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Thread: My bf has body odor

  1. #31
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    I can't imagine someone being that bad - methinks you are pulling a few legs. If he is that bad - just get rid.

  2. #32
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    plus points............ = good in the sack.....

    Anything else sucks.

    Don't bother taking this relationship any further. He is not worth it and will never change.

  3. #33
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    Hi all i just wanna get off my chest once and for bf whom i known from the internet has this terrible body odor that u can smell even if you are a feet away. at first i thought that i was just being too sensitive but i realized that even with his colleagues (from europe and the states) they all think that he stinks and he is always the butt of their jokes, even on facebook they would comment that they could smell him from england just by looking at his picture.
    I suspect that his bad behaviour is linked to his bad odour.
    Can you explain this odour a bit more? Does he take regular showers?
    what is the source of the smell? Excessive Sweating? - there are special stuff for that. Standard deodorants will actually make the smell worse mainly due to the added perfume.

    You need aluminium chloride hexahydrate based products. Or even Botox to stop problem areas from sweating too much. This gives ~12 weeks protection.

    Its normally the bacteria feeding on the sweat causing all that bad smell. Best to see the doctor. You cannot stop bacteria, but you can stop the sweat glands from working.

    Best Wishes,

  4. #34
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    i dont know whats going on with me...but even if he is a violent person i still love him...i mean he pushed me and hit me in the stomach...because i was going out with my friends...he said that i betray him because i am friends with people who hates him...but seriously i dont know anyone who doesnt
    do not put up with his crap! you deserve better but i guess you know that already. no amount of love will be enough to put up with what you have to put up with him, odor can be resolved but his behaviour is evil!

  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Poor the description you'd think he was a Manc
    Q: What's the difference between a Scouser and a coconut?
    A: One's thick and hairy, and the other's a coconut.

    No More Kids!!

    After having their 11th child, a scouser couple decided that was enough, as the social wouldn't buy them a bigger bed and they weren't strong enough to nick one, the husband went to his doctor and told him that he and his wife didn't want to have any more children.

    The doctor told him there was a procedure called a vasectomy that would fix the problem but it was expensive. The doctor then went on to explain that a less costly alternative was to go home, get a firework, light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to his ear and count to 10.

    The Scouser said to the doctor,
    "I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I don't see how putting a firework in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me."

    "Trust me, it will do the job", said the doctor.

    So the man went home, lit a banger and put it in a beer can. He held the can up to his ear and began to count: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5," at which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs so he could continue counting on his other hand...

    This procedure also works in Watford, Birmingham , parts of Essex,
    Sunderland and Aberdeen and anywhere in Wales.....

  6. #36
    Member lil John's Avatar
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    First of all I would like to apologize to the forum members here for the lauguage I am about to use.
    GOOD G_D Almighty, Traveller have you listened to what you have been saying to us. This man and I use the term loosly should never be considered fit for any lady to associate with. I cryed when I read this thread because this is the same road my late sister took 30 years ago and it cost her her life. Everyone knew what my sisters boyfriend was capable of and he proved us right. On the day that my sister was killed, I had a heart to heart talk with my sister and I begged her to run, as fast as her feet would run, away from this animal but she would not do it because she said she loved him and she thought he would change.
    Now I am begging you to do the same, run as fast as your feet will carry you and DO NOT LOOK back. I do not want to read your name in some obituary that I was right about your boyfriend.

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    he's hitting you now and has little respect for you, so why be a punch bag for him, i hope you don't have kids with him, it will not only be you he's punching, so if you will not leave him, think about what kinda life any kids would have, and do it for them, if not for yourself

    time he sorted himself out and grew up

  8. #38

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    I can't imagine someone being that bad - methinks you are pulling a few legs. If he is that bad - just get rid.
    i wish...but the thing is i have just covered the surface...there are more to this that he has done...he is not the normal type of guy...and seriously i havent met any person like this before in my life

    but you might wonder...why i stick to this ... is because i developed feelings for him...he is nice online...but in real life...he turned out to be like what i mentioned

  9. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    he's hitting you now and has little respect for you, so why be a punch bag for him, i hope you don't have kids with him, it will not only be you he's punching, so if you will not leave him, think about what kinda life any kids would have, and do it for them, if not for yourself

    time he sorted himself out and grew up
    this hitting thing only happened once...and it wasnt very painful

  10. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by russ01539 View Post
    OK Trav. I got a suggestion. Get a camcorder, and next time he has his bad attitude on film him, or if his attitude comes out when he is chatting then print his words. At a later date when he is calm and in a good moood show him the film, or words he has used so he can see for himself what he is like. Show him also the jokes his so-called friends make behind his back, and then leave him on his own to think about these things. Hopefully he will see what a prat he is being and change his ways. At least he is only 23 and is still young enough to see his errors and change.

