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Thread: What you playing at Gloria?

  1. #1
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Smile What you playing at Gloria?

    Bit of a misleading title to the thread I know - but -

    Drove over to Cebu yesterday (Well, got the barge over actually - otherwise the bike would've got a bit wet - and - would never have made it anyway - because we are, in our waters, being 'invaded' by box jellyfish - get stung by one of those blighters and no need to bother with hospital! Mind you, whoever heard of a hospital catering for submerged motor cyclists in the middle of the strait between Negros and Cebu islands? Did you realise that here on Negros, if you, or any of your family are hospitalised, they give you a list of required medication in the morning and you have to go out to the pharmacy YOURSELF and buy the medicines and bring them back for the hospital to administer?

    That is, people who are with you in the hospital have to do that - if YOU are the patient, you do not have to go out - I mean, that would be a bit difficult if you had gangrenous legs or something of that ilk - don't you agree?

    But, what if it had NOT been a box jellyfish?

    What if it had been a great white that had lopped my head off or something? I mean, who would have rescued my motor cycle, recently repainted for a VERY generous price by a lovely fellow (Filipino) by the name of Newton.

    Certainly not Hanna - who does not ride motorcycles - and, even if she did, I would challenge her to escape from a fathomous, sandy entrappment such as that!

    I am now selling aforementioned bike and hope to make a tidy profit - because second hand bike and car prices are very sustainable here. Nevertheless - you have to wonder who would want to come and test drive a bike lying in 100 metres of water surrounded by jellyfish and great white sharks. Not many people I wager.

    My grandma had a moped once. She bought it shortly after she bought her hotel in Ostende in Belgium. It was a lovely hotel with a red carpet in reception. The rooms were reasonable - and had ABSOLUTELY NO great white sharks in them. Jellyfish were RIGHT OUT!!! Although she did serve prawns on her restaurant menu. I actually preferred her roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, although not very 'continental' fayre!

    Do you know that a shark has to keep swimming 24/7 otherwise it will drown or something?)

    When I got to Cebu I stopped for fuel. 54.6pesos a litre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When I arrived here in January I was paying 40.8pesos.

    Quite a price hike wouldn't you agree?


  2. #2
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    54.6 peso
    was 46 peso when we there in april

    114.9p here for unleaded
    the worlds gone mad
    and i think it ain't gonna stop rising for for the next few years

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    ....Do you know that a shark has to keep swimming 24/7 otherwise it will drown or something?)
    Hi Al, that's not quite right.
    They can sleep on a sandy sea bed if the current is flowing past their gills.
    I saw 3 white tips doing this a few months back whilst scuba diving off Malapascua. This was in the middle of the day as they like to hunt and eat at night.
    They doze and you can get up close and lay next to them.
    Now, that's a nice thing to see

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Your wasted here Alan I would have thought the World Service "From our Negros Correspondent" would enrich the lives of so many more people or perhaps "A book at Bedtime"

    Anyway thanks very much and please don't stop sharing your stream of consciousness.

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  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi Al, that's not quite right.
    They can sleep on a sandy sea bed if the current is flowing past their gills.
    I saw 3 white tips doing this a few months back whilst scuba diving off Malapascua. This was in the middle of the day as they like to hunt and eat at night.
    They doze and you can get up close and lay next to them.
    Now, that's a nice thing to see
    Thanks Apo - I stand corrected. It's just that I read (somewhere) that sharks have to keep swimming.

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  8. #8
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Your wasted here Alan I would have thought the World Service "From our Negros Correspondent" would enrich the lives of so many more people or perhaps "A book at Bedtime"

    Anyway thanks very much and please don't stop sharing your stream of consciousness.
    Your post touches me Keith - thank YOU very much!


  9. #9
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi Al, that's not quite right.
    They can sleep on a sandy sea bed if the current is flowing past their gills.
    That is true. There are at least 2 types of shark as far as breathing is concerned. Those that require water to flow over their gills. Passive breathers. They either have to swim or can lay in flowing water.

    The other type can be called active breathers and they have the ability to 'push' water over their gills.

    I watch animal planet a lot; it's my favourite channel
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  10. #10
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    what kind of motorbike do you use?

    i never really saw to many bigger bikes there,i wont think a cbr would be to much good there but a big trails big would be fantastic there!

    a touring holiday on a motorbike with my gf? thats got my thinking.

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    Al, mate.
    I will willingly disregard the hated smell of sweaty corduroy and unsightly elbow patches to have a few San Migs with you.

    You crack me up.
    I guess your students liked you a lot, especially with your musings and meanderings into escapology.

    You make lessons something not to be missed and a pleasure to take part in.

    Keep it up, love every word.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    what kind of motorbike do you use?

    i never really saw to many bigger bikes there,i wont think a cbr would be to much good there but a big trails big would be fantastic there!

    a touring holiday on a motorbike with my gf? thats got my thinking.

    I thought that you saw my chopper?


  13. #13
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for your kind words!

    The San Migs. are in the 'fridge mate!


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