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Thread: Moving to the Philippines??

  1. #1
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Moving to the Philippines??

    I was wondering how many members were planning at some stage to make the Philippines your home?

    I lived there for 7 months last year but because of still paying a mortgage back in N.Ireland we ended up returning but we plan to move there when the time is right to Northern Mindanao!!

    I guess for most people having enough money to live on while there is a stumbling block and some i have talked to are waiting until they retire before going.

    I hope to get a house built before we go so that we have no rent to pay!!
    (If it ends up being half as nice as Pete's house i will be happy)

    Having lived there i have an idea of how much it will cost to furnish the house and for day to day living so if anyone has any questions fire away

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes me and the misses have got plans to live in the phils, but money is a problem, so i think within 7yrs we will go for a couple of years, then come back to the uk to save up money, then go back to the phils for 2 years and keep doing it, til we finally stay for good. we're counting on my wife getting a good paid job so the savings will last longer, and if i can find something to do to earn some php all the better, but i'm not counting on that

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Would prefer to dash between the two best of both worlds.

    The missus and i love London for various reasons and many aspects of british life. The same is true of Phill.
    neither is better for us and a mixture of the two would do us just fine thanks.

    Ideally april to september in the Uk and the rest in phill would do me.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    It is not an easy choice to up ship and move to the Philippines leaving behind family & friends especially when it costs quite a lot to fly back and forward...

    At least with the Internet now available it helps to communicate much better!!

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    It is not an easy choice to up ship and move to the Philippines leaving behind family & friends especially when it costs quite a lot to fly back and forward...

    At least with the Internet now available it helps to communicate much better!!
    I agree its not cheap but i know of many who fly backwards and forwards from various parts of the world. many say the cost is minimal and only the cost of a holiday each year.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    As my "how much money would you need to live in the Phils" post ended up quite long, it revealed that many of us have that plan one way or another.
    I think we proved that you could move out there and live of investments and have a reasonably comfortable life. However, if you still want to return to the UK now and then or even travel to other places, you either need a lot of savings or a higher regular income.
    For example, if you're living well on £300-£500 per month in the Phils then somehow you've got to find £2000+ for just a short holiday somewhere for 2 people, and if you've got kids then you need even more.

    I like the idea in the short term of winter in the Phils and spring & summer in the UK. That's OK if you're self employed and can keep a base in the UK and can guarantee finding work while you're here.
    I have met a guy who does exactly that and he also works while in the Phils.

    The only way I could do this is to overpay my mortgage by £250 for 8 months, plus putting away about £500 for Council tax and other bills. Then I've still got to save enough money for the flights and living costs while I'm away.
    All sound rather hard to do. It's probably OK if you've got some business that runs itself while you're gone and keeps paying you. I know a German in Leyte who does precisely that.

    Many of us want to retire to the Phils and that is far easier. Getting our state pensions plus income from investments will make for a very comfortable life but who wants to wait that long?

    Also there is the "grass grows greener on the other side" problem. When we're in the UK moaning about the weather and our monstrous fuel and Council tax bills, the thought of sun, sand and cheap San Mig is very alluring.
    But when you're out there don't you miss a well stocked Tesco, B&Q, decent roads and of course, your friends and family?

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    A good post Gavanddal thats the reason why i put i would in an ideal world love to travel between the two.
    When i speak to Realtives in the Philipines they love to hear where we have traveled and the freedom we have to do it.
    No way could i be stuck just in the UK or Phill, although im sure quite a few people would have no problem with staying in just one or the other. Many people i know in the UK have the money to travel but choose not to, I can think off the top of my head at least 5 people i know, who have in the last ten years or more never gone abroad and no plans too.

    My parents, many of my older realtives and people nearing retirment at work are always going on the last big holiday abroad before they settle down. Yet they is always another one..

    The wifes in the last two and a bit years has been to france once,italy three times, and the philipines twice and is planing to go to new york later this year. Every time we watch a travel programe theres a few more addtions to add to the list.

