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Thread: Just wanna ask regarding Nationwide bank statement

  1. #1
    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Just wanna ask regarding Nationwide bank statement

    HI everybody I just wanna ask about the bank statement you include on your supporting documents..

    I have my husband's atm it is from nationwide bank from UK im using it here in the philippines for almost 4 years now, thats were he sends me the money.

    My question is my husband called the Nationwide bank to request for an official copy of bank statement so it would show the transaction i made as a proof and evidence for my visa application that he supports me using it.

    The bank told him that they can give him a duplicate copy and not an official copy.
    Would that be okay if we can just give them a duplicate copy of bank statemements and not the official one..

    Please help?

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  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Yes if its from Nationwide.

    Without seeing it hard to say.

    But i was missing a months worth of statments from my bank and i requested reprints.
    They looked slighty different to normal statments. But were on the same paper and it was easy to see it was officialy from the same bank etc.

    As long as its from the bank its fine and clearly shows the ina and outgoings plus balance.

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Also if a Bank ever says they cant produce your statments quote the data protection act and i think for a admin fee of about a tenner you get at least six years worth of statments.

    They will have a department which will deal with this, if the branch are not helpful.

    Maybe worth doing this as many banks charge 5 or 7 pounds per month for each set of statments.

  4. #4
    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Thanks andypaul for the response actually nationwide bank is giving my husband a headache the ones they have sent him are the same as the pdf copy like the one he can download using internet banking they charge him 5 pounds.

  5. #5
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    When we submitted the application for Ruby's visit visa, I just used printouts from my Internet banking (N/W and Halifax). No one made any comments about the presentation, and Ruby received her visa in 7 days.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    When we submitted the application for Ruby's visit visa, I just used printouts from my Internet banking (N/W and Halifax). No one made any comments about the presentation, and Ruby received her visa in 7 days.
    If any doubts if your Husband needs to he could keep all the correspondce with them ie what nationwide sent them in?

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    When we submitted the application for Ruby's visit visa, I just used printouts from my Internet banking (N/W and Halifax). No one made any comments about the presentation, and Ruby received her visa in 7 days.
    peterb, i think it was your other evidence that counted, and as always with a VV, a bit of luck played a part in your misses getting a VV

    you shouldn't really send online bank statements as they can easily be faked, and because of the data protection act, i don't think the embassy can verify anything about the contents of your bank accounts, that's the reasons you shouldn't supply them.

    i know many people who have used them and got a visa. but maybe the other evidence played a major part in getting the visa

    this is from UKBA, its for Tier 1 apps, but you get the idea..

    The personal bank or building society statements should clearly show:

    * your name;
    * the account number;
    * the date of the statement;
    * the financial institution's name and logo;
    * transactions covering the three-month period;
    * that there is enough funds present in the account; and
    * that there has been enough money present in the account for the past three months.

    If you wish to send electronic bank statements from an online account these must contain all of the details listed above. In addition, you will need to send a supporting letter from your bank, on company headed paper, confirming the authenticity of the statements sent.

    i know in the past for settlement visas, it did say not to use online statements, but many people no longer have a choice and maybe thats why they have accepted them ?

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Good Post Mr Bloggs like you say they have no choice

    In fact the better off with money to spare generally have it stored in such accounts.

    So that counts me and you out of having one

  9. #9
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you shouldn't really send online bank statements as they can easily be faked...
    Indeed, but since I'd opted for paperless statements (and I'm sure that the government ought to be supporting a paperless society), there was very little choice - and, considering that I only printed the statements out the night before submitting the application, in an Internet cafe in Makati ....

    Some of the 'statements' had very little detail ... being simply headed "Pete's Savings".

  10. #10
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    I am having a problem with Nationwide in that PAL refused to accept my Credit Card and also the card of a friend. Both banks said the cards were OK. When I did not get a satisfactory explanation from Nationwide I wrote to the bank's CEO at:-

    I have done that before and the response, sometimes, is considerably better than at local level.

    Incidentally I also wrote to PAL at (laughable) That was a week ago so far nor even an acknowledgment.

  11. #11
    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Indeed, but since I'd opted for paperless statements (and I'm sure that the government ought to be supporting a paperless society), there was very little choice - and, considering that I only printed the statements out the night before submitting the application, in an Internet cafe in Makati ....

    Some of the 'statements' had very little detail ... being simply headed "Pete's Savings".
    Thats the same with my husband he have paperless statements with the nationwide bank he phoned the bank and he was told that he can only have a duplicate copy of the bank statements..

    I phoned the embassy twice today and spoke to 2 persons in charge with visa inquiries just to make sure, i ask them regarding the bank statement that if i can submit a printed copy they said its okay.

    Hopelly it will be okay and there wont be any problem with my application once i have lodge it and it will be on eco's hand..

    Thanks for all your reply its really a big help..

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miayela View Post
    Thats the same with my husband he have paperless statements with the nationwide bank he phoned the bank and he was told that he can only have a duplicate copy of the bank statements..

    I phoned the embassy twice today and spoke to 2 persons in charge with visa inquiries just to make sure, i ask them regarding the bank statement that if i can submit a printed copy they said its okay.

    Hopelly it will be okay and there wont be any problem with my application once i have lodge it and it will be on eco's hand..

    Thanks for all your reply its really a big help..
    Good news and im sure this thread has help lots of other couples

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