex. (I hope I did not confuse you with the exes).

    I don't want us fighting so I told myself that I should stop getting jealous. I don't want not to get jealous anymore but I just cant help it. I should be talking to him now but he's on a trip with his ex/friend.

    I don't want him to think that I don't trust him because I do, it's just that in the almost 10 months that we've been together, he never introduced this ex/friend to me. I once asked him about it and he just said that she's shy. Maybe she really is.. I don't know... I am also bothered that whenever she is staying for the weekend he wont come online. I just want to be a part of his day whether she is around or not.

    I know that she came to his life first but now that I'm his gf, is it selfish to ask that I should be in his priority list too?

    I love him with all my heart and I don't want to lose him with my issues. I don't know if there is something to worry about. What do you guys think?

    I would appreciate your feedback on my dilemma.


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post

    I don't know if there is something to worry about. What do you guys think?

    I would appreciate your feedback on my dilemma.


    Not much........

    My advice would be to dump him....

    He is not respecting you at all, but abusing your feelings.

    Sorry to be blunt dear, but the guy seems to want you only to fill his "down" time.

  3. #3
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    Now I'm crying.:(
    Should I give him credit for the e-mails he sends on a daily basis?

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Alarm bells ring if she already posked her nose in before it may well happen again.
    Has he or is he planing to come and see you?

    Very easy to say he is your BF if he can swtich you on and off (as in meet you online)

    If they were just friends why has he not shared his new GF with this great friend of his?

  5. #5
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    Yes, he was planning to see me late last year until he had problems with CSA. He said that they are asking for a higher child support that's why he can't afford the trip anymore. Although last night, he mentioned he would know about his bonus soon and he wish that it's enough to get him here. I am happy to hear about that but I just don't want to expect too much so I did not say anything.

    The real question that bothers me is that ex. You're right, Mr. Andypaul. He should have introduced as way back.

    How should I let him know of my feelings? "Hey hon, just want you to know that I lied when I said I wont be jealous of your ex/friend anymore." That doesn't sound good right?

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    First of all, sort your jealousy out, you either trust him or you don't, if the latter dump him. Start again.

    Jealousy is probably responsible for more break-ups than any other reason.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    Child support? Does he have a child with this ex, or another ex? If he has a child with her, is it her and the child who visit?

    It sounds odd to me - but then a lot of us lead unusual lives, so I wouldn't hold that against him! Why not insist on meeting this ex on web cam. If he refuses I would say either there is something going on, or he is not proud of you.

    Good luck.


  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    Child support? Does he have a child with this ex, or another ex? If he has a child with her, is it her and the child who visit?

    It sounds odd to me - but then a lot of us lead unusual lives, so I wouldn't hold that against him! Why not insist on meeting this ex on web cam. If he refuses I would say either there is something going on, or he is not proud of you.

    Good luck.

    I was thinking that about the child support and good friend exs sounds complicated and something that needs clearing up if your going to invest all your time effort and emotion.

  9. #9
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    He mostly is, but whenever his ex (now his friend) stays with him on weekends (about every third week or so), he doesn't come online. He said that it would be rude as he has guests.


    Wot? an ex stays with him on weekends? Strange.. i wouldn't trust them.

    I understand of how you felt. Jelousy, but then you are not in the right position to feel that way for a reason that you haven't been meet in real and you are not committed to him yet. Accept the fact that this is only an online dating, and you don't know the real score. Perhaps he lied to you or he lied to his so called ex. She might not his ex...they might still together and she has no idea that her man is playing while shes away.

    Well anyway, its just my point of view.

    You don't know whats going on there. If shes an ex and they still see each other physically..well theres more possibility that they can patch things up and back on track, and you are the history.

    I think moving on is a key.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    He mostly is, but whenever his ex (now his friend) stays with him on weekends (about every third week or so), he doesn't come online. He said that it would be rude as he has guests.

    He knows that I'm jealous of his ex. We have fought about this a long time ago. He told me not to get jealous as his most recent ex-gf was jealous of this ex/friend, that's why she's an ex. (I hope I did not confuse you with the exes).
    Huh... he really sounds like the caring, considerate type. Tell him you're not willing to put up with it. If he really loves you and values this relationship... he'll do the decent thing. Sorry to be so blunt.

  11. #11
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    well for my opinion,you also had the right to be jealous,if you're important to him ,even the ex was there he will get online ,he think of being rude when the ex is there but he didn't think of being rude to you for not getting online/not treasure you're feeling,and its not normal the ex will stay weekend on him

    wake up you had so many things too complicated on your relationship i wonder if its genuine ,yeah genuine for you bout what about him ?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    Yes, he was planning to see me late last year until he had problems with CSA. He said that they are asking for a higher child support that's why he can't afford the trip anymore.
    On a practical note, feelings aside, if he can't afford the first trip... how is he going to manage to to fund the rest of this exercise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    Child support? Does he have a child with this ex, or another ex? If he has a child with her, is it her and the child who visit?