    Now regarding the body odour issue, this can be dealt with in a fun and easy way. Drag him into the shower with you and give him a good 'going over' in every way possible. This way he will smell nice, and associate cleaning himself with positive things - if u know what I mean.

    As for his flirting this is a classic sign of low self esteem. He may give an outward appearance of knowing himself, inside he is just a scared little boy who has no-one to show him the way in life. It sounds like you are not wanting to get rid, so you are going to have to take this little boy by the hand and show him how to be a man.

    Good luck.
    thanks a lot, i like these suggestions

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    this hitting thing only happened once...and it wasnt very painful
    Wether painful or not, the simple act of hitting a woman is abhorrent, disgraceful, distasteful and extremely cruel.

    He is nothing else than a bully and not worth your time or affection.

    Just like other members have suggested, I would recommend you to dump him, as the next time he beats you, it could be very paiful, or may even kill you.

    The ball is in your court, nobody can make the decisions for you but yourself......

  12. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    I suspect that his bad behaviour is linked to his bad odour.
    Can you explain this odour a bit more? Does he take regular showers?
    what is the source of the smell? Excessive Sweating? - there are special stuff for that. Standard deodorants will actually make the smell worse mainly due to the added perfume.

    You need aluminium chloride hexahydrate based products. Or even Botox to stop problem areas from sweating too much. This gives ~12 weeks protection.

    Its normally the bacteria feeding on the sweat causing all that bad smell. Best to see the doctor. You cannot stop bacteria, but you can stop the sweat glands from working.

    Best Wishes,
    he takes regular showers...he actually takes showers quite often ... after workin out etc... i think he excessively sweats...and when i said that he should put deodorant...he said that it only makes him sweat more

    about the bacteria...maybe its linked to him wearing dark clothes and not being able to wash them very well so the odor there is compounded

    you think there is a connection to his behavior? maybe...thats why he has this bad attitude cos people are always "against" him

    also...i was talking to a friend from the uk...he said that he was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome...and that maybe my bf also has aspergers syndrome...i read up on wiki and true enough he has some of the symptoms like...not being able to smell himself, very poor handwriting, antisocial behavior and extreme interest in one area, and as a kid he said he only talked to himself and kept going around in circles for no reason

    anyway when we talked before...he never told me that he has some mental probs...but when we talked recently he said that his mom actually sent him several times to a psychologist...but they just mainly gave up afterwards...

    and to my mind, i was like...oh that explains a lot

  13. #43

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    btw, part of the reason that i pity him sometimes is because his father died when he was just about seven

    so i really give extreme patience and understanding towards him

  14. #44
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Oh for God's sake. Stop making excuses for him. Listen to yourself, you are given the impression you have no free will and you're the complete loser not him.
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Oh for God's sake. Stop making excuses for him. Listen to yourself, you are given the impression you have no free will and you're the complete loser not him.
    Yup, typical profile of an abused woman that doesn't want any help and will end up getting severely hurt.....

  16. #46
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    this hitting thing only happened once...and it wasnt very painful
    i've known my misses for more than 8yrs, been married nearly 6yrs, and i've never hit her or even thought of it

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i've known my misses for more than 8yrs, been married nearly 6yrs, and i've never hit her or even thought of it
    Either you are too slow, or she is very fast.........

    Hitting women is one of the lowest things that a so called "man" could do to a person.

  18. #48
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Either you are too slow, or she is very fast.........

    Hitting women is one of the lowest things that a so called "man" could do to a person.
    she's more of a thrower than a puncher

    thrown a couple of things, but bad eye sight, missed me each time

    still saving to laser her eyes,,, i could be saving for a long time ....................

  19. #49
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    When I showed this thread to my Filipina wife her reaction was "it's a wind up". No-one in their right mind will put up with what is described. If it is, then well done, you have fooled a lot of people! If not then please get out now, right now, before any more damage is done. Any future with such a person will surely be a disaster. Women often think that with love and devotion they can turn a bad guy into a good one. Almost invariably they fail, end up pregant, abused and in your case maybe alone in a strange country. There are many much better guys available, imperfect of course, but much better. Don't worry about the bedroom! Your second will probably be better, and if not, then that is something you can work on together. There are MUCH more important things than that. My own daughter lived with a lazy drunk, who physically abused her. She convinced herself she could turn him into a good man and tolerated his behaviour for years before it got so bad he was arrested and banned from within 5 miles of her. Now she has big debts and has to start again. Don't put yourself in such a situation, get out now before it gets worse. Be strong and just do it.