    So i guess the Wife and I would rather work long to experience all this while others who have already been where they need to or contented as they are could make the big decision to possibly restrict there travel options to ensure a good life in Phill.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    don't rely on your uk state pension, leave the uk permenantly and it will not increase, so your £87 a week pension, might not buy you so much in the phils in 10 or 20 years time and thats the time when you need money most, also remember to get the full state pension you need to work for 44 long years

  9. #9
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    yes,me and hubby have plan to move in
    phil.after i get my passfort...but we dont
    know yet if we finally stay for good.
    as we have a property in spain...
    phil or spain?...

  10. #10
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    don't rely on your uk state pension, leave the uk permenantly and it will not increase, so your £87 a week pension, might not buy you so much in the phils in 10 or 20 years time and thats the time when you need money most, also remember to get the full state pension you need to work for 44 long years
    Thats not true regarding state pension, according to my accountant you can still live abroad permanently and as long you pay the N.I £2.40 a week till
    you are 65 or 68 depending when you was born. just set up a direct/debit.
    no need to work till 65 or 68 as long as you pay in.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Thats not true regarding state pension, according to my accountant you can still live abroad permanently and as long you pay the N.I £2.40 a week till
    you are 65 or 68 depending when you was born. just set up a direct/debit.
    no need to work till 65 or 68 as long as you pay in.

    work or pay for near 44yrs , still 44 yrs to get the full amount.

    cheeky i cannot retire til i'm 66

    as for

    Can my UK pension be paid to me while I am in another country?

    You can be paid a UK State Pension anywhere in the world, but you will only get annual increases if you live in any other EEA country, a country with which the UK has a social security agreement that allows increases, the Isle of Man or Sark.

    Which countries does the UK have a social security agreement with?

    The countries referred to in the these FAQs which the UK has social security agreements with are: Barbados, Bermuda, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Israel, Jamaica, Jersey and Guernsey, Mauritius, Montenegro, Philippines, Serbia, Turkey, USA, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

    what are the chances of that of all the countires in the world, the phils makes it on the short list. now thats a bit of luck for us lot , i was wrong there, i admit that, didn't realise the phils was on the list

    some intestering info here

  12. #12
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the info Joe, thats good news for me and hubby..

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    thanks for the info Joe, thats good news for me and hubby..
    Retiring at 26

  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    work or pay for near 44yrs , still 44 yrs to get the full amount.

    cheeky i cannot retire til i'm 66

    as for

    Can my UK pension be paid to me while I am in another country?

    You can be paid a UK State Pension anywhere in the world, but you will only get annual increases if you live in any other EEA country, a country with which the UK has a social security agreement that allows increases, the Isle of Man or Sark.

    Which countries does the UK have a social security agreement with?

    The countries referred to in the these FAQs which the UK has social security agreements with are: Barbados, Bermuda, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Israel, Jamaica, Jersey and Guernsey, Mauritius, Montenegro, Philippines, Serbia, Turkey, USA, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

    what are the chances of that of all the countires in the world, the phils makes it on the short list. now thats a bit of luck for us lot , i was wrong there, i admit that, didn't realise the phils was on the list

    some intestering info here

    So the pension if paid in phill gets any rasies given back in the UK? Surely you don't get the heating allowance or do they call it the AC allowance?

  15. #15
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    A great subject, for all of us who fancy moving to the Phils and retiring, John who started this post has lived there for some time so he knows what it is like, if I remember rightly, he used to wind me up about sleeping in his hammock on the patio, I can say most of the time I was looking out of my window at black clouds, pouring rain, it used to get to me hahahahaha.

    We all dream of it at some stage in our life, hence the reason I pumped so much of my spare money into my house in the Phils which John mentioned, and boy has it been a long road to travel.

    What I love most about Filipino tradesman, is that they are so innovative about designing things if you get the right guys, and I notice, they are so happy to work for foreigners, the builders we had seemed to suggest ways of not only beautifying our home, but how to save us money.

    I have been working very closely over last 2 years with a great set of builders, the head foreman has become quite a regular at our house, and we recently completed another project on the side of our house, basically the way I fund things is to plan each project bit by bit.

