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Thread: ILR preparation

  1. #1
    Respected Member eytch's Avatar
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    ILR preparation

    when is the best time to take the exam? is there a timeline? I'll be applying for ILR on march next year.

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    You can take the Life in the UK test anytime you wish. Just keep the certificate safe when you passed your test or else you'll have to pay and take the test again.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member eytch's Avatar
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    thanks LadyJ

  4. #4
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Hi eytch, we're the same next year i will apply ILR..and hope before end of this year i can take the exam before the immigration rules change hehehe! bitaw oi, just wanna ask u coz i got confused we need a joint bank account of our hubby or just our own account? for ilr req....ok, take care!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Hi eytch you can take the exam now if you want before they increase the price for the test I`ll be applying for my ILR probabaly later this year because my spouse visa runs out on february next year.I had my exam about a week ago now on life in the uk test and if you want to take the exam this year you better start reviewing nah
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  6. #6
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    Hi eytch, we're the same next year i will apply ILR..and hope before end of this year i can take the exam before the immigration rules change hehehe! bitaw oi, just wanna ask u coz i got confused we need a joint bank account of our hubby or just our own account? for ilr req....ok, take care!
    I think that doesnt matter if you have a joint account or not because in my case me and husband not got a joint account but i have my own account so I think it will be alright
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  7. #7
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Hello Mrs Daddy, i have my own account..problem i don't have work..but my hubby he put some money there. u think that's will be ok?

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    Hello Mrs Daddy, i have my own account..problem i don't have work..but my hubby he put some money there. u think that's will be ok?
    you don't need a bank account. but the statements could be used as evidence you live together

  9. #9
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Oh, tnx joe now i understand na.

  10. #10
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    Hi eytch, we're the same next year i will apply ILR..and hope before end of this year i can take the exam before the immigration rules change hehehe! bitaw oi, just wanna ask u coz i got confused we need a joint bank account of our hubby or just our own account? for ilr req....ok, take care!
    hi lisa it doesn't matter if you dont have a join account to your hubby but its better if you have one,the documents you need are mostly the same for spouse and fiancee visa but you need proof of your address like bills

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    yes I agree to what vbkelly said
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  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you don't need a bank account. but the statements could be used as evidence you live together
    you would need either your own or a joint account if you wish to work

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you don't need a bank account to apply for ILR, that what the lady was asking about

  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you don't need a bank account to apply for ILR, that what the lady was asking about

    But a Basic bank Account is so easy to open up and even if you put nothing in it many will send you statments and other paperwork which can be used as more evidence as you say.

    The Wife has two one she uses everyday another she never touchs and has basically a few quid init maxium.

    But both still counted as evidence

    So if you have a spare hour worth poping into a bank and asking to open a basic account.

    Most of the evidence if you go in person they want from your hubby it seemed in our experince last year.

    The actual evidence we were asked for was tiny compared to the amount we took.

    But i would still advise taking as much as possible and possibly sending a little more than you need if via post.

  15. #15
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi All,
    Just a little aside on this one. Can anyone tell me about when is the correct time to appply for ILR with regard to dates etc. I know that if you apply too early (more than one month I before the end of the 2 year visa period) it will be rejected, but does the timeline refer to the date that the visa was issued, or the date of arrival in the UK?

  16. #16
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi All,
    Just a little aside on this one. Can anyone tell me about when is the correct time to appply for ILR with regard to dates etc. I know that if you apply too early (more than one month I before the end of the 2 year visa period) it will be rejected, but does the timeline refer to the date that the visa was issued, or the date of arrival in the UK?
    hi iain this is a public enquiry in birmingham 08706067766 and address DOMINION COURT,41 STATION ROAD,SOLIHULL,BIRMINGHAM B91 3RT try to phone a month before visa expiry

  17. #17
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    hi iain this is a public enquiry in birmingham 08706067766 and address DOMINION COURT,41 STATION ROAD,SOLIHULL,BIRMINGHAM B91 3RT try to phone a month before visa expiry

    Thanks for this info VBKelly.
    My visa will expire July next year, it is good to prepare ahead of time.
    I need to take the exam Life in Uk before applying for ILR right?
    Thanks again

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  18. #18
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    * Public Enquiry Office - Birmingham

    0870 606 7766

    Dominion Court, 41 Station Road, Solihull, Birmingham, B91 3RT
    * Public Enquiry Office - Croydon

    0870 606 7766

    Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR9 2BY
    * Public Enquiry Office - Glasgow

    0870 606 7766

    Festival Court, 200 Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow, G51 1DH
    * Public Enquiry Office - Liverpool

    0870 606 7766

    Reliance House, 20 Water Street, Liverpool, L2 8XU
    * Public Enquiry Office - Sheffield

    0870 606 7766

    Vulcan House, Orchard entrance, 6 Millsands, Sheffield S3 8NU
    some of the offices

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Thanks for this info VBKelly.
    My visa will expire July next year, it is good to prepare ahead of time.
    I need to take the exam Life in Uk before applying for ILR right?
    Thanks again
    Yes and prepare noooooww

    Also worth getting the exam out of the way now if you have spare time as you never know commitments in the future.

