Hi all,
At the end of March I had a 'cold & sore throat' and started taking Paracetmol at 4 hourly doses this seemed to help only for a sudden return with added difficulty to breath, and stomach pain from retching and feeling sick, with an almost complete loss of appetite, it was difficult to take my dog on his necessary even short walks!
By the Wednesday 5th April I knew I needed help, I felt dreadful and could not face trying to eat, I was also worried about care of my dog, my son Geoffrey was calling on me the next morning with some tinned soup, when he did he phoned for ambulance help, a 'fast response paramedic' arrived very quickly and asked many questions while examining me, he then called for a full ambulance crew, in al there were 5 ambulance crew in attendance, after initial test they carried me to the ambulance and administered drugs including antibiotics, and with blue lights and sirens on took me to A & E at St Mary's hospital.
More test including x rays were done and I was told I had Pneumonia and would need to be admitted for a 3 night stay for treatment, my son then returned to my flat and took my dog home to his 'no pets allowed flat' to look after him.
I was taken to the 'Medical Admissions Unit' I had at the ambulance men's request gathered the daily drugs I was on, these were changed re arranged as treatment got under way,
after a few hours of antibiotics administered I began to feel more alive!
After 2 nights I was moved to another ward whey they said I would need to remain for a further week, news I did not want to hear, daily life on a ward is very boring in between Dr visits and treatment sessions.
I searched the ward for any discarded novels I could find to pass time, sleeping was like being on a main line railway platform with the 24 hour events happening, but at least I was not on one of the two body trolleys I saw wheeled off the ward.
As I am not into smart phones, I could not get to my emails or here or any browsing, a laptop would not have helped as the wards have no internet available to patients!
There were as is normal here now many beautiful young Filipina nurses, and with my limited knowledge of the Philippines had some interesting conversations, most patients here they find have no idea where the Philippines are even, so again talking with them was enjoyable (for me anyhow).
With Easter good Friday being on the 14th April, I was keen to get home before then or be in hospital over the weekend with little happening, on a Drs ward round on the 12th April they said I could if I felt up to it go home on Thursday 13th, then a short while later said if my take home drugs could be sorted in time go that afternoon, so I eventually arrived home at 5pm on Wednesday the 12th April and eagerly awaited my son bring my dog 'Charley' home, he was pleased to be home too.
It is now 05.45 am but I slept well for being home.