    We save the money for each job, if its only P20,000 or P30,000 etc, right up to P70,000 doesnt matter how much it is, we just save it, and then release the funds via PNB.

    The builder comes back and completes everything we wanted right from a new kitchen, water tower, Gazebo, outer porch and sun canopy, patio's paved areas, and security walls, it takes time, but it is achievable in small easy projects.

    This is of course all part of setting yourself up with a base for your retirement, but from my knowledge of what most foreigners do when they arrive in country is that they rent a property.

    But its nice on this forum to talk to other like minded ones who have this goal also, sharing information about how these things can be done, I have made a start, there have been some sacrifices along the way, especially since I have done this purely from my income.

    But when I look at what we have done together that is myself and my Filipino lady, we have come far in only a short period, its a matter of how much do you want it.

  16. #16
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I know thew missus once she gets back from Phill will be nagging to get on with our gaff over there.
    Slowly working on getting the suppliers for all my widgets and gadgets, one of the Aunts was in the Buliding supplies trade before she got married so it a case of pulling our finger out.

    But trying to slow down the bulid as feel need to work out where in the town we want to bulid, the actual design and what measures we need to take agaisnt flooding and typhoons.

    Is there a Phill version of Grand designs i can use to record the progress? save me a fortune in airfares for the two of us, if i could watch it on TV.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Pete although i have limited experience of living there i will certainly help anyone who needs it but i think any advice you can give about how you went about getting your house sorted will be of great help although if i remember correctly you might have something similiar on your website.

    I hope i can get builders like the ones that done your house as i know its so easy to get ripped off when getting a house built in the Philippines. If i cannot get good workers when i am ready maybe i will call your guys.

    How long if you have good workers does it take from start to finish with getting a house built.

    And of course i will buy an extra hammock for when you come visit lol

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    How long if you have good workers does it take from start to finish with getting a house built.
    Our engineer friend is working on a small 60sq mtr 2 level house..Contract price 1.3 mill. He will finish this in in 90 days.
    Anyone needing building professionals in the Manila,Cavite,Batangas,Laguna areas..Give me a shout..
    I can recommend some top people here.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    That is good that you know someone that can do the work which i am sure will be a great help to anyone from those areas Fred!!

    As for me its in Northern Mindanao that i will need help!!

  20. #20
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Hey JOE,

    thats great news regarding pensions, I retire officially in 11 years but can't wait that long.

    I am building a house 150 2m, 3 stories, just about halfway built, have to save
    then go back again and start building, have been doing this for 5 years,
    at least i don't have a loan on it.



  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes it is, i knew most countries outside europe you didn't get an increase, but didn't think phils was on the list.

    i've got a small private pension, i've not paid into for 6yrs thou, soon as i've got a bit of cash i'll start putting some money in it again.

    I've got 0 savings , i'm counting on the misses here getting a job in 5 or 6 years time as a consultant and start using her wages to buy some land and do what you and many others are doing. then when we go to the phils, she should be able to get a job in the phils as a consultant.

    but its been a of a journey for her to get there and its not over yet , so difficult for non euro docs here.

  22. #22
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I think you will find that under EU regulations,providing you have paid your full national insurance contribution for 30 years,you are entitled to a full state pension.The 40 odd years payments are no longer valid.Perhaps the EU is good for something after all.

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    I think you will find that under EU regulations,providing you have paid your full national insurance contribution for 30 years,you are entitled to a full state pension.The 40 odd years payments are no longer valid.Perhaps the EU is good for something after all.
    not quite true, if you are retiring before 2010 its 44years for us poor guys and 39years for the ladies

    yes thats true if you retire after 2010, but then their making people work longer, if i've paid me 30 years say at 50, i wonder if i can get out of paying it, after all whats the point , you're not getting anything extra

    I don't think its anything to do with EU, pension act of 2007, only applies to the uk

    as for EU, EU says a dependant is classed as under 21years, uk says its 18years, gov can do what it wants

  24. #24
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I only paid about 10 years so no pension for me..
    Can I get my money back?

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