You might find this interesting...
We should probably take this with a pinch of salt but here are Britains worst top ten towns to live in according to the Sunday Telelgraph:
10 Hackney (Thought to be dangerous and dirty)
9 Basingstoke (Thought to be a large grotty town that was designed to take Londons overspill)
8 Bexhill On Sea (Described as being like an elephants graveyard, populated by people who are waiting to die, and smelling of ammmonia!)
7 ST Andrews (Thought to be full of irritating English toffee nosed types!)
6 Liverpool (Thought to be full of men wearing tracksuits, wearing silly moustache's and thieving) - They also said that Liverpool was once one of the richest cities in the world!!What went wrong?
5 Winchester (A beautiful spot with posh schools but also popular with lager louts leaving broken beer bottles everywhere!!)
4 Hythe (Thought to be plain boring, apart from the fact the Romans once invaded there.)
3 Morecambe (Once popular in the 1930's, it was a bit like Blackpool, but has since gone downhill and become unpopular)
2 Cumbernauld (It's said that the town of Cumbernauld was so badly's basically a platform on stilts, sitting over a network of tunnels and old bunkers...students learning about town building are being shown Cumbernauld as an example of how it should NOT be done!)
1 Hull (Thought to have very high unemployment there, many of their industries have collapsed, and it's thought there's a large number drug users/heroin addicts there)