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Thread: Letting go....

  1. #1
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Letting go....

    Hi! before joining your husband or fiancee, what are the preparations that you do?

    what did you do with all the stuff, the clothes, the shoes that you cant bring with you when you leave the Philippines.

    Just want to ask ideas from you guys because i am having a hard time letting go of all this things....


    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

  2. #2
    Respected Member SephEan's Avatar
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    Hi Gracia!! Im flying soon to u.k. nxt week. i have many clothes and flip flops, shoes, etc...just like u. Good thing i have a twin sister, actually we are all girls in the family, so im gonna give away my other clothes to them and to my favorite maid, some bags to my aunties. Some pants i have, i gave them to my older sister and told her that she could sell it and she could keep the money.. Its always nice to give hubby suggested that we should send a box to u.k., but i dont think it would be necessary since i wanted to change my wardrobe. Other stuff which has sentimental value to me will be kept in one cabinet so when i return here for a vacation i dnt hve to bring many stuff and use the space for the "pasalubong"(gifts)...hope i have given u some ideas by this. Good luck!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    I gave some of my stuffs to my sisters, nieces, sister-in-laws and to the maids which i found that are not suitable for the UK weather. Each one got whatever suits them. I will have my important things to be sent to me here in the UK. My hubby told me i can send the things that has sentimental value to me like my albums, dresses, etc. Clothes to be worn here are of different material but i have clothes from the Phils which has beautiful styles and design and are applicable in springtime and/or summer. I attended a wedding twice and i have worn clothes and shoes i brought with me from the Phils even my hubby had bought me dresses and shoes to match them.
    I have already checked with the company that offers the best fees for those boxes to be sent here and will be received in 3 days time.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  4. #4
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SephEan View Post
    Hi Gracia!! Im flying soon to u.k. nxt week. i have many clothes and flip flops, shoes, etc...just like u. Good thing i have a twin sister, actually we are all girls in the family, so im gonna give away my other clothes to them and to my favorite maid, some bags to my aunties. Some pants i have, i gave them to my older sister and told her that she could sell it and she could keep the money.. Its always nice to give hubby suggested that we should send a box to u.k., but i dont think it would be necessary since i wanted to change my wardrobe. Other stuff which has sentimental value to me will be kept in one cabinet so when i return here for a vacation i dnt hve to bring many stuff and use the space for the "pasalubong"(gifts)...hope i have given u some ideas by this. Good luck!!
    thank you, thats what i am thinking also now and maybe il just put some in a box which i cant really let go :-)

    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your going to Norway what part of norway are you going to live in ?

    talk about extremes, from sunshine to snow

    my misses wants to see proper snow, ( a few feet deep, so i can just leave her head sticking out )

    you might want to buy a SAD light when your there, keep you

    good luck

  6. #6
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia_006 View Post
    thank you, thats what i am thinking also now and maybe il just put some in a box which i cant really let go :-)
    Norway is beautiful but ooooh, how cold in the winter! Many pinoy in Tromso and Oslo.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Norway is beautiful but ooooh, how cold in the winter! Many pinoy in Tromso and Oslow.
    snow, makes even Liverpool look ok

  8. #8
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    We will live in Vestby, just south of Oslo.

    We had around 30 degrees last week and was the hottest place in Europe, hotter the where she lives now.

    The winter can be long, dark and cold though, but I have tried to prepare her for that.

    First time I'm attaching a picture link like this so I hope it will work.

  9. #9
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    That link did not work. Tried another host now.

  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Give them to my favourite maid........hmmm I hadnt thought of that

  11. #11
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Norway is beautiful but ooooh, how cold in the winter! Many pinoy in Tromso and Oslo.
    yes i alreday knew how cold norway is but it doesnt matter as i have my human blanket now:-) my hubby

    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

  12. #12
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia_006 View Post
    yes i alreday knew how cold norway is but it doesnt matter as i have my human blanket now:-) my hubby
    I hear you amiga! You know, the world is a beautiful place and I have been blessed to see many wonderful things. Flying into Tromso in the late evening with all the lights of the bay lit up is always one of my most memorable!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  13. #13
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I hear you amiga! You know, the world is a beautiful place and I have been blessed to see many wonderful things. Flying into Tromso in the late evening with all the lights of the bay lit up is always one of my most memorable!

    Yes looking forward on my 1st step to Norway

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  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You'll love it....did he mention the Sun sets in November and rises in February? That's a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng night. Why do you think they build Volvo's with the lights on 24/7 in that part of the world?
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    I had a Volvo estate, years ago....

    Worst car I ever owned.....

