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Thread: Why are some Filipinas like that?

  1. #1
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    Why are some Filipinas like that?

    I went to Newquay town Center a couple of weeks ago with my hubby and mother-in-law. We were just looking around town and decided to pop in Woolworths. It was my mother-in-law (whom I called mum) who first saw 2 Filipinas and pointed them to me. I was so excited, finally I thought . . . Filipinas to talk to. I followed them with my hubby (like stalkers) and waited for the right time to approach them. When I finally did, I introduced myself and my hubby and started to make a friendly and nice conversation with them, but to my disappointment, they were very hesitant and you could feel the cold response and that they didn’t want to talk to you at all.

    Well to cut the story short........I went home very sad and disappointed. Call me nationalistic, but aren’t we Filipinos supposed to help each other in a foreign country?

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy17's Avatar
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    Wow, sorry to hear that... I agree, I thought they would warmly welcome you! Is your Hubby good looking? perhaps they are a bit jealous? Don't worry, perhaps when you see them next time they will react differently!

  3. #3
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    that's strange as when every Europeans are together in another country we club together and bitch about Americans

    I was in York about 2 months ago and three filipino's refused to talk to me... i think they thought i was trying to chat them up but i just said hi!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Actually, I was discussing this with my wife a couple of days ago. I heard that it is not uncommon for 100% couples to not associate with with mixed-phil couples. I don't know why that is.

    I'm sorry you experienced that from the ones you met. I'm sure you will meet many more nice ones in due course. As i mentioned on an earlier post the local Catholic church could be a good starting point.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I'm always trying to find ways to talk to pinoy when I come across them. In airports i usually try 'saan ang CR' (where is the toilet) as an ice breaker. They are so surprised I speak a little bit of Tagalog it works well. On another occasion last week I sat next to a group of guys and took out my packet of Dried Mangoes from Cebu and after they looked at it for a while and spoke about it amongst themselves, I offered them some. Whenever I meet pinoy I always call my wife and let her speak to them too.

    I have so many numbers of pinoy. It will hopefully be a good starting point for us when Sofi is here.

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  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    My wife speaks to some phills and if one needed her help she would but as a member of the human race we would try to help anyone. Do all brits or whiteys chat to one another abroad maybe some do but i just chat to a person because we interact not just talk to my own. In phill i would rather talk to my friends in phill in broken tagalog than a white person in english just because we the only to whiteys in the room.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    maybe it's just the wrong time & wrong place

    i'm always pinoy spotting, lots where i live, 2 families live only a few houses a way from us, each time we go past their house and thier in the garden, i keep saying to wife, to go and say hello to them, she will not , and they never say anything to her , stalemate

  8. #8
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    Just received my Learner’s Driving License and my National Insurance Number this morning.

    I’m very excited to drive my car. Guess, I’ll just have to focus my time with learning how to drive and be a professional JUB HUNTER!

    Wish me Luck!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Great trends5squared!

    Did you have any lessons in da phils?

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    Just received my Learner’s Driving License and my National Insurance Number this morning.

    I’m very excited to drive my car. Guess, I’ll just have to focus my time with learning how to drive and be a professional JUB HUNTER!

    Wish me Luck!

    if your driving on a International license you have to pass your UK driving test within the year of when you first came to the uk, and tell the insurance company your driving on a int license.

    if you've not got a INt license only your UK learner license you cannot drive the car own your own.. but you probably already know this

    don't drive without a proper license, if your caught you could end up being prosecuted for driving without a valid license and invalid insurance, your car could be crushed and you could have a court conviction, which when you apply for FLR/ILR or citizenship could effect your app

    good luck with the driving,took my misses 7 attempts, damn number 7 rules my life

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    Just received my Learner’s Driving License and my National Insurance Number this morning.

    I’m very excited to drive my car. Guess, I’ll just have to focus my time with learning how to drive and be a professional JUB HUNTER!

    Wish me Luck!
    Congrats trends5squared, well done..I hope I can get mine also easily..

  12. #12
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    well,i been here in england for nearly 2 years now
    it takes me a year to find a filipina friend,yah,
    ur right some filipina is not that friendly(akala
    mo kung sino)but most of filipino is friendly..
    dont worry u will find someone there.
    goodluck to u.

