Hello people me and my hubby need some advices. I know this is not new to all of you. I was surfing the blogs that the MEMBERS posted here and can't find the answer's that I like. What should we do with my fiance Duncan.
Our first OPTION before is FIANCE VISA. But we change our MIND coz he is thinking that I can't work after 2 years there if we will get FIANCE VISA for me. SO our second OPTION is getting married here but then as I'm reading some POSTED ARTICLES here it shows that it's not EASY coz we need 21 days to wait before we will get married? Is this TRUE? He can't stay more than 2 weeks here because he has to work there. Any advices PLEASE.
The other article that I read is. If it's CIVIL wedding it easy not UNLIKE CHURCH WEDDING.
PLEASE I NEED URGENT ADVICES.. Coz we are planning to get married by NOVEMBER or JANUARY. But I need some ADVICES from you guys before FINALIZING IT. Which is easier and the downside of getting married here.
Please help, help, help, helpGOD BLESS YOU ALL