    The only thing that never needed fixing were the lights on 24/7.....

  16. #16
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    hi grace, just wondering are u in norway already? Still waiting for my visa here.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi Gracia,

    When I moved here in UK, I didnt bring much clothes, i wont be using it anyway bec of the cold weather besides the clothes here are more trendy. I find my clothes out of fashion so I ended up buying clothes here. I did bring some of my favorites shirts and trainers and some pambahay clothes like tank tops and shorts but thats it.

    You might want to bring some pix of your family bec I did ask my Mum to post me my collection of photo albums from Phil. Some delatas as well, like corned beef and sardines I love those bottled tuyo and sardines that you can buy in Rustans. And of course my favorite cheese Clover!! I always ask someone to buy me that from Phil. So pack more food than clothes

  18. #18
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    hiya gracia!when i came here i only fetch big bottle of 'mane n' tail' shampoo and conditioner.some whitening lotions,ponds cream and facial scrub,some of our medicine there[medicol,neozep,vicks vaporub,omega pain killer,salonpas,etc etc]and of course some nights clothes and 3 days after we bought my clothes here for the winter.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia_006 View Post
    Hi! before joining your husband or fiancee, what are the preparations that you do?

    what did you do with all the stuff, the clothes, the shoes that you cant bring with you when you leave the Philippines.

    Just want to ask ideas from you guys because i am having a hard time letting go of all this things....

    Give aways some of your clothes and shoes except those favorite ones and with sentimental value to you then the rest keep it in the wardrobe so that when you go back for your holiday in the future you do not need to bring lots of clothes with you. You can bring more pasalubong and souvenirs with you.
    I took few pairs of shoes with me as shoes especially leather one is very expensive in the UK.

  20. #20
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    [QUOTE=magking;70250]We will live in Vestby, just south of Oslo.[QUOTE]

    I worked in Oslo for many months over the winter.

    It was often -25 deg in the morning whilst walking through the city.

    It seems to get you in the ears more than the face.

    Make sure you get a hat with warm ear flaps....That is a MUST

  21. #21
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia_006 View Post
    Hi! before joining your husband or fiancee, what are the preparations that you do?
    what did you do with all the stuff, the clothes, the shoes that you cant bring with you when you leave the Philippines.
    Just want to ask ideas from you guys because i am having a hard time letting go of all this things....
    Leave most of it there the first thing you will do when you get here is SHOPPING
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  22. #22
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hirokf View Post
    hi grace, just wondering are u in norway already? Still waiting for my visa here.

    hi! I am still here in the Philippines, unfortunately things didnt come up as expected, but hopefully early next year i can come be reunited again with my husband.

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  23. #23
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    hiya gracia!when i came here i only fetch big bottle of 'mane n' tail' shampoo and conditioner.some whitening lotions,ponds cream and facial scrub,some of our medicine there[medicol,neozep,vicks vaporub,omega pain killer,salonpas,etc etc]and of course some nights clothes and 3 days after we bought my clothes here for the winter.

    Yes! i am thinking to bring this stuff, those beauty products that i am used with hehehe. like creamsilk for my hair and myfavorite whitening lotion:-)

    About all my clothes and other stuff, i plan to just keep it in my cabinets, and when i will come back here i will not bring that much clothes anymore instead il bring more pasalubong.

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    hi grace, sad to hear that. by the way, where did u apply? manila or cebu? I applied last sept for fiancee visa in manila and my fiancee called udi 2 weeks ago i think and they said that my application was already there in norway( actually take 2 months to get my application in norway) and told him that its currently with the police. he emailed the police and they replied that it would take up to 8 months to process the visa and they might interview him. I dunno if what could be the other possible reasons that the processing would be delayed. if it wont be too personal, i would love to hear some from you

    by the way grace, u mentioned before that u know someone who applied for fiancee visa. hows did it go? is she in norway already? how long did it take her to get her visa?

    best regards and yeah let's not lose our hopes that we will be with our loved ones soon

    keep the faith!

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    and by the way about the stuffs u would bring in norway, just bring lil of yours since last time when i went there I have no room for "pasalubong" anymore so i ended up leaving most of my stuffs there. excess baggage is 2,000 php per kilo so i told him id rather leave some of my things and use the money to shop here in the philippines than paying it for my excess baggage, find it practical that way

    never thought of balikbayan box that time, i am not sure if theres any in oslo though. i hope there's some so next time i wont find it hard to bring lots of stuffs back home.