  13. #13
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    In airports i usually try 'taga saan ka (where is the toilet) as an ice breaker. T
    is this supposed to be a joke? hehehe Taga saan ka...(where are you from?)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    well,i been here in england for nearly 2 years now
    it takes me a year to find a filipina friend,yah,
    ur right some filipina is not that friendly(akala
    mo kung sino)but most of filipino is friendly..
    dont worry u will find someone there.
    goodluck to u.
    one thing i find is that people from the provinces are more approachable, when I hear the visayan dialect spoken, I can easily start conversing with them . it's not only in the UK, I also noticed this in America where there's a much larger population of pinoys.

    btw, i am pinoy and i have experienced what trends5squared has gone through and it's definitely not pleasant. i just tell me, myself and I that it's their loss .

  15. #15
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavid View Post
    is this supposed to be a joke? hehehe Taga saan ka...(where are you from?)
    OOps, I meant saan ang CR! Sorry po.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  16. #16
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    if your driving on a International license you have to pass your UK driving test within the year of when you first came to the uk, and tell the insurance company your driving on a int license.

    if you've not got a INt license only your UK learner license you cannot drive the car own your own.. but you probably already know this

    don't drive without a proper license, if your caught you could end up being prosecuted for driving without a valid license and invalid insurance, your car could be crushed and you could have a court conviction, which when you apply for FLR/ILR or citizenship could effect your app

    good luck with the driving,took my misses 7 attempts, damn number 7 rules my life

    Thanks for your advice. My hubby bought me a car before I applied for my UK Learner’s Driving License. It’s already Insured under his name and this morning added me to it . . . cost him much, as I am still a Learner


  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    Thanks for your advice. My hubby bought me a car before I applied for my UK Learner’s Driving License. It’s already Insured under his name and this morning added me to it . . . cost him much, as I am still a Learner

    Good luck with the Lessons and tests

  18. #18
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Said this before and yes i know its nice to have friends with the same background and speak a common tonuge. Share foods and jokes with.

    The Wife has very good friends who are Phil. But far more from countries who she could never have dreamt of meeting.

    A few friends of hers are planing to go to New york next year all friends from work. Ones Pakistani, ones a Indigeous Brit another from portugal and another from Extonia i think.

    Great friends to her and have been so good for her in many ways.

    My Wife found the phill world near us like others some are nice others mind their own business. But some of the truest friends have been from countries she had never heard off a few years back.

    I hope actually im sure your meet Phills but don't miss out on making friends from other backgrounds. Many good friends of mine have totally different backgrounds to me and they all enrich my life.

  19. #19
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    I went to Newquay town Center a couple of weeks ago with my hubby and mother-in-law. We were just looking around town and decided to pop in Woolworths. It was my mother-in-law (whom I called mum) who first saw 2 Filipinas and pointed them to me. I was so excited, finally I thought . . . Filipinas to talk to. I followed them with my hubby (like stalkers) and waited for the right time to approach them. When I finally did, I introduced myself and my hubby and started to make a friendly and nice conversation with them, but to my disappointment, they were very hesitant and you could feel the cold response and that they didn’t want to talk to you at all.

    Well to cut the story short........I went home very sad and disappointed. Call me nationalistic, but aren’t we Filipinos supposed to help each other in a foreign country?
    i also feel what u felt when i saw filipinas in a shopping stores and seems they not interested to talk more...very disappointing...everytime wn we go round and my hubby saw filipinas around he will tell me about them and im very much excited to talk to them but just always disappointed coz everytime i spoke to them first seems they wr not interested to to talk more..sometimes im wondering why...are they shy or afraid???i dont know really reasons why some like that kind.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemini63 View Post
    i also feel what u felt when i saw filipinas in a shopping stores and seems they not interested to talk more...very disappointing...everytime wn we go round and my hubby saw filipinas around he will tell me about them and im very much excited to talk to them but just always disappointed coz everytime i spoke to them first seems they wr not interested to to talk more..sometimes im wondering why...are they shy or afraid???i dont know really reasons why some like that kind.
    Its unfortunate that they are like that. It was suggested to me a while ago that they see you as different if you are in a mixed-marriage. The other factor may be 'westernisation', where they adopt western ways of keeping to themselves - especially in the bigger cities. I was telling Pia about that again a couple of days ago. I hope that all of you coming over and here already can become friends and help each other settle.
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  21. #21
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    I will be in Newquay next week, for the cornwall show.

    looks like that rain will be falling horizontally again....

