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Thread: Pia has been robbed!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Pia has been robbed!

    I walked in from the airport a few mins ago and was so happy to see a birthday card from my love.

    I switched on the PC and yahoo opened instantly and I saw several offline messages from her. We had spoken before i boarded my plane and she was on her way to her cookery class.

    She was in the open so i did not stay long as I am always worried someone will hear her speaking English and think she has money. After talking she went to the bank to withdraw money and apparently someone followed her and has taken her mobile and money.

    She went to the cafe opposiite the Cookery School and sounds so frightened and shaken and I cannot reach anyone apart from her aunty who is a long way away. I am so worried about her and feel so helpless! I am going crazy here!

    I am so worried about her.
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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    As long as it is only money/mobile and she's alright, that's the main thing.

    Maybe it's best if all the guys on here instruct the other half to only go the bank with other people in future, this has happened before.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    OMG thats awful! Its terrible when you're so far away and can't help at all.

    Like Keith says as long as its only 'things' rather than Pia at least thats something.

    Hope things are ok
    K xx

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    I can imagine hpow you feel, where in phils is she now ? has she anyone there friends family ? If she is near one of the girls on the forum she could contact them.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    I can imagine hpow you feel, where in phils is she now ? has she anyone there friends family ? If she is near one of the girls on the forum she could contact them.
    Exactly! Tell us where she is in Phils. and I am confident that someone on here will be able to offer assistance in whatever way we can.
    Ain't that right folks??? Let us look after our own.

    Sorry to hear this news mate. May God bless you both.


  6. #6
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    hopefully she is alright

  7. #7
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    As long as it is only money/mobile and she's alright, that's the main thing.

    Maybe it's best if all the guys on here instruct the other half to only go the bank with other people in future, this has happened before.
    Thanks Keith, you are so right. I have just heard from her. She went back to the Internet Cafe to try to reach me.

    She was on a multi-cab and 1 of a group of 3 guys put a knife into her side and told her to open her bag and not make a sound. Then they took her money and her mobile and got off. Fortunately, they could not see her purse as it was under a t-shirt so she still has my card and I have just transferred some more money. Someone will go to the bank with her tomorrow.

    I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I walked in and saw her offline messages. I have not cried in years but I felt so helpless and terrible that I could not protect her. I felt really bad that she was not already here with me. It's a feeling words cannot describe.

    Quote Originally Posted by cruisingkerry View Post
    OMG thats awful! Its terrible when you're so far away and can't help at all.

    Like Keith says as long as its only 'things' rather than Pia at least thats something.

    Hope things are ok
    K xx
    Thank you so much Kerry. I thank God that she was not injured. I can replace anything but cannot replace the Queen of my heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    I can imagine hpow you feel, where in phils is she now ? has she anyone there friends family ? If she is near one of the girls on the forum she could contact them.
    Pia lives about 45 mins outside of Surigao City proper. I tried to reach her tatay but the phone is not working. Nanay has leant her phone to sis.

    I mananged to reach one of my favourite aunties but she was a long way away. She did call another aunty who was on her way to see if Pia was home already.
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  8. #8
    Respected Member angel1231's Avatar
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    I know how she felt when its happen ..i had that kind of xperience too.In the phils f u dont want to get incounter with those kind of losers dont be so posh or in other term "ayaw pasigarbo kaayo "in term of dressing up or puting to many accesories on u ...just an advice ...not saying a bad way to piamed on her xperience

  9. #9
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    I know how you're feeling Paimed when you talk about feeling helpless. That has been a constant nagging thought in the back of my mind since I've been home, knowing if something happens there is next to nothing you can do about it! :-(

    Glad your lady's ok though mate! :-)

  10. #10
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    I have nothing constructive to say but knowing how I felt when my daughter was 5,000 miles away and hurting my heart goes out to you and Pia, Piamed. It won't be long before she's in your care.

    God Bless

  11. #11
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Exactly! Tell us where she is in Phils. and I am confident that someone on here will be able to offer assistance in whatever way we can.
    Ain't that right folks??? Let us look after our own.

    Sorry to hear this news mate. May God bless you both.

    Thank you so much Al; I really appreciate your concern. I am not sure what to do. I was thinking of trying to get a flight tomorrow and waiting until until we can come back together but I dont know how long her visa will take to get granted.

    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    hopefully she is alright
    She is thank you vbkelly.

