Its called Google Chrome and is available now...
Its rather good, I think its better than Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Its called Google Chrome and is available now...
Its rather good, I think its better than Firefox or Internet Explorer.
I am using it as well, right now and it seems interesting but a little strange to start with. I reserve my judgement but anything which challenges microsoft and is FREE always sounds good too me!
No use to me, the plugin I use only work on IE.
It's just an extension of their iGoogle
Keith - Administrator
you'll never know till you tried it....
We all heading for web applications and lite client computing it seems and thats the model google wants you to take.
Security wise dont use it for any confidential/private use just yet unless your far braver than me (which is most of you im sure)
The great part for me is that each tab is a seperate .exe and so far seems to act indepentantly very important in web apps. I also like the way the tab can be pulled form one window so its in its own window.
At work some we were testing a new End user interface for a global database (a web site with information on it with a clever web page i guess you could boill it down to in simple terms) we tried it on Chrome and along with other types of web pages it had some issues.
Think they launched it a bit to quick fast and in a bit of a hurry. From what i read due to it being launched early but i think thats a cover up as they just wanted to steal the thunder form the IE 8 Beta launch.
Also its worth reading or at least skiming though the EULA a few people are noting several passages are either just copied and pasted form other google products or have possible sinster implications.
In fact google have put out a statment to the point but it does make you wonder if it had not been picked up if they would have looked to change it?
It is a BETA version, not an official one, so you would expect it to have a number of problems. When they get an SEO plugin direct to the keyword database on Google, I may use it, untill then only IE has it.
Keith - Administrator
Anything Google makes seems to stay as a Beta for a very very long time look at Gmail
But worth pointing out to peeps it is very rough round the edges and as well as visual and data inputing problems that most likely means security issues as well. As its using an older bulid of web kit than safari which had one or two serious security issues.
Tha fact its the basis of symbians default browser, the I phone and safari also the android browser among others means i think its very intresting on the take up it will get and should mean with more competion we should see a lot of innovation in the next few years and beyond.
Im sure i have seen SEO tools on some of our web development team at works pc's for firefox![]()
All OS are basically Beta as well, as you know they'll bring out fixes/upgrades for the lot of them.
Keith - Administrator
Any web browser is safe as long as the user takes the necessary precautions - having a decent anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall for starters.
Back to Google Chrome, still using it, no problems so far, bar a few minor problems, but this is to be expected in any Beta software.
Rob you forgot to say if it has all the latest patches,but that can happen only once the security holes have been found.
I belive that chrome is an older bulid of Web kit than safari and possibly may have a few little holes that need some polyfilla and now a different set of bods white hat and black hats will be looking at it possible others breachs maybe found.
This is a Beta version do not use for anything critcal! Google and others will leave the Beta satus up for ages as an extra defence if any holes or security issues are found.
Heres an early example or three
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