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Thread: end of automatic mandatory bans b4 they start?

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    end of automatic mandatory bans b4 they start?

    looks like there might not be automatic mandatory bans for certain visa groups

    they were suppose to come into effect from 1st of oct..

    "First, we will not automatically refuse applications from people applying to join their family permanently in the UK—that is to say, those applying for visas as a spouse, civil partner or unmarried or same-sex partner under paragraphs 281 or 295A of the immigration rules; a fiancée or proposed civil partner, as set out in paragraph 290 of the rules; a parent, grandparent or other dependent relative, as set out in paragraph 317; a person exercising rights of access to a child, as set out in paragraph 246; or a spouse, civil partner or unmarried or same-sex partner of a refugee or person with humanitarian protection, as set out in paragraphs 352A, 352AA, 352FA and 352FD"

    good news for some people..

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    someone called .....

    oh well i should have just said, if your misses had been to the uk b4 and overstayed or been naughty, she could have faced an automatic mandatory ban.. looks like it might not be so now..

    well it shows you some MP's are talking about something and not all are working 2hr week as directors of top companies

    with the gov, you need to keep 1 eye on what their up to, these changes could effect your wife when she is here in the uk ,ignorance to immigration laws is no defense.. and keep the other eye on your wallet, so the gov don't take all your money

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    someone called ..... :.. and keep the other eye on your wallet, so the gov don't take all your money
    Other eye no fear both hands

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