    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    I know how she felt when its happen ..i had that kind of xperience too.In the phils f u dont want to get incounter with those kind of losers dont be so posh or in other term "ayaw pasigarbo kaayo "in term of dressing up or puting to many accesories on u ...just an advice ...not saying a bad way to piamed on her xperience
    I agree amiga. Your advice is good.

    Pia is a very simple person that wears local clothes and does not wear high value items, hence them not taking anything else. She does not even wear her engagement ring when out and turns the wedding band so the simple side is shown.

    Thank God she is unhurt!

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I know how you're feeling Paimed when you talk about feeling helpless. That has been a constant nagging thought in the back of my mind since I've been home, knowing if something happens there is next to nothing you can do about it! :-(

    Glad your lady's ok though mate! :-)
    Cheers mate! It is a terrible feeling.

    Quote Originally Posted by friend View Post
    I have nothing constructive to say but knowing how I felt when my daughter was 5,000 miles away and hurting my heart goes out to you and Pia, Piamed. It won't be long before she's in your care.

    God Bless
    Thanks friend. Hopefully it won't be long now.
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  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    If you DO come out, you can always stay with us. Plenty of spare room here.


  13. #13
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Thanks Alan

    We would love to visit hannah and yourself if possible. Pia is home now. She borrowed her neighbours phone and texted me.

    You know, in all of this there are still blessings:

    Pia is unhurt physically
    I was not there, 'cause both my love and I know what would have happened

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  14. #14
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi Piamed, sorry to hear that but be thankful to God she is unhurt physically.
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  15. #15
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    Sorry to hear about this .... glad she is ok.

    Reminder, us guys should always think about where our lady is before we make call on mobile.

  16. #16
    Respected Member SephEan's Avatar
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    oh my that was terrible.!! My sister had that too before, a guy snatched her bracelet and pointed knife on her side. Im glad she is safe. you will soon be together and once shes with u, she's more than safe. God bless!!

  17. #17
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    Hi Piamed, sorry to hear that but be thankful to God she is unhurt physically.
    Thank you so much!

    I have just spoken to Pia and it was so hard. I'm heartbroken. I feel such a fool as I have recently posted saying that i feel safe in da Phils and never had any problems before. I have now. I have just read Pete's new thread on saftety in da Phils.

    Pia is not going to go to her cookery classes anymore. She will mostly just stay in her Barangay until I arrive. I suggested that she goes to spend time with her aunty in Butuan but i think she is worried about her VISA documents being sent back to her and her not being there to receive them. Of course, she also does not have the mobile that she submitted to the Embassy along with her application.

    It's been a terrible few days: ferry disaster, other flooding & sinkings, the murder of the Swedish gentlemen and his family, the murder of this British man also. I was talking to Pia about them before I boarded my plane.

    Can you believe that Pia has spoken to her sis who is in manila seeing her husband off as he goes to japan for 3 years in 1 week? She and her husband were with the kids and robbed of cash outside the training office at almost exactly the same time as Pia.

    A terrible few days! Absolutely terrible!

    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    Sorry to hear about this .... glad she is ok.

    Reminder, us guys should always think about where our lady is before we make call on mobile.
    Thanks, that is a really valid point Tomm. I always worry about that.

    Quote Originally Posted by SephEan View Post
    oh my that was terrible.!! My sister had that too before, a guy snatched her bracelet and pointed knife on her side. Im glad she is safe. you will soon be together and once shes with u, she's more than safe. God bless!!
    Maraming salamat amiga. I really want to protect her and am so full of frustration right now. God bless you too! Hope you are getting over your cold and seeing more of the UK now.
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  18. #18
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    hey amigo!

    so sad to hear this! as long as pia is safe & not traumatized, that is the most important. just be extra careful & vigilant next time!

    wish her visa would arrive so soon so she will be in your good hands!
    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  19. #19
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    atleast she's fine and not been hurt...thanks God for and mobile is nothing,whats important is she's safe...

  20. #20
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    sorry to hear that....
    i hope pia is ok now...


    QUOTE=Piamed;73682]I walked in from the airport a few mins ago and was so happy to see a birthday card from my love.

    I switched on the PC and yahoo opened instantly and I saw several offline messages from her. We had spoken before i boarded my plane and she was on her way to her cookery class.

    She was in the open so i did not stay long as I am always worried someone will hear her speaking English and think she has money. After talking she went to the bank to withdraw money and apparently someone followed her and has taken her mobile and money.