  26. #26
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Give aways some of your clothes and shoes except those favorite ones and with sentimental value to you then the rest keep it in the wardrobe so that when you go back for your holiday in the future you do not need to bring lots of clothes with you. You can bring more pasalubong and souvenirs with you.
    I took few pairs of shoes with me as shoes especially leather one is very expensive in the UK.
    Great advice.

    Both the Wife and I do that now. leave clothes in phill so when we go out our suitcases are full of presents and what not.

    I know some couples would just go with to carry on suitcases so they check in and out quicker. They send over a box with all the other pressies and what not.

  27. #27
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hirokf View Post
    hi grace, sad to hear that. by the way, where did u apply? manila or cebu? I applied last sept for fiancee visa in manila and my fiancee called udi 2 weeks ago i think and they said that my application was already there in norway( actually take 2 months to get my application in norway) and told him that its currently with the police. he emailed the police and they replied that it would take up to 8 months to process the visa and they might interview him. I dunno if what could be the other possible reasons that the processing would be delayed. if it wont be too personal, i would love to hear some from you

    best regards and yeah let's not lose our hopes that we will be with our loved ones soon

    keep the faith!
    Hei! I submitted my application at manila and i could say that the people there are not that accomodating

    After two months of submitting my application in Manila i recieved a rejection letter.

    I re applied last october and after a month our papres are in Norway already and soon my husband is schedule for interview

    it would take long here in the Philippines, because they have to verified the papers that you submitted like your MC, birth certificate, school diploma etc.

    Sometimes the waiting is just hard but i know one day its all worth it :-)

    Good luck to both of us :-)

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  28. #28
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    hi Grace, thanks for the infos! well u know I agree with you. staffs in manila embassy are not that great, i prefer cebu eventhough i actually applied in manila. i remember before when i called the embassy in manila to inquire about the tourist visa i was so upset because the girl who answered the phone intimidated me. i couldnt get enough information from her, so I asked my fiancee to call them and he told me that they were so nice to him( which i find it unfair). i tried calling cebu and they were so accomodating. so from then on, whenever i have inquiries i called embassy cebu instead rather than calling manila. i met someone from the cfo seminar and she told me that when she applied in manila embassy there were lots of girls who were discriminated by the staffs there esp those girls who doesnt look appealing to them. When I told my fiancee about it he even felt bad. I dont think norwegians would like their girls to be treated like that. so whenever I go there, I make sure I look good in front of them so I wont get intimidated and I also make sure I have all the requirements on hand and it actually worked.

    right now my papers are also in norway and actually with the police. they will interview him one of these days maybe. so I hope everything will just go smooth.

    and thanks for telling me that you know someone who got her visa in 5 months I miss being with my honey so I wish I can go back there soon. Its been couple of years already since we had been keeping up with this long distance relationship and I think we deserve to be together forever.

    yeah, good luck to both of us and to all those who are also waiting for their visa ill keep u posted with my application thanks a lot!

  29. #29
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hirokf View Post
    hi Grace, thanks for the infos! well u know I agree with you. staffs in manila embassy are not that great, i prefer cebu eventhough i actually applied in manila. i remember before when i called the embassy in manila to inquire about the tourist visa i was so upset because the girl who answered the phone intimidated me. i couldnt get enough information from her, so I asked my fiancee to call them and he told me that they were so nice to him( which i find it unfair). i tried calling cebu and they were so accomodating. so from then on, whenever i have inquiries i called embassy cebu instead rather than calling manila. i met someone from the cfo seminar and she told me that when she applied in manila embassy there were lots of girls who were discriminated by the staffs there esp those girls who doesnt look appealing to them. When I told my fiancee about it he even felt bad. I dont think norwegians would like their girls to be treated like that. so whenever I go there, I make sure I look good in front of them so I wont get intimidated and I also make sure I have all the requirements on hand and it actually worked.

    right now my papers are also in norway and actually with the police. they will interview him one of these days maybe. so I hope everything will just go smooth.

    and thanks for telling me that you know someone who got her visa in 5 months I miss being with my honey so I wish I can go back there soon. Its been couple of years already since we had been keeping up with this long distance relationship and I think we deserve to be together forever.

    yeah, good luck to both of us and to all those who are also waiting for their visa ill keep u posted with my application thanks a lot!
    Oh yeah you are right!, the 2nd time i was there, we had a small arguement with the girl at window 2 and i was already firm and insisted to submit the documents which my husband told me and which the UDI tells him. and it works :-) Glad i have the guts on my 2nd visit....

    thier policy are not consistent and it really makes me felt bad too :-(

    bTW, where are you here in the Philippines?

    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

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    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I thought it would be difficult letting my mum go......

    .....but it was quite easy dropping her out at 10,000ft without a parachute
    Keith - Administrator

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