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Thread: please can anyone help

  1. #1
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    please can anyone help

    hello again,Frances telephoned me thismorning the embassy text her to ask for an interview next week reguarding our fiancee visa,she was very distressed at the thought of having to go and not knowing where the new building is makes things worse,i just wish i could i go to the philippines to give her support but this is not possible as i have work commitments here.i just could not belive that they asked for an interview i thought our case was straight forward as were both single and never been maried and we thought we had all the requirments nessesary.what do you think the promlem might be if was possible i would love talk on the phone to one of the experts in the forum just to see if theres anything we can do .do you think it might be a god idea for frances to take more documents with her like the last 3 months phone bills and more chat logs?thank you again for the support this site has given Fraines and I.
    ps if theres a chance of talking to someone i can swap phone numbers if you like by email.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Hey Philip, don't panic, Did the Embassy not tell Frances the new location ? the address is on one of the threads here, From 15 July 2008, the British Embassy building sits on a 1.2-hectare green field development at The Fort in Taguig City,
    Address: 120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Town Centre
    Fort Bonifacio
    Taguig City 1634, Metro Manila

    Main switchboard: (+63) (2) 858 2200
    Telephone: (+63) (2) 580 8700
    (+63) (2) 580 8700 - Consular
    (+63) (2) 580 8700 - Consular/Visa

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The first thing to do is not flap ! flapping gets your blood pressure up, and secondly, 70 per cent of the things you think are going to happen rarely happen at all, this is always a nail biting time for sponsors.

    You should find it normal that your girl has been called forward for interview, after all I can remember a time, when every applicant had to go for interview, this process of sending visa's in by courier without even interviewing the applicant was a new one on me, and kind of out of character with the British Embassy.

    And of course the other thing to remember, is that no 2 cases are alike and there certainly isnt such a thing as straight forward, taking more chat logs and phone bills will not make much difference to your girls application.

    Provided you have supplied the required evidence of relationship, have complied with the 1 visit rule, and that you can show clearly that you can support your girl for up to 2 years without recourse to public funds, and provided you have suitable accomodation for your girl to live in, in theory there is no reason why a visa should not be granted, in practice there are many other factors that come into play, such as your girl's performance at the interview.

    Provided your girl refrains from sticking to one word answers such as yes and no, and provided she gives a good accounting of your wedding arrangements and where your marriage will take place, the timings etc, and demonstrates a good knowledge of your relationship, I see no reasons why she would not be granted a visa.

    As for swapping phone numbers, whilst I used to do this with many members on this site for the last 3 years, I have to say I have stopped doing it, nothing personal Philip, its a stance I have taken following many such requests in the past.

    I have always been happy to give advice at this forum, but not answer e mails anymore nor go on yahoo, or take phone calls, the last guy to have my number, used to call me at all hours of the night, and daytime when he had a whim to discuss, I am sure you can appreciate that.

    Best of luck with your girls visa, and try and relax a little, you will know soon enough.

    Best regards

  4. #4
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    thaks pete for youe help,im sure Frances will give a good account of herself i think she speaks better english than most people in this country so thats not a problem for her,and she knows every thing there is to know about me and my family friends were talking on the phone and yahoo every day she even knows where im working and the clients name.Has anyone here had to go for an interview in the last few months if so would like to know the outcome and how long after did you get the visa?
    Thanks again everyone.Frances and Phillip.

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    If you want a read of all time, read my story, then when you read my story thats if you have an hour or so, then you will see how yours might not be so bad.

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link Pete, good information as we plan to apply for a spouse visa in September.

    But after reading your experience it gave me some good and not so good news...

    good news is that my wife maiden name is Aninon, therefore not much waiting I hope

    not so good... I too have lost my home in my divorce and am currently renting a room in a friends house so have no rental agreement. I was going to put on the application that we are to live with my parents.

    Does anyone know what documentation I will need as proof?



  7. #7
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    just pray and pray philipwayback before when i applied for my visa I was like reading thins about U.K as well as King Henry III and his wivesas thougth they might ask me but i didnt get any interview and got my visa with flying colors.just tell your girl to bring more necesary doc if ever just in case.goodluck
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  8. #8
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    hi philip ask to frances to try to remember the answers you wrote in your application form it might they asking her again. if the embassy calling her for interview and they don't ask any supporting documents,that is fine no need to worry about just tell her to relax. goodluck!