  20. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    When I showed this thread to my Filipina wife her reaction was "it's a wind up". No-one in their right mind will put up with what is described. If it is, then well done, you have fooled a lot of people! If not then please get out now, right now, before any more damage is done. Any future with such a person will surely be a disaster. Women often think that with love and devotion they can turn a bad guy into a good one. Almost invariably they fail, end up pregant, abused and in your case maybe alone in a strange country. There are many much better guys available, imperfect of course, but much better. Don't worry about the bedroom! Your second will probably be better, and if not, then that is something you can work on together. There are MUCH more important things than that. My own daughter lived with a lazy drunk, who physically abused her. She convinced herself she could turn him into a good man and tolerated his behaviour for years before it got so bad he was arrested and banned from within 5 miles of her. Now she has big debts and has to start again. Don't put yourself in such a situation, get out now before it gets worse. Be strong and just do it.
    well unfortunately this situation is true...why would i waste my time writing this in this rant...anyway thats the reaso nwhy i dont wanna share this prob with anyone else because this is the same thing they would tell me...anyway as for what your saying...u may say its easy to leave him its not! especially if its been the only person in ur life for 4 tried...but what did i get...i started dating this guy who told me he doest have a gf..then i found out that he has a gf...and then this other guy who i met as well, after 1 day of meeting just wanna have sex, thats just insensitive to accuse its not true...and also i dont think this is an advice column but a rant page... i might as well get out of this forum

  21. #51
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    "CARA is a confidential and non-judgemental support service for women and young people who have been raped, sexually abused or assaulted either recently or in the past and could involve a stranger, friend or family member"

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    well unfortunately this situation is true...why would i waste my time writing this in this rant...anyway thats the reaso nwhy i dont wanna share this prob with anyone else because this is the same thing they would tell me...anyway as for what your saying...u may say its easy to leave him its not! especially if its been the only person in ur life for 4 tried...but what did i get...i started dating this guy who told me he doest have a gf..then i found out that he has a gf...and then this other guy who i met as well, after 1 day of meeting just wanna have sex, thats just insensitive to accuse its not true...and also i dont think this is an advice column but a rant page... i might as well get out of this forum
    The people I just telling you the truth as they see it from the Information provided.
    The truth hurts sometimes but its the most vauable type advice in the world.

  23. #53

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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    The people I just telling you the truth as they see it from the Information provided.
    The truth hurts sometimes but its the most vauable type advice in the world.
    i dont really have a prob with the advices...but what really struck me the most is this comment that its a "wind up" - i dont really know what that means...but from thinking that they think its not true...and accusing me of fooling people...thats too much

  24. #54

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    maybe ill just rant on my own in my diary or whatever
    im done with this

  25. #55
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    this is the same thing they would tell me..
    ...but what did i get....and also i dont think this is an advice column but a rant page... i might as well get out of this forum
    maybe you just don't like what people are telling you , you want advice, that's what you got, or did you want people to tell you, hang on things will be ok ?

    but things can work out fine, will not be easy, some on here have had a harder time than you, and it worked out, but you've got doubts, or why would you ask ?

  26. #56
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    I am not accusing you at all. It is simply that my wife found what you had to say so extreme that she could not beleve anyone would have put up with it. As you have confirmed that you are, then of course, it is your choice to ignore the universal advice being given to you. I can understand your reluctance because it is not easy to accept that what you have been doing may be a mistake. However I trust you will accept that the comments made are all in good faith and given to help. Maybe after some quiet relection you will get some benefit from them. It reminds me of the story of the proud Mum watching her soldier son marching with his colleagues on the parade ground. She turns to her neighbour to claim "isn't he wonderful, he is the only one marching in step". Sometimes we are so blinded by love that the truth, although obvious to everyone else, escapes us.

  27. #57
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    ... i might as well get out of this forum
    Because everyone has spoken the truth from the outside looking in? What response did you expect? If you expected all to say what a wonderful guy he is, and the more he abuses you the better then we would class you as insane!

    You posted it in the RANT section because you AGREE with what everyone has said, but keeping find excuses to stay. Leaving is easy, you walk out the door and don't look back. Simple. Follow what your subconsious is telling you for a change, that is the part of the brain that is seldom wrong.
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #58
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    Are you both British?

  29. #59
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nparvus1202 View Post
    Are you both British?
    well i am

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by traveller View Post
    i dont know whats going on with me...but even if he is a violent person i still love him...i mean he pushed me and hit me in the stomach...because i was going out with my friends...he said that i betray him because i am friends with people who hates him...but seriously i dont know anyone who doesnt
    Sis sorry for saying this but i think you are experiencing battered wife syndrome loving despite the abuse and violence,his violence wont stop it will just escalate.My advice to you leave him while you still can and love yourself.Take care
    True love waits.

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