    She went to the cafe opposiite the Cookery School and sounds so frightened and shaken and I cannot reach anyone apart from her aunty who is a long way away. I am so worried about her and feel so helpless! I am going crazy here!

    I am so worried about her.[/QUOTE]

  21. #21
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hello Amigo Toks,

    how's Ate Pia now??hope she's ok really sorry to hear that..

  22. #22
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    hey amigo!

    so sad to hear this! as long as pia is safe & not traumatized, that is the most important. just be extra careful & vigilant next time!

    wish her visa would arrive so soon so she will be in your good hands!
    Salamat amiga. I hope she will be here very soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by telford View Post
    at least she's fine and not been hurt...thanks God for and mobile is nothing,whats important is she's safe...
    I am so happy that she is unharmed. That is most important to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    sorry to hear that....
    i hope pia is ok now...


    QUOTE=Piamed;73682]I walked in from the airport a few mins ago and was so happy to see a birthday card from my love.

    I switched on the PC and yahoo opened instantly and I saw several offline messages from her. We had spoken before i boarded my plane and she was on her way to her cookery class.

    She was in the open so i did not stay long as I am always worried someone will hear her speaking English and think she has money. After talking she went to the bank to withdraw money and apparently someone followed her and has taken her mobile and money.

    She went to the cafe opposiite the Cookery School and sounds so frightened and shaken and I cannot reach anyone apart from her aunty who is a long way away. I am so worried about her and feel so helpless! I am going crazy here!

    I am so worried about her.
    Thank you so much Ann.

    Can you believe my mother has just returned my call? She is obviously upset about waht happened to Pia and has just told me that she just found out that th son of one of the ladies she was supposed to go on holiday with a few weeks ago was murdered in the Philippines a few days ago.

    He had married a filipina with 3 children and was having problems getting her and her children to the UK so he went there to help.

    She does not know the full details but says he was early 40s. Hmmn!

    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hello Amigo Toks,

    how's Ate Pia now??hope she's ok really sorry to hear that..
    Sorry amiga. I did not see your post before. Pia is at home. She will go to the bank with nanay tomorrow and then buy a new phone. She will not be going to the cooking classes at school anymore. Better to be safe. Thank you for your concern!
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  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    scumbags pulled a knife on my misses aunt while in a jeepney 5yrs ago in laguna, shes in her late 50's and had our 3yr old daughter with her

  24. #24
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    scumbags pulled a knife on my misses aunt while in a jeepney 5yrs ago in laguna, shes in her late 50's and had our 3yr old daughter with her

    I'm sorry to hear that Joe. These are terrible times it seems!
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  25. #25
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    All over the world it's the same story, more and more crime and less and less respect for each other, very sorry to hear about Pia but at least she is ok thats the most important thing.

  26. #26
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    My girlfriend was telling me that the increasing prices of food is making people more desperate, not that it should be any excuse to rob people.
    Her sister had her bag snatched in the market not long ago. Like Alan said, hopefully we can help each other when needed, I know I worry about my girlfriend picking up her 'extra'.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post
    My girlfriend was telling me that the increasing prices of food is making people more desperate, not that it should be any excuse to rob people.
    Her sister had her bag snatched in the market not long ago. Like Alan said, hopefully we can help each other when needed, I know I worry about my girlfriend picking up her 'extra'.
    Yup, it's real concern.

    Quote Originally Posted by tomoboyle2000 View Post
    All over the world it's the same story, more and more crime and less and less respect for each other, very sorry to hear about Pia but at least she is ok thats the most important thing.
    Very true mate. Thanks. I hope Pia is sleeping ok and will wake up refreshed.
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  28. #28
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    I sincerely hope that Pia will recover soon from her ordeal and without mental scars of it.

    I can imagine what you are feeling now....

    As you are here, the only thing that you can do is to comfort her from afar and assure her that it wasn't her fault.

  29. #29
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    sorry to hear that piamed but like evryone else say here
    its only "things" what matters most is that pia was not
    hurt and safe.
    even if u not there physically now am sure pia will be ok
    she will feel your care and comfort.
    i do hope she will recover from the trauma.

    best wishes piamed

  30. #30
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    hi, sorry to hear your loveone in the Phils experienced that kind of thing.
    The last time I went home to Phils my sisters a bit annoyed on me that I am Balikbayan but I look just plain ( no jewelries, nice phone and not wearing signature clothes). As you know some Balikbayan are very showy what they have. Me, I am avoiding things like holdup though of course accident happen but if you can avoid it why not by going out just plain.

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