Why don't the religious pillocks sod off about this human stem cells in animal embryos idea. They have no understanding of it, nor do most of the MP's.
The church is waffling on about Frankenstein, monsters, etc, DUH!!!!
They only want to put human stem cells, with human DNA, into the shell of an animal embryo with NO animal DNA, so how they hell can you get a 'monster'?![]()
When a chicken develops in the egg, it does not take anything from the shell to aid in growth!!
Beisdes, humans are already a mix of everything we see on this planet anyway, so someone has already created the 'monster', you know the one that is destroying the planet, and wiping out 1000's of species each year, never to rise again......and who 'invented' this 'monster'? That'll be God then!!
The BBC have made it worse by siding on the God fanatics, while Sky had nice graphics to show the uneductaed what actually happens, and had unbiased reports.