I met the most wonderful Filipina online (through Asianeuro.com) in the last year. There was no doubt she was totally genuine, trustworthy, Christian etc etc. She contiually said how I was the most wonderful man she had been inn contact with and would always be loving and committed to me. Daily contact was maintaned as I made preparations to go and meet her in the Phlpns. At the end of last year, just as I was booking up flights etc, a friend of hers contacted me telling me that she had bumped into my g/f with an American guy! Apparently he was visiting Manila on business and he had taken her out to lunch. When I contaced my g/f she disclosed to me and said she was totally ashamed of herself and asked me for forgiveness. I said I would but it must not happen again. The relationship continued but there were long gaps between our contact. I found it almost impossible to contact her. I smelt a rat! Then in January this year my g/f's friend contacted me again stating that she (my g/f) was preparing her Fiancee Visa for the States and wanted to get married to this American guy! Again my g/f contacted me full of remorse but said she had fallen in love with him and wanted to marry him. She also surprisingly said that they had had sex in her local province's hotel during his visit. (Lucky guy - she is gorgeous!!) Shocked? You bet I was! Since then my g/f has been on Yahoo Msgr to me begging me to help her as she has apparently not and won't divulge her past relationship with me to her fiancee for fear of losing him! Shes in the early stages of K1 application and now realises that maybe her application might be denied and will lose him. Its her own fault! I realise that I should have been over to see her well before now but she is using me now to get her out of trouble. So be warned. Yes I've learnt from my mistakes, and will get over this -but although online relationships with Filipinos can very happily work out, things can go horribly wrong. Any comments? (constructive ones only!!)![]()