    It sounds odd to me - but then a lot of us lead unusual lives, so I wouldn't hold that against him! Why not insist on meeting this ex on web cam. If he refuses I would say either there is something going on, or he is not proud of you.

    Good luck.

    Hi IanB,

    This is a child from a different ex.

    There was this one time when he came online and the ex was there. I didnt ask for us to meet then coz I thought that it was too soon. After being together long enough, just a week or so ago, I asked how come he doesnt introduce us, he just said that she is shy.

  14. #14
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    Wot? an ex stays with him on weekends? Strange.. i wouldn't trust them.
    Hi Ervenescence,

    All the while I thought it was all right there. I mean, we have a very different culture. I've always told myself that things like that are "normal" there in the UK and I have to accept that.

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    That IS NOT NORMAL....going on the basis of one of my mates.....he'd be ....till the cows come home to roost..... ....with all the ex's
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That IS NOT NORMAL....going on the basis of one of my mates.....he'd be ....till the cows come home to roost..... ....with all the ex's
    hahaha bossssssss not again

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That IS NOT NORMAL....going on the basis of one of my mates.....he'd be ....till the cows come home to roost..... ....with all the ex's

    Roosting cows..........????

    roost /rust/Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[roost]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation,
    –noun 1.a perch upon which birds or fowls rest at night. 2.a large cage, house, or place for fowls or birds to roost in. 3.a place for sitting, resting, or lodging

    Ah....... It comes Under # 3 ......

    It's ok then.........

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That IS NOT NORMAL....going on the basis of one of my mates.....he'd be ....till the cows come home to roost..... ....with all the ex's
    Any ideas on how will I know the truth?

    What questions should I be asking him? Or maybe there's no way of finding out at all.:(

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    Any ideas on how will I know the truth?

    What questions should I be asking him? Or maybe there's no way of finding out at all.:(
    he need to be honest to you,if he respect your feeling...geeesh your dying to death thinking of him while hes having fun out there

    ouch boss see what u done,,

  20. #20
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    Thanks guys.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    Any ideas on how will I know the truth?

    What questions should I be asking him? Or maybe there's no way of finding out at all.:(

    From the little that you told us about your boyfriend I gather that the best way would be to ask him outright for a proper explanation.

    If he dithers or makes excuses, the decision will be yours to dump him, like I suggested before, and start afresh. He doesn't sound too reliable, seems to be liking his freedom and he won't change.

    He has a child with an ex "partner".... Not an ex wife....
    And other exes come around to spend the week-end with him...

    What makes you think that he will settle down...???

    Dump him at the first chance you get.
    There is plenty of other fish in the sea....

  22. #22
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    You are clearly not top of his priority list and as for him having his ex come stay with him, I bet it's in the same bed!

    Say goodbye and find someone else!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    You are clearly not top of his priority list and as for him having his ex come stay with him, I bet it's in the same bed!

    Say goodbye and find someone else!
    He has a spare bedroom in his flat. I've seen it from the video of his place he sent me. He told me that she sleeps there.. I asked if they get tempted to do it since they've done it before. He said No. He loves her as she is a special friend but he's not inlove with her anymore.

    Maybe I'm too gullible...

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    There is plenty of other fish in the sea....
    Not in the North Sea
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Serious alarm bells. So many ex's and still maintaining a strange relationship with one of them that certainly prevents any healthy relationship with someone new.

    Certainly you should ask him direct questions and evaluate his responses. Beware. I am aware of a couple of really nice Filipinas who ignored the obvious signs and are now in terrible situations. Experience tends to suggest that situations like this reveal increasingly worrying issues as time progresses.

    Good luck.

  26. #26
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    Thanks guys.. I really appreciate your advices.

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Start talking to other gys & compare
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    He has a spare bedroom in his flat. I've seen it from the video of his place he sent me. He told me that she sleeps there.. I asked if they get tempted to do it since they've done it before. He said No. He loves her as she is a special friend but he's not inlove with her anymore.

    Maybe I'm too gullible...
    if she sleeps in the other room when she rests couldn't he email, message you then? Even for a little while if he is tired?

  29. #29
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    Ask him if she will still come to stay if you come to live with him in the UK. It just doesn't sound right.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by frednbyang View Post
    Ask him if she will still come to stay if you come to live with him in the UK. It just doesn't sound right.
    Hi frednbyang. What part of Norfolk are you from?

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