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Thread: circumcision

  1. #91
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Never shave pubes off during an epileptic fit.....
    I won't forget that one!

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    And yes, I do agree to a certain extent that the Yanks are brainwashed from a very early age to believe all sorts of bunkum dished out by the ruling elite.

    Dom, if you have the misfortune to ever live there for a long period, you would be even more shocked at how brainwashed they are

    When the 911 tragedy happened, many of them wanted to "Nuke Afghanistan".
    I brought up the point (in a bar, which as we know isn't always the best place for lucid dialogue) that it would also kill all the civilians.
    A couple of hours later, lots of them were leaving and one guy shouted out at the top of his voice "Hey you, you commie bar steward".
    Well, I could have fallen off my bar stool for laughing
    Their grip on reality, and the small matter of historical fact, makes you wonder what goes on in most peoples's heads there.
    No, on second thoughts, best not to ponder the imponderables......

    ruling elite
    Bush, Clinton............

    If it wasn't for their Ivy League Universities and independent judiciary (remember when there were so many vacant spaces at a Clinton address to the Nation) there would be more unravelling than there is.

  3. #93
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Dom, if you have the misfortune to ever live there for a long period, you would be even more shocked at how brainwashed they are

    When the 911 tragedy happened, many of them wanted to "Nuke Afghanistan".

    A couple of hours later, lots of them were leaving and one guy shouted out at the top of his voice "Hey you, you commie bar steward".
    Look too how many Seiks were attacked in the UK when the 9/11 and London attrocities occured.

    Who also recalls the death threats one Mr Al Nino received when all the fuss about the weather phenomenon El Niño was going on? The mind boggles!

    I had a long conversation outside LAX airport with a traffic cop who wanted to ticket me for hesitating on a green light and could not undestand that London, England was not in a US state.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  4. #94
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You'll find that most of the brainwashed Yank nutters are in the North & Mid-areas, those down South, and in the West have a bit more mental freedom and realise what is going on, from those I have met anyway, but those trends do show up on the voting maps.

    Real down to Earth Southerners though are still trying to figure out what happened to slavery ....McCain will win, as it will be a race vote that swings it in his favour.
    Keith - Administrator

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