Further to my original 'Abandoned' posting, I heard though a reliable source that my ex g/f was having major problems with this American guy (am I surprised). She won't come clean with him over her previous contact with me and how she betrayed me behind my back. She won't be honest with him and he's strictly religious and won't have her hold back this. Thats her problem! Unfortunately I'm now having to put up with nasty e-mails saying that I am a liar, a cheat and a coward, and I musn't tell anyone about what is going on between them!! That aint goin' to worry me. My concience is clear! The only mistake I made was not going to meet her in the Phlpns, but that's a small compared with how she behaved and is now reacting. I'm mighty glad you know that I was saved from going over to meet her now!! Shes such a confused person it seems. I reckon I'm currently being used as a punchbag for her inadaquacies and immaturity. I may have to close my Yahoo account and open a new one if I continue to get anymore of these nasties...but there again, why should I give in? I've blocked her from contacting me via Yahoo IM so that's effective. Anyway..believe it if you will but I have now met a really sweet Filipina nurse here in the UK!! She lives and works in London and we are starting to date and totally enjoying each other's company...perfect medicine for what has gone on before!![]()