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Thread: Do you have any unforgetable experience in the UK? I'll share my bad ones

  1. #1
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    Do you have any unforgetable experience in the UK? I'll share my bad ones

    Last year, after few months I arrived here, I was bitten by tiny bugs that left marks on my legs, Then last week, I was stung by nettle leaves and it was itchy horrible feeling, Thanks to hubby he found doc leaf. It really helped! Yesterday, (saturday) a female brownbird from blackbird family stared at me while sitting at garden lounger, the bird kept on staring at me and walking around beside me. I love birds so I tried to communicate with her. And this sunday afternoon I was at the garden and sat again in our garden lounger and after few minutes , she was there again. But the bird jumped towards my feet and hubby said that birds needs friend so I pretend that I see nothing. Whilst hubby preparing our BBQ, the bird started to peck my right middle toe and I started to feel scare, then she flew away and I went to our room to get my video camera. The bird came after few seconds and pecked again my middle toe That all made me shock

  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Haha! Poor amiga. I must admit I have never heard of a blackbird doing that before. Blackbirds generally eat worms, insects and various fruits, like cherries. I had a cheery tree before and they would eat the cherries then poo on my car. Really messed up the paint work. As you said, females are usually brown, as are the young, and do most of the nest building which consists of dried grasses, moss, twigs and roots and lined with dried grass and mud. I can't imagine that your toe looks like a worm or twig

    Really fascinating that it went for the middle toe on both occasions!
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  3. #3
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    Yes! I think my middle toe looks like worm

  4. #4
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    Hi pennybarry

    Our birds are so friendly here and they like to eat tasty toes

    If I tell my Mahal about this. maybe she will fear joining me here

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Pay back the the bird
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member Terrielicious's Avatar
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    I had a bad experience in the UK it is when I just arrived in London and have to go to immigration officer and almost detaining me it was because I am so lucky getting a visit visa for 6 months without interview and me without savings personally. It was early morning from a long flight i thought i will be refuse to pass the immigration and go back to the phils straight away :(( They asked me questions in a rude manner and I started feeling of wanting to cry. I have to wait and sit while they are checking my papers and my boyfriend profile and after they talk to thier co officer and go to thier little booth office at the back they let me in but still they are not nice cos when they finally let me in they are laughin while am passing the little gate.

  7. #7
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terrielicious View Post
    I had a bad experience in the UK it is when I just arrived in London and have to go to immigration officer and almost detaining me it was because I am so lucky getting a visit visa for 6 months without interview and me without savings personally. It was early morning from a long flight i thought i will be refuse to pass the immigration and go back to the phils straight away :(( They asked me questions in a rude manner and I started feeling of wanting to cry. I have to wait and sit while they are checking my papers and my boyfriend profile and after they talk to thier co officer and go to thier little booth office at the back they let me in but still they are not nice cos when they finally let me in they are laughin while am passing the little gate.
    talaga terrie? my God thats not good!

  8. #8
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terrielicious View Post
    I had a bad experience in the UK it is when I just arrived in London and have to go to immigration officer and almost detaining me it was because I am so lucky getting a visit visa for 6 months without interview and me without savings personally. It was early morning from a long flight i thought i will be refuse to pass the immigration and go back to the phils straight away :(( They asked me questions in a rude manner and I started feeling of wanting to cry. I have to wait and sit while they are checking my papers and my boyfriend profile and after they talk to thier co officer and go to thier little booth office at the back they let me in but still they are not nice cos when they finally let me in they are laughin while am passing the little gate.
    Sorry to hear that. Some government authority and council employees with 'officer' in their title can be quite stupid as it's the only time they get to exert some authority over others. It can get to their heads sometimes.
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  9. #9
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    As long as it is just the birds that are attacking you then that is the least of your worries

  10. #10
    Respected Member Terrielicious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by telford View Post
    talaga terrie? my God thats not good!

    Yeah its really make me feel so bad after that I asked my bf why they are like that. My bf says it was because they are in a uniform and in the authority to sit and check each people coming to thier country they think they have the right to be rude and not treating people in a nice way. I understand them checking people coming and doing thier job good I agreed to them asking me questions yeah, but laughing at me after they make me feel helpless and worried that is I cannot undestand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Pay back the the bird

    Yes boss! I eat anything that fly except airplane, anything with feet except table

    Just a joke, I love birds of all animals

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terrielicious View Post
    Yeah its really make me feel so bad after that I asked my bf why they are like that. My bf says it was because they are in a uniform and in the authority to sit and check each people coming to thier country they think they have the right to be rude and not treating people in a nice way. I understand them checking people coming and doing thier job good I agreed to them asking me questions yeah, but laughing at me after they make me feel helpless and worried that is I cannot undestand.
    Sadly people in Uniform are just as bad all over the world.

    One having seen all the stamps in my passport were in a neat row for no reason stamped them so it took out the rest of the page. not that it really matters to me but you could tell he was annoyed.