  22. #22
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemini63 View Post
    i also feel what u felt when i saw filipinas in a shopping stores and seems they not interested to talk more...very disappointing...everytime wn we go round and my hubby saw filipinas around he will tell me about them and im very much excited to talk to them but just always disappointed coz everytime i spoke to them first seems they wr not interested to to talk more..sometimes im wondering why...are they shy or afraid???i dont know really reasons why some like that kind.
    I experienced the same way..

  23. #23
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    It might be a bit of a controversial thing to say on here, but from whispers I've heard, and also from scenes I have actually observerved on occasion, it seems there is a kind of snobbery displayed by certain Filipinas such as some of the nurses and others, who because they got to this country through hard work and education as they would see it, they now see themselves as somehow better than those who got here simply through marriage and they don't particulary want to mix with them.


  24. #24
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    Just received my Learner’s Driving License and my National Insurance Number this morning.

    I’m very excited to drive my car. Guess, I’ll just have to focus my time with learning how to drive and be a professional JUB HUNTER!

    Wish me Luck!

  25. #25
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    I went to Newquay town Center a couple of weeks ago with my hubby and mother-in-law. We were just looking around town and decided to pop in Woolworths. It was my mother-in-law (whom I called mum) who first saw 2 Filipinas and pointed them to me. I was so excited, finally I thought . . . Filipinas to talk to. I followed them with my hubby (like stalkers) and waited for the right time to approach them. When I finally did, I introduced myself and my hubby and started to make a friendly and nice conversation with them, but to my disappointment, they were very hesitant and you could feel the cold response and that they didn’t want to talk to you at all.

    Well to cut the story short........I went home very sad and disappointed. Call me nationalistic, but aren’t we Filipinos supposed to help each other in a foreign country?
    dont sure u can find a nice filipino there soon... goodluck!!!

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    to the brits on here, if you see a non filipino on your trip to the phils, and i don't mean sat next to you on the plane, do you go up to them and talk to them.. i never really seen many on my trips, only on the plane

  27. #27
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    to the brits on here, if you see a non filipino on your trip to the phils, and i don't mean sat next to you on the plane, do you go up to them and talk to them.. i never really seen many on my trips, only on the plane
    I do see them and i do speak to them... or am i the only one?

  28. #28
    Respected Member angel1231's Avatar
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    Smile hi

    i know how u feel .i got lots of experience meeting filipina who lived here in u.k and i say 85. percent are like that they dont even bother to smile when u say ask them if there pinay ...just say got fed up of it.
    i meet a filipina a year ago we get on very well we invited each other to our houses and i went to the philippies for vacation twice and when i came back she seems very distant and seems like she hardly know me....

  29. #29
    Respected Member SephEan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    It might be a bit of a controversial thing to say on here, but from whispers I've heard, and also from scenes I have actually observerved on occasion, it seems there is a kind of snobbery displayed by certain Filipinas such as some of the nurses and others, who because they got to this country through hard work and education as they would see it, they now see themselves as somehow better than those who got here simply through marriage and they don't particulary want to mix with them.

    This is the exact reason in my mind too. And its not nice. Anyway don't worry not all Filipinas are like that, you're going to find Pinay friends soon... I have two sisters living in U.K., one in Somerset and the other in Reading, they have mentioned that to me. I think its best not to make friends with people like them "judgemental"... Im going soon there in U.K. and would like to meet new friends but if circumstances wouldn't allow Im very much happy and satisfied just to be with my gorgeous hubby!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SephEan View Post
    This is the exact reason in my mind too. And its not nice. Anyway don't worry not all Filipinas are like that, you're going to find Pinay friends soon... I have two sisters living in U.K., one in Somerset and the other in Reading, they have mentioned that to me. I think its best not to make friends with people like them "judgemental"... Im going soon there in U.K. and would like to meet new friends but if circumstances wouldn't allow Im very much happy and satisfied just to be with my gorgeous hubby!!
    Hi SephEan. That is great that you will have 2 sis in the Uk and one living very close to you. Remember, Pia and I will be 2 friends of both your hubby and yourself living in the UK. Ingat!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

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