  9. #9
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    thanks for your help dear members.keep the advice comming

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Suggest you put down you will be accomodated at your parents house, have a consent letter drawn up to show they are happy for your girl to llive at their house, let the letter show that there is adequate room and that you will not be over crowded, dont worry about loosing your house to the ex wife, it happens to many of us.

    However do not put down your girl is accomodated at your freinds house, that is not sufficiently good enough in terms of adequate accomodation.

  11. #11
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    That was great to hear Philip that embassy are open today cause they able to send text message to Frances,we thought they are close till July 15 as the link says for their re location ....glad they are working,wish u the best ,both of you

  12. #12
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillip View Post
    hello again,Frances telephoned me thismorning the embassy text her to ask for an interview next week reguarding our fiancee visa,she was very distressed at the thought of having to go and not knowing where the new building is makes things worse,i just wish i could i go to the philippines to give her support but this is not possible as i have work commitments here.i just could not belive that they asked for an interview i thought our case was straight forward as were both single and never been maried and we thought we had all the requirments nessesary.what do you think the promlem might be if was possible i would love talk on the phone to one of the experts in the forum just to see if theres anything we can do .do you think it might be a god idea for frances to take more documents with her like the last 3 months phone bills and more chat logs?thank you again for the support this site has given Fraines and I.
    ps if theres a chance of talking to someone i can swap phone numbers if you like by email.
    Good luck! If possible, get your lady to bring additional photos of you both together. She also needs a rough plan for the future as the ECO would likely ask her (e.g. moving abroad to work, children, wedding plans etc). Best to think about this in detail and prepare the right words.

    Ben B

  13. #13
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    well said members interviews around 1 in 10 keep smiling she get here

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post


    However do not put down your girl is accomodated at your freinds house, that is not sufficiently good enough in terms of adequate accomodation.
    I too share my friends 2 bedroom house with him and I pay him rent. If I had a letter from him confirming a rental agreement is in place to live at his house for x amount of time, would this be ok for the visa app, or is it just an outright definite no-no?

  15. #15
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I too share my friends 2 bedroom house with him and I pay him rent. If I had a letter from him confirming a rental agreement is in place to live at his house for x amount of time, would this be ok for the visa app, or is it just an outright definite no-no?
    I'm not sure, but i should think you probably just need a rent book?

  16. #16
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Provided you are paying rent as part of a formal rent agreement with your freind, there is no need to be unduly worried, I would suggest you do not mention that your friend is in fact your landlord, all you would need to show is a bona fida rental agreement with your landlord, and that you have adequate accomodation for your girl to live with you, and your landlord is agreeable to your girl living there, this would then represent no problem.

    The ECO's are well aware of UK property costs, and with the credit crunch and mortgages being so unnatractive these days, its obvious so many will now be renting and looking for lower housing costs, its better to rent in something you can afford than strap yourself up to the top on mortgages that only bring misery.


  17. #17
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Goodluck to u Philip and Frances, I understand how it feels because I also had an interview when I got my visa..Just make sure Frances knows even a little details of ur relationship, and it should be the same with the details or informations that uve submitted and it's better to be interview in english and dont forget to come early as much as possible on the sched interview..

    if u want some additional help just sent me a PM..


  18. #18
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    Thanks kimmi i messeged frances to contact you any help will be most welcombe.I am sure the embassy just wants to make sure that our relationship is serious as we only met 11 months ago and i have only visited the once and there was limited letters and cards from me as most of the mail i sent never arrived.Do you think it will help if Frances takes along any mail i have sent since we applied and chat logs and western union receipts.I think all other dockuments are in order as i have my own business letter from my landlady.Both of us have never been married so no compleations there.We are so much in love and have commited to be together what ever the outcome but it would be hard to build a life for our future if i cant continue with my buisness in the uk.I just told Frances to be honnest with her answers as we have nothing to hide.Thank you again Kimmi for your help. phillip

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    Provided you are paying rent as part of a formal rent agreement with your freind, there is no need to be unduly worried, I would suggest you do not mention that your friend is in fact your landlord, all you would need to show is a bona fida rental agreement with your landlord, and that you have adequate accomodation for your girl to live with you, and your landlord is agreeable to your girl living there, this would then represent no problem.

    The ECO's are well aware of UK property costs, and with the credit crunch and mortgages being so unnatractive these days, its obvious so many will now be renting and looking for lower housing costs, its better to rent in something you can afford than strap yourself up to the top on mortgages that only bring misery.

    Cheers fella. Appreciate the advice.

  20. #20
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    finger crossed!

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