I find it extremely sad that so many, be they black, Asian, mixed or whatever, seem unable to break what is often a colonial-type mentality.
Obviously, in colonial times and during the times of chattel slavery, the mas'er bedded his black wenches to create more 'valuable' slaves that had a greater monetary value and warped sense of loyalty. Often these offspring were overseers of the other slaves. Because they were more white and held a senior post than the others, i.e. closer to that of the slave owner, it became the appearance/ status that so many aspired to. Slaves often wanted a child with the mas'er so as to help themselves advance.
Believe it or not, black people spend more than double the money on beauty products per capita than anyone else. The reason: hair straitening and skin lightening products. It's ridiculous. You can see those that have been doing it very easily. Light faces and dark hands. Also a line at around neck level, not to mention dark backs of the neck.
Over the centuries those in power (political/media) have perpetuated the notion that anything other than a 'European' appearance is unattractive. Unfortunately, so many have believed it and still do.
In da Phils I was surprised to see ads for employees that are light in complexion, above 5'4", etc. I can understand why one feels that they are disadvantaged by not being light skinned. How many people on TV in da Phils actually look Filipino? Most look Spanish or South American to me. Amazingly, tricycle drivers often wear long-sleeves and gloves in 38 degrees so as not to get darker on the arms.
It is clear to any thinking person that it is terribly superficial to aspire to be a colour that one is not. I would be very surprised if anyone can present an intellectual argument otherwise. Having said that, it is clear that in countries that practice skin lightening, bullying & oppression of darker skins does occur. Most people do not lighten their skins for those reasons.
Still, it is an individual choice. I don't criticise those that follow the practice of whitening but I reserve respect for those that are satisfied with their skin colour even in the face of societal pressure that many are unable to overcome.
Being dark skinned is as much an advantage as it can be a disadvantage. I should know! I'm darker than invariably all on this forum. I had criticisms and people telling me a whole bunch of stuff I could not do because of my skin colour. I have to say that stopped when I started my martial arts

, but seriously, there are far more people that will love your skin colour than will dislike it. There are still far more that who wont even notice it at all.
I would encourage all to just be themselves and stop creating internal dissatisfaction. Have you seen the older faces of those that have been burned by prolonged use of these products?
As usual these are just my thoughts!