Hi Guys
Just thought i would drop in to see whats going on
Baby Cj is generally good but is now having to get used to not having my sister in law about since the people who issue visas deported herand told us that she cant extend her visa and they dont see why we need her here
despite pointing out i work a 50 hr week and since jasmine died, Nerissa she has been his primary carer) which to look after a dependant relative she should now apply for a work permit to do this
chances of a domestic help getting a visa for this country
apparently i could get up to him 3 times a night and still be up at 6 to go to work oh and be alert enough to attend meetings etc
i think i have found the answer the people there are superhuman, dont need sleep and have endless energy the result of these super powers though is that common sense as it appies to mere mortals no longer works
next move is to loose our home give up my job and apply for a council bedsit and benifits so i can be a fulltime carer and burden to the decent hard working folk of the country
Apparently a signature on a document allowing sister in law to be fully paid for and supported by me at no cost to the state was worth far more
Me bitter ....surely not