Hi all!
Can you share your birth experience here in UK? How did you husbands handle it? How did you adjust to your new baby?
My first birth was easy, it was natural birth - no pain reliever except gas and air which i shared with my husbandhad a few laughs until I started contracting. After 4hrs of painful labour, we welcomed our son who was around 5lbs. My husband was alright, he stood beside me holding my hand. Both our first baby so I havent got a clue how to look after him, thanks to the midwives and health visitors who helped me. Plus I did alot of reading about babies.
Our 2nd baby was traumatic for me, I was induced and after a few hours of painful contractions they said baby is not low enough to be pushed out. Without any pain reliever again (my choice btw) I was forced not to push, imagine the pain! I told the midwives that I can not bear anymore, I want the doctor to cut me open. I passed out and next thing I knew I was being wheeled to the theatre. They said baby is indistress already. I was crying and screaming to the staff to do something bec of the painful contractions and have a bad cramp on my right leg as well. After that horrible experience, I woke up back in our room and my husband said everythings over. He said, staff were surprised bec baby was over 10lbs...no wonder I can not push it out! From the scans baby was estimated 8lbs only. I was abit upset on how the staff handled it but Im glad its over. I can not believe how huge my baby was, he looked like a 2mon old baby. The baby clothes I got didnt fit him so my husband got a 1-2month old size lol. The nurses in the ward were all saying how small I am to have a big baby. Bless him.
But its not going to put me off for another baby, hope to be a girl this time.![]()