    Why beacuse he seemed to be a bit peed off with the two ladies in front of my wife that spoke English to him as they had a small kid with them and my Wife spoke English to the ladies and child as well

    The mintue a uniform or a bit of power gets involved people from all round the world become prats

  13. #13
    Respected Member patti1227's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Last year, after few months I arrived here, I was bitten by tiny bugs that left marks on my legs, Then last week, I was stung by nettle leaves and it was itchy horrible feeling, Thanks to hubby he found doc leaf. It really helped! Yesterday, (saturday) a female brownbird from blackbird family stared at me while sitting at garden lounger, the bird kept on staring at me and walking around beside me. I love birds so I tried to communicate with her. And this sunday afternoon I was at the garden and sat again in our garden lounger and after few minutes , she was there again. But the bird jumped towards my feet and hubby said that birds needs friend so I pretend that I see nothing. Whilst hubby preparing our BBQ, the bird started to peck my right middle toe and I started to feel scare, then she flew away and I went to our room to get my video camera. The bird came after few seconds and pecked again my middle toe That all made me shock

    That's a lovely encounter interacting with such a peaceful animal. I know for sure you had fun considering you love birds the most though it may have appeared as a short experience and a little scary for you when the bird pecked twice on your middle toe. I guess pecking on your same toe twice was the bird's way of communicating with you forwarding a "Can we be friends?" message, hehe

    I wish you have captured the second dealing in your video camera. That will serve as a good feeling playback moment, don't you think? Enjoy the fun the next time around

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Sadly people in Uniform are just as bad all over the world.

    One having seen all the stamps in my passport were in a neat row for no reason stamped them so it took out the rest of the page. not that it really matters to me but you could tell he was annoyed.

    Why beacuse he seemed to be a bit peed off with the two ladies in front of my wife that spoke English to him as they had a small kid with them and my Wife spoke English to the ladies and child as well

    The mintue a uniform or a bit of power gets involved people from all round the world become prats
    the only time i've come close to someone in many years, was when the misses first came to the uk, when we were queueing at immigration, i went thru first in the brit queue, and waited near the exit door for my misses, incase their was a problem, a guy, i don't know who he was, security guy or immigration officer, told me i couldn't wait, i had to go thru the door, told him i was waiting for my wife, told me i couldn't, i was getting , just been travelling nearly 20hrs, and you get some , telling me i cannot wait for a minute, this went on a couple of minutes, then he asked me a question, and said to me the answer is 'thank you', i just at him and walked thru the exit..

    no need, i should have gone in same queue as the misses..

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    If you think that UK immigration officers are rude, you obviously haven't encountered the American counterparts.....
    They don't have to work at being s, it comes natural to them.
    And this, years before 9/11......

  16. #16
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    no need, i should have gone in same queue as the misses..
    I wondered about that. Although in Leeds it should be a relatively short queue, I intend to go through with Pia as we are married with the same family surname. I usually see the same guys o i hope that they won't be stroppy with us.

    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [SIZE=4]If you think that UK immigration officers are rude, you obviously haven't encountered the American counterparts.....
    The way they behave in US is unbelievable. The weirdest ones I have met have been in Ukraine. The female immigration and security staff wear mini-skirts and high-heels but don't let that fool you; they can be quite severe and carry a frightening array of weapons.
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  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    They don't have to work at being s, it comes natural to them.
    I've always found them pleasant....even the security in San Fran were so nice, they felt my balls
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Respected Member angel1231's Avatar
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    I never had bad a bad experiece at the imagRATION .the first time i came to england they even ask and at me where i from and some guys there put me through saving from the line ,i guess its just the way u presented urself ..........that was 8 years ago...the only bad thing here for me is the weather,..oh except summer but then it gets too hot...but hey where can u find a perfect place anyway..

  19. #19
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    i guess its just the way u presented urself ...........
    That is true in some cases but mostly people will be ignorant irrespective of how you present yourself.
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  20. #20
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I wondered about that. Although in Leeds it should be a relatively short queue, I intend to go through with Pia as we are married with the same family surname. I usually see the same guys o i hope that they won't be stroppy with us.
    Just check with the staff on the day as when i asked in gatwick one time i was told yes they could let my wife go though the EU channel but it might cause problems with other customers in the non EU was it really urgent?

    As we were in no hurry i just left it. They may be happy to do to for you but depending on who is about may hesitate due to the implications if someone complains.

    In Terminal 4 LHR i was told after the first time into the UK the non EU spouse could come though with the eu spouse in the right queue. The guy was being supervised by his boss at the same time. In terminal three when the non eu queue was busy quite often we are allowed over the the eu queue when i ask.
    The first time they have to go though the non eu due to the medical check and the form they hand to your spouse to take to the medical centre, which im pretty sure they dont do at Leeds.

    Most of the problem was with the officer having the correct stamp, the supervisor at gatwick told me. Otherwise they end up running backwards and forwards which if everyone did it would cause chaos.

    Our Heathrow experiences I just have to add due to where we live in a heathrow satellite town I do notice we get treated a little different by quite a few staff some of them are literally neighbours.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    I had no bad experience when i arrived in the UK. The first time i came here 2 yrs ago on a tourist visa did spent a bit longer claiming my luggage as it's normal but, for bad treatment with the immigration officer... luckily i didn't have. I was just asked for how long will i be staying in the UK, i said 3 weeks. When he asked if i have a sponsor i said yes and i can show him the Sponsorship Letter if he wants to but, said nevermind.
    The second time was last April and i remembered when the Immigration Officer looked at my visa and asked "what you're going to do after marriage?" I said then stay here and live with my husband. Then he asked "is he travelling with you?" I said no... he is outside waiting for me.... He then smiled to me and said.. Welcome to England.....
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