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Thread: docs needed to prove my accommodation?

  1. #1
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    docs needed to prove my accommodation?

    Hi all,

    I'm in the process of preparing all docs, requirements for my settlement visa. My hubby is currently renting a flat, just want to ask here what are the necessary documents he needs to prepare with regards to my proof of accommodation?

    thanks in advance for helping

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    who is he renting it from , private landlord or council..

    a copy of the lease/rental agreement, along with something in writing from landlord stating it will be ok for the spouse to also live there

  3. #3
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    thanks joebloggs

    He is renting it from a private landlord. It is only 1 bedroom flat.

    By the way, he is planning to move to a friend's house. His friend would let him rent his flat and move to another house. His friend owns the flat that he will be renting. He is planning to move after two weeks when I get there. It is a 2-bedroom flat and it is quite better than his current flat. Is it OK to mention in his sponsorship letter that we are moving to a 2-bedroom flat when I get there? My hubby is planning to ask his friend to write a letter stating that he will be be renting his house sometime in August. Is that OK?

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    not sure, a one bedroom flat is ok for 2 of you, what's probably best to show when applying for any visa is stability, relationship,job/income and accommondation.

    if he's been renting for years and then you mention that you will be renting from a friend, will his friend give him a proper rent agreement/rent book ??

    i would keep things simple as possible, simpler the app the better, bit like scouser keith (admin guy)

    me personally i wouldn't mention it, but who knows..

  5. #5
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    OK joebloggs.

    I think it is better not to mention it. He's been renting his current flat for about a year now, Is that OK?

    I told him actually that it is better for us to wait until I get there before he moves to another house. And you are right, it is better to keep things simple as possible.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    of course a year is good, he should mention that in his letter of support that he has been living and renting there for the past year...

  7. #7
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    thanks thanks joebloggs

    by the way, where are you guys in the UK? Maybe I your wife and I could be friends? I would want to meet guys from this forum when I get there to UK. We are aiming to pass my visa application mid of next month. Hope to be there before my hubby's birthday!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sunny manchester , in the northwest, 200 miles north of london.

    where you moving to ?

  9. #9
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Manchester! wow! I would love to go there to buy some good books!.. hehehe

    My hubby is currently staying at Crystal Palace. Not sure though if it is in northwest or southeast of london.. hehe. I'm very bad with georaphies!

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its not near me

    well there are many filipina's in london. so you will not be lonely

    i'm studying now. struggling now

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not sure, a one bedroom flat is ok for 2 of you, what's probably best to show when applying for any visa is stability, relationship,job/income and accommondation.

    if he's been renting for years and then you mention that you will be renting from a friend, will his friend give him a proper rent agreement/rent book ??

    i would keep things simple as possible, simpler the app the better, bit like scouser keith (admin guy)

    me personally i wouldn't mention it, but who knows..
    One bedroom even a studio flat is fine as long as a couple have a room of their own in the house which is of a reasonable size (there is a measurment but there are not many brit bedrooms that small in my experience)

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    Manchester! wow! I would love to go there to buy some good books!.. hehehe

    My hubby is currently staying at Crystal Palace. Not sure though if it is in northwest or southeast of london.. hehe. I'm very bad with georaphies!
    Thats southeast London

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    but there are not many brit bedrooms that small in my experience)
    but it's amazing how many eastern europeans you can fit in one

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    OK joebloggs.

    I think it is better not to mention it. He's been renting his current flat for about a year now, Is that OK?

    I told him actually that it is better for us to wait until I get there before he moves to another house. And you are right, it is better to keep things simple as possible.
    joeblogg is right,

  15. #15
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not sure, a one bedroom flat is ok for 2 of you, what's probably best to show when applying for any visa is stability, relationship,job/income and accommondation.

    if he's been renting for years and then you mention that you will be renting from a friend, will his friend give him a proper rent agreement/rent book ??

    i would keep things simple as possible, simpler the app the better, bit like scouser keith (admin guy)

    me personally i wouldn't mention it, but who knows..

  16. #16
    Respected Member Marwin08's Avatar
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    Flat rent from council

    Joe, is it okay as a good proof of accomodation renting a flat payable to council?
    Is it enough evidence having a 3 months payslips and 3 months rental agreement from council before submitting any applications?
    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    who is he renting it from , private landlord or council..

    a copy of the lease/rental agreement, along with something in writing from landlord stating it will be ok for the spouse to also live there
    Never fear d risk of getting hurt wen u r inlove,its only thru pain dat u can lve a complete lyf.LOVE n GET HURT,GET HURT n LEARN,LEARN n LOVE AGAIN.

  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaywin07 View Post
    Joe, is it okay as a good proof of accomodation renting a flat payable to council?
    Is it enough evidence having a 3 months payslips and 3 months rental agreement from council before submitting any applications?

    Joe reads up more and knows more about these things than me. But from reading previous peoples experiences no problem with council acomdation, as long as the council give express permission for you to live there.
    As theexisting tennat may have got the councill propety for a particular reason with particular condtions to them staying.

    So you would need to ask the tennat to enquire, as they need the permission of the councill and the councill will also have to say the propety is large enough for the both of you.

    Which i think if i recall correctly is one room of an adequate size which is neither a kitchen or a bathroom.
    If there is a Baby then they maybe allowed to stay untill a certain age and then a child needs a sepearate room.

    People on here and elsewhere pay have submited succesfully with 3 months but if possible its best to have six months at least as thats what if i recall correctly they request you to do.

    Its a big gamble not to have all they ask for due to the money and time involved to resubmit another application

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    Hi all,

    I'm in the process of preparing all docs, requirements for my settlement visa. My hubby is currently renting a flat, just want to ask here what are the necessary documents he needs to prepare with regards to my proof of accommodation?

    thanks in advance for helping

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