    Start filling whatever you do dont leave it to late.

    You need a good spread of paerwork across the two years and remeber an election is appearing over the horizon so who knows what strange ideas (i.e more evidence than now for example)might appear to bash the visa applicant is normally fair game in any country.

  20. #20
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi All,
    Just a little aside on this one. Can anyone tell me about when is the correct time to appply for ILR with regard to dates etc. I know that if you apply too early (more than one month I before the end of the 2 year visa period) it will be rejected, but does the timeline refer to the date that the visa was issued, or the date of arrival in the UK?
    Do you plan to apply by mail or in person?

    There is a window when you can apply which depends on the date your Wife Arrived and when her Visa would run out.
    Which if i remeber correctly has to be within 28 days of the end of the visa but not before your Wife entered the uk for the first time.

  21. #21
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i think its worth to apply in person

  22. #22
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    i think its worth to apply in person
    I would second that if money and time off is possible go in person.

    You can take all the evidence you have even some you are dubious if it will be useful. Also noticed the ECO or whatever they were called seemed to deal with those with lots of evidence far quicker than those with a small sample from the time we sat around waiting.

    You cant lose your paperwork (well unless you are stupid). If that parcel goes missing and the wrong people get their hands on it be prepared for some intresting days ahead.

    Its all over in one day no waiting and waiting for days for some news.

    The time taken seems to vary greatly, some people seem to have to wait months for the passport back. This means no travel or being able to use it for I.D for opening bank accounts, proving who you are for remittance prehaps or getting a new job.

    From the morning we spent at croydon I found the guards and people quite cheerful and friendly as long as you chat to them and be polite. Many other report them as not so friendly.
    One guy was so helpful he sat just by the door at the waiting room and we walked past him several times for various reasons. Each time taking the time to smile and chat as we went by.
    Most people i noticed just grunted at him as they went past but a quick smile and a how you doing. Meant when later we needed some assitance he went out of his way to help us and i think was happier than the Wife or I when she walked past with her Passport

    The same with the security guards when we went back to collect the wifes passport with stamp later on that day. They were questioning everyone who was asking to get entry back in checking id etc as we walked up.
    Because we chatted to them on the way in and tried to comply with whatever they asked efficently. They opened the door and greeted us and wished us well as we went in.

    Simple Lesson when going to vist a place be polite and friendly to all you met you never know who they are or who they know or how they may help you later on. Manners cost nothing.

    One of the most important rule we teach all our Workers who vist customers sites for whatever reason.

  23. #23
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I would second that if money and time off is possible go in person.

    You can take all the evidence you have even some you are dubious if it will be useful. Also noticed the ECO or whatever they were called seemed to deal with those with lots of evidence far quicker than those with a small sample from the time we sat around waiting.

    You cant lose your paperwork (well unless you are stupid). If that parcel goes missing and the wrong people get their hands on it be prepared for some intresting days ahead.

    Its all over in one day no waiting and waiting for days for some news.

    The time taken seems to vary greatly, some people seem to have to wait months for the passport back. This means no travel or being able to use it for I.D for opening bank accounts, proving who you are for remittance prehaps or getting a new job.

    From the morning we spent at croydon I found the guards and people quite cheerful and friendly as long as you chat to them and be polite. Many other report them as not so friendly.
    One guy was so helpful he sat just by the door at the waiting room and we walked past him several times for various reasons. Each time taking the time to smile and chat as we went by.
    Most people i noticed just grunted at him as they went past but a quick smile and a how you doing. Meant when later we needed some assitance he went out of his way to help us and i think was happier than the Wife or I when she walked past with her Passport

    The same with the security guards when we went back to collect the wifes passport with stamp later on that day. They were questioning everyone who was asking to get entry back in checking id etc as we walked up.
    Because we chatted to them on the way in and tried to comply with whatever they asked efficently. They opened the door and greeted us and wished us well as we went in.

    Simple Lesson when going to vist a place be polite and friendly to all you met you never know who they are or who they know or how they may help you later on. Manners cost nothing.

    One of the most important rule we teach all our Workers who vist customers sites for whatever reason.
    thanks Kuya Andy, I'll bear that in mind..

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