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Thread: Happy people Silly people

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Happy people Silly people

    Well he has done it again, a work college , a friend has handed in his notice for the 2nd time in 2 months, and as he says this time its for real,
    I am of to Spain he is saying , sod this , sod that and i am not bothered too,
    I did say SOD, but he said something worst then that really,
    Well i said Spain why there,
    I am going on holiday there next month and looking for places to rent long term we have many friends out there and life is great too they are saying,
    This friend who i have known for many many years and i have mentioned before about his life with his horrible partner has friends over in Spain who i had know idea off, Tell me more i asked about this Spanish quest ,
    It seems his horrible partner has a few friends who have made the move to Spain over the last few years and are having a wonderful time, now i must add that her friends are the ones who caused lots of problems between my friend and his horrible partner, IN HIS WORDS NOT MINE, i must add, by staying out all night getting drunk and sleeping all day long,
    WOW, and you are going out there to live with these people ,
    I did mention that all these new people are her friends so what would happen if it all went wrong AGAIN, it wont he assured me or was it she assured him,
    By the way its his money that is going to pay for all this , because her claim for injury at work has not been paid out just yet and is still on going ,
    I do hope he will be happy in his new life but somehow i dont think he will unless he lives her dream and not his,

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Sounds like a recipe for disaster. My guess is that he'll be knocking on your door asking for his job back within a few months.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Sounds like a recipe for disaster. My guess is that he'll be knocking on your door asking for his job back within a few months.
    Who knows Jamie, remember people only tell you so much, he may have a great life , but somehow i dont think so,
    I do wish him well because really he is a nice bloke just had to many bad people in his life

  4. #4
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    I don't think our jolly expats in Spain will be quite so happy in another 2 or 3 years... no matter what bull the EU comes up with about letting existing immigrants stay... and keep whatever rights they (are meant to) have .

    You hear enough horror stories now, when we're all supposed to be living